Monday, April 27, 2020

This week's work

Please see Schoology for copies of the study guides that were given out before we left school (some of you did not receive yours until much later).  Please type your answers and upload on Schoology. Thank you!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The rest of the school year

So what will this mean for us? In the coming days I will reach out to you via your CPS email to let you know what this means for Modern World History class. Minimally, I will be posting blog pages daily and expect that you will read or listen to the content and then thoughtfully respond to the prompts. More information will come in the following days. 
Make sure to check your email daily and 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Expectations for posting responses on the blog

Dr. Amy Acton, Director of Health, Ohio Department of Health, March 22, 2020

Hope everyone is doing well and staying home during this difficult time. Dr. Acton has been a very clear and calm voice here in Ohio. When we can't possibly know answers (and we just don't know all the answers yet), she has been great at giving us information that lets us know that there are experts who are making sound decisions based on analysis of scientific data. We are lucky to have very smart people like Dr. Acton looking out for us!

Seems like most people have started posting. This is good! Now would be a good time to review the expectations for posting on this blog.

  • Use your CPS email and make sure you are logged in to Google and Blogger with your CPS email.
  • Be professional and appropriate. This is a public site that can be read by others. You are representing SCPA so take pride in your work. Best writing practices (ie: proofread!!) are expected.
  • You should be reading and watching the links on the blog page before responding to the prompt. Just slapping in a sentence that has no knowledge behind it or is your attempt to "wing it" at the last minute is disrespectful to your classmates and those who have taken the time to try and learn about the content.
  • Prompts require that you answer the questions with the sophistication of a 9th grader. You need to make an argument and provide evidence for that point of view. Simply posting a one sentence answer that merely restates the question doe not indicate that you are giving your best work. 
  • You should also be reading the responses of your classmates. In the coming days I will ask you to comment on what others have suggested. Again, a solid argument requires that you have read or listened to the material and that you have taken the time to answer prompts thoughtfully. This will be how I assess if you are doing the work. 
  • If you have questions about the content you can respond on the Home page below or in your response on the prompt page. I am reading all responses as well so I will be able to answer you in a day or so. You can always email me at
I will be checking to see that you have responded to the prompts on Friday evenings. Please make sure to complete your thoughtful comments by the end of the day (11:59pm).

Stay healthy!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Modern World History: The Corona Virus Version

As we head into the end of this year my hope is that everyone is healthy and doing well with "staying in place". While 4th quarter is always very busy at SCPA, this is a whole new level of "things we weren't expecting".  Consequently I am going to provide you with some artifacts to help you consider the topics we would have studied had we been in school. 

My only expectation is that you will look at the posts and pages (at the right side of the blog) that I will be providing in the days that come and that you will comment where asked. If you are interested in delving deeper into the topics, I can give you the projects that we would have done in class and you can extend your knowledge.

Make sure you are logged in using your CPS gmail account. 
Comments from non-CPS emails will be deleted. 
Keep in mind that this is a public blog and we need to use best practices in posting.

I will be checking to see that you have responded to the prompts on Friday evenings. Please make sure to complete your thoughtful comments by the end of the day (11:59pm).

Stay Healthy!