May 4, 2020: May the Fourth Be With You!

"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" 

In 1977 a little movie came out that would change how people viewed watching films and how technology was used to make them. The Star Wars franchise has grown into a massive  media force (pun intended). The cultural impact of Star Wars cannot be underestimated. 

Today's prompt: Who is your favorite Star Wars character and why do you like them? 

If you have never seen any of the Star Wars films to have an opinion, check out the Rolling Stone's 50 Best Star Wars Characters and find one. Many of these characters have become iconic and since Disney now owns the rights to all things Star Wars you can find them just about anywhere.


  1. My favorite Star Wars character is Princess Leia. I really like her because she stands up for her people making her a wonderful leader on top of that she fight pretty well.

  2. I cannot truly answer this question because I have never watched Star Wars. My family is big into Star Trek and my friends haven't forced me to watch it yet. If I had to guess though I think Princess Leia would be my favorite because from what I know she is an independent thinker and can stand up for herself.

  3. My favorite star wars character is Rey. She is a very strong and hard working character and she battles the good and evil in her own head. Also I really like Daisy Ridely, the actor who plays her.

  4. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, but my Family loves everything Star Wars. They are actually watching it right now. Since they watch it all the time, I know a good amount of characters. One of my favorite characters is Mace Windu. I like Mace Windu, because he is the only jedi with a Purple lightsaber, and purple is my favorite color. I also like Mace Windu because he had lots of power. Lastly, one of my dogs' names is Mace Windu, because my family loves Star Wars. (my other dog's name is Adi Gallia, another Star Wars character.)

  5. Darth Vader is the best character in Star Wars. He is the most powerful force user. Even though he turned to the dark side, he still saved Luke, which makes him a hero. He understook the force and understood why the ways of Jedi wasn't really a good way, even though everyone thinks it is. he was able to see the evils of the Jedi and how messed up their rules were. They wanted to use him for his powers, but he wasnt allowed to love and he had to be married in secret, which is messed up. even though he turned to the dark side, he understood there needs to be balance between the syth and the jedi.

  6. I don’t watch stars wars much, but I did watch one of the latest movies “The Rise of Skywalker”. I gonna say that my favorite character is Rey. I like how strong and brave she, and she has a whole a lot of confidence in herself. My favorite part of the Star Wars movie is seeing her in these epic fights with Kyle Ren.

  7. Boba Fett is my favorite characters because he is one of the greatest bounty hunters out there(other than Bossk). He has worked with so many people and even Darth Vader hired him. Darth Vader is the second biggest sith in the Universe(the first being Emperor Palpitine)and he hired Boba Fett to do something for him. Note that Darth Vader could easily just search for them and kill them all with his force choke. Yet he decide to hire someone that specialises at this stuff.

  8. I have never seen Star Wars, but my favorite character is jabba the hutt. He looks like a big squishy ball that I just want to go up and give a big hug to. I don't know much about his character, but from what I read he was known as one of the "most powerful gangsters". Although it says that he eventually falls to his own vengeful ways, it seems as though his tactics made him very powerful in the beginning. I usually like the villains in the story because they don't really care about anything and tend to be the funny ones able to make jokes.

  9. My favorite Star Wars character is Han Solo. I really love Princess Leia because of how much of a powerful feminist she is. However, I would have to say that Han Solo is probably one of the coolest fictional characters I have ever seen. Watching him fight is so liberating and all of his one-liners are so so awesome.

  10. I like BB8! He is a little robot that is round so he rolls everywhere, and I wish I could roll everywhere:)))) and he is very smart and helpful. And is so cute. And everyone loves him. And he plays a huge part in the newest movies. So I think he caught my eye because he is orange and white. His colors pop!

  11. BB8 is my favorite star wars character because he's just so adorable and he is a goofy droid! i would say R2D2, but BB8 has more thing thats in him that helps the jedi more than R2D2!

  12. I'm not really that much into Star Wars, but I've seen a couple movies, and judging from them, I would have to say that my favorite character is either Princess Leia, because she clearly knows how to stand up for herself and defend her own beliefs, or Yoda, because he is willing to train so many Jedi and is very patient and wise.

  13. My favorite Star Wars character is Darth Vader. Before he turned to the dark side he was practically the most powerful Jedi and force user. He even got more powerful as a sith. So powerful, that when the emperor found him at the end of episode 3, he was put in an extremely slow and painful suit that limited him from overpowering the emperor and taking over his leadership. Even with the suit, Darth Vader was still one of the most powerful characters in Star Wars.

  14. My favorite Star Wars character was always Princess Leia. When I was younger I looked up to her because she was such a strong a fearless role model. Leia was a dedicated leader, and something about that really appealed to me.

  15. I know nothing about Star Wars, but my favorite character based on the little I know is Princess Leia, because I’ve heard she’s strong and stands up for herself

  16. My favorite Star Wars character is Padmé Amidala because is was a queen and a senator, while also being a fighter. I think she also has some of the best outfits in the series. She was also a great leader and fought hard for love.

  17. I don't watch star wards at all but I guess my favorite character was Princess Leia. I never watched it but I heard of her so... I like her hairstyle.

  18. My favorite character would have to be Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was very patient, had wisdom, and was disciplined. He's also very cautious as well with teaching Luke because of what happened with Anakin. But he did it anyway; he was a big influence on Luke and he wouldn't be the same if he never met Obi.

  19. I don’t like Star Wars. But if I had to pick one character I guess it would be Yoda because he talks funny.

  20. My favorite character is Darth Vader, mostly because I like the dark side better. And I feel like he would such a fun character to play. Plus in the end he ends up doing something good. So, in a way he redeems himself. Finally, I love his costume!

  21. My favorite Star Wars character has got to be Kylo Ren because even if he was a bad guy at first he redeemed himself in the end and also because I love the actor and he is amazing.

  22. I like BB-8 because even though I have never seen the movies I think he is cute

  23. My favorite Star Wars character is Yoda. He's my favorite because even though he is smaller in size, which i can relate to very much! He still is very powerful and wise.

  24. I dont have a favorite star wars character because i dont watch the movies

  25. When I was little I was obsessed with Princess Lea! Though, as I’ve gotten older I’m starting to like Luke more because his story ark was put together beautifully!

  26. My favorite character is jabba the hutt because he looks like me

  27. Chewbacca, because he's different, and funny and heroic. He loves his friends and he's super sweet. Also the audience can't understand him, but in a way you can. And he's a big furry wookie.

  28. My favorite Star Wars character would probably be Han Solo. His background story when he meets Chewbacca is one of my favorite parts from any of the movies. I also like his story with his son.

  29. My favorite character is Luke Skywalker, because he's such a heartthrob and knows how to fight with a lightsaber.

  30. To be completely honest with you here i'm a loser and iv'e never seen any of the movies. I think I just boycott Star Wars because may 4th is my birthday and they want to claim it as their day when its mine. Anyways iv'e never seen the movies so I can't say that I have a favorite character.

  31. I am not a huge star wars fan but from commercials and clips I’ve saw my favorite character is darth Vader . I think his outfit is very nice and his voice is cool.

  32. My favorite is Boba Fett. He's just cool. And he never shows his face, so that makes him cooler.

  33. My favorite stars wars character id Yoda. Yoda was a legendary Jedi Master and stronger than most in his connection with the Force. Small in size but wise and powerful, he trained Jedi for over 800 years, playing integral roles in the Clone Wars, the instruction of Luke Skywalker, and unlocking the path to immortality. That my favorite things about him.

  34. Never got into Star Wars but I do think R2-D2 is a cool android. I hear that he's brave and helps his allies whenever they are in need despite being a 3.6' robot.

  35. Boba fett because while he isn't a good guy by today's standards he did have his moments and he also had the coolest voice and role in star wars

  36. My favorite character in star wars is Darth Vader!! Although I have never ever watched star wars Darth vader has a unique reason for being evil and hes half cyborg so that is pretty cool.

  37. I am not a fan of star wars I haven't seen any of the movies but I like Yoda because he's cute.

  38. My favorite character is Boba Fett because he is super cool and he is a bounty hunter and at one point he had the dark saber and it is super powerful.

  39. My favorite star wars character is Darth vader, he is super cool and the most powerful

  40. I don't watch Star Wars at all but I think Darth Maul's lightsaber is pretty cool. I don't know if he's good or bad but I just like the lightsaber.

  41. I don't really watch star wars but a character I like would be Chewbacca because he’s pretty cool

  42. Death vader/ Anakin Skywalker is my favorite character because he is the most powerful. During his time he killed 3 dark side followers and 8 Jedi along with many other non force users. He is the deadliest character in star wars. The original Skywalker

  43. I have never watched Star Wars before, but by looking at the website I have came to a conclusion that I liked the character Yoda. To be specific baby Yoda because he’s really cute. I like how realistic Yoda looks in the movie. It helps every thing seem more real. I also like how wide Yoda is. He helps the movie and story line move along from the clips I have watched. To conclude Yoda is my favorite Star Wars character.

  44. My favorite star wars character is princess leia because her hair is iconic and beautiful.

  45. I've never seen star wars but my favorite would have to be BB-8 because of how cute it looks or Q'ira. I read her backstory and she seems like a really strong female character, plus I love the actor that plays her.

  46. My favorite Star Wars character is Princess Leia. She is my favorite, because she is played by one of my favorite actresses Carrie Fisher. I also love her because she represents the strength and power women have.

  47. My favorite character is baby yodi because he is cute

  48. My favorite is Darth vador because his breathing makes me laugh

  49. I don’t wtach Star Wars and since I don’t u derstand the show I hate it. But I like Yoda because he looks wierd and I like he looks like something is wrong with him.

  50. My favorite star wars characters are C-3PO and R2D2. I like their comedic relief and their scenes together.

  51. My favorite Star Wars character is Darth Revan. Darth Revan was born 4,000 years before a new hope, and they are my favorite because they have awesome armor, and they have the best Star Wars game ever.

  52. Princess leia because of her outfits.

  53. Princess leia because she's pretty and she's really strong and heroic. She represents women in a really good way.

  54. While I haven't watched Star Wars in years, I enjoyed most of the original movies when I was younger. (Some people used to call me Anakin) But my favorite character now would probably be Luke Skywarker, R2D2, or Princess Leia. They're pretty simple characters that I've always found amusing and fun. Easy heroes to look up to. However, when I was little my favorite characters were the ewoks! I thought that they were so cute.

  55. I am very entertained by C-3P0 and how he interacts with droids, jedis, and humans. I like him because he is always freaking out and complaining to R2-D2

  56. I haven't watched star wars ever in my life.

    1. Please read the directions for what to do if you are not familiar with Star Wars.

  57. My favorite star wars character Is probably R2D2 because Its a robot that can make funny noises and also has another robot friend. R2D2 and C3-PO are the iconic duo of friends and I love that.

  58. My favorite character would probably be Oola because she is literally one of my favorite colors. And she is very pretty in her own way and she keeps striving even tho she is gonna die.

  59. My favorite charter is Rey. Rey is one bad mammma jamma she is a strong woman in star wars and a very high importance. She cares about the people she loves and is nice but she also is a strong person and knows when to fight and be serious. She can turn her emotion on and off and i love how strong and independent she is. She is diffidently a role model in life with her caring but strong personality.

  60. My favorite character from Star wars is Princess Leia because she is like a role model. She is brave and heroic.

  61. I have never watched star wars but yoda is so cute and he looks squishy so i pick yoda.

  62. I can’t choose one because I don’t like Star Wars and I have only seen half of one of the movies. But if I had to choose it would be Chewbacca because he is very heroic.

  63. Darth maul because he has better control of the force and has better lightsaber skills than anyone. (in my opinion.)

  64. My siblings and I tried to start the Star Wars series, but then my oldest sibling left for college and wouldn’t let us watch it without them. So, I don’t have a favorite. But I really like doing an impression of Darth Vader, so, I guess him.
