April 17, 2020: What to do?

Cincinnati Art Museum, Eden Park

How is everything going at your house? Have you found any activities or routines that you find especially useful? For today I would like you to choose an art museum around the world and go on a virtual visit.

Choose one local, one national, and one international museum and explore their website. Here are some ideas but feel free to pick a different one and if you want to add it in the posts, I can add it to this list. Prompt is listed below.

Local Art Museums/Galleries
Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati *
Taft Museum of Art, Cincinnati *
The Contemporary Art Center, Cincinnati *
Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park, Cincinnati

American Art Museums
MOMA, New York City *
The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago *
The Broad, Los Angeles
The Guggenheim Museum *
LACMA, Los Angeles
Museum of Fine Art, Boston *
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia *
National Gallery, Washington DC *
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington DC *
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco *
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland *
Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis *
High Museum of Art, Atlanta *
The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City *
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington DC *
Seattle Art Museum, Seattle *
The Met, New York City *
Brooklyn Museum, New York City *

International Art Museums *
The Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid *
The Louvre, Paris
Tate Modern, London *
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
The National Gallery, London *
Musee d'Orsay, Paris *
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo
Uffizi Gallerie, Florence *
The Mauritshuis, The Hague
Reine Sofia, Madrid *
Palace Museum, Beijing *
Singapore Art Museum, Singapore

* = I have been to this museum and can contend that it is a cool place to visit!

Today's prompt: What purpose do art museums play in a society and why should we care about art in a history class? Tell us about one piece of art that you saw online for the first time and how it made you feel.


  1. Art is important to a history class because it gives us a perspective of different amounts from different places, especially from different places. Much like the renaissance, which gave them a period to explore appreciating the body, was a big artistic period in history. The website I went to was The Met in New York. I saw "Ugolino and His Sons" which was a sculpture made by Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux in 1860. When I read the description of the sculpture it shocked me because the sculpture was used to depict Ugolino and his sons starving while impersonated. The sculpture also shocked me because they made the stone look as if it would be soft because if you look closely his sons were pushing their hands into his legs and you could see the dents.

  2. The purpose of art museums in a society is because they can show history and show perspectives people have had over the course of time in different things. This is why art is important in history class so we can see and learn about these things. I went to the Art institute of Chicago page and the one I saw was called Distant View Of Niagara Falls. It was made in 1830 by Thomas Cole. This painting was interesting because in the description it describes that what he painted wasn't exactly what he saw. He added people in it to represent events in the world. It's an interesting painting.

  3. We learn about art in history because it can show details about a certain event. It can also represent cultures or a period of time. I saw the Golden Teardrop from the Singapore Art Museum. It is. based of a desert introduced to the Siamese court in the 17 century. It is a large installment of 6000 golden tears are formed to be shaped like a teardrop. It made me feel small, and only focused at this point in time, not what is happening in the world right now.

  4. Art in history class is importance because art shows us the importance of culture and shows us pictures of historical events. Art has a lot of symbolism in history. Art museums show lets us see the beauty of art within and help them to show its culture. Art museums let everyone to see the educational and historic purposes of it and lets everyone embrace the arts. The art website I was on was MOMA museum of arts in New York. One of the first artworks I saw was the surrealist painting “ Two children threatened by a nightingale” by Max Ernst in 1924. Reading the description made me shocked when the meaning of nightingale meant death and hallucinations. The painting really impressed me because the colors are so vivid and I like how the house and fence are popping up and look at the people on this painting. The painting has shown me by reading the description it has a very dark meaning. Overall I love this painting and I wish I can paint something like that.

  5. art serves as an important piece of society because it can teach us about pass events with an important part of history. It is good to care about art in history cause it gives us a visual representation of a symbol that shares us information on the past. My favorite piece of art is the Mona Lisa painting because its very detailed and its one of the only art pieces ive looked at and actually liked

    1. It is a fascinating piece of art! I would like you look at three web sites and choose one piece of art that you saw for the first time and let us know how you feel about it.

    2. a piece of art that caught my attention was "All Things About Being Equal" by Hank Willis Thomas because it shows how someone was starting to win victory but there was another person trying to bring him down

  6. Art museums do have a purpose in society. They show the important artists that are very talented. They show perspective on what the art is about. Art can teach you about history. They usually have descriptions next to the art at museums. That tells you when it was made and what it is about and who it’s by. The art can be just abstract or can be of something that is related to the artist or has to do with something that happened in history. The website I looked at was the Brooklyn museum in New York City. The painting in that showed is called A view of the two lakes and mountain house, catskill mountains, morning. By Thomas Cole 1800-1880 this painting is a popular focal point of catskill tourism- the mountain house, opened in 1824 the title shows the time to be morning recalling the fact that the visitors were roused at day break to observe the sunrise over the Hudson River. This painting makes me feel calm. I had never seen that piece of art before today which was cool. It has a lot of detail.

  7. Art museums play a big part in society. Art let's people express themselves and lets people see other people's masterpieces, old or new. Art is very important in history. It shows us events that happened during many different past times and also shows us many people from the past. This helps us understand what things and people looked like during that time so we can have a deeper understanding. I looked in The Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid. I saw this beautiful piece of art called The Three Graces by Peter Paul Rubens. It pictured three not so skinny women, and I absolutely loved that. Usually all the people want to paint these skinny women because that's what society thinks is the definition of beautiful. I loved that Mr. Rubens decided to go a different route with what women actually look like. This made me feel inspired because not every painter is willing to do something as beautiful as this painting.

  8. Art museums are sources of history. Art tells us what people were thinking and doing at the time. Art is important in history because history is art, art is what is manifested through history. Art firms progress through time to show the ideological changes. A piece of art I saw for the first time was Medusa by Leonardo De Vinci. It made me feel repulsive to see a head, supposedly tithing in pain, lying there decapitated with a face of eternal shock.


  9. Art history is extremely important. We can use it to learn about different cultures, find out about society at different times that different pieces are made, and art can help us all connect. Art doesn’t just have to be visual either, all these things apply to music, writing, architecture. One of my favorite paintings, Christina’s World, was once shown to me in art class as an example for perspective. It immediately inspired me, and it’s not one of my favorite paintings.

    1. It is a lovely painting! I would like you to look at three web sites and choose one piece of art that you saw for the first time and let us know how you feel about it.

  10. Art is a primary source n our natural history. We should care about art because it tells us a piece of history. "Touched by his Noodly Appendage" This is a parody of "Creation of Adam" by a religion known as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. This piece is really inspirational in a comical way. It made me feel really artistic and that I could create my own story through art even with a parody art.

  11. Art Museums have a great purpose in our society today. They display amazing art and artifacts from the past. The purpose of each piece of artwork in museums, is to keep the world's endowment. The work allows newer artists to continue the legacy of the breath-taking art. We should continue to learn about art in history class, because art tells a story of events that happened in the past. Take Pablo Picasso's "Guernica", for example. The piece of work that caught my attention was from Le Gallerie Degli Uffizi. Giuseppe Bezzuoli's painting started in the Neoclassical style, and other times, it represented a painting in the romantic era.

  12. Art Museums, show us the past. It takes you back to a century you've never known before. They show us the social cues of a century where we weren't alive. Art is important in history, because it exposes you to different cultures, it makes you take a different approach, puts you in someone else's shoes. I looked at the art museum in Boston, and saw Medicine Buddha. I thought this is crazy cool, someone took hours, days, most likely months to make this. And it's so rare someone does that nowadays, without a machine. And that's just the society we live in. Looking at it made me want to one, go to a museum, two it made me happy, and three made me interested to see the process of the creation.

  13. Art Museums preserve art and can be used to educate. We can use art to learn so many things including, learning about the feelings of people during the time it was made. In history class its important to understand the views of the world and art can express how places feel about a topic. A new art piece for me was, "Breakfast with a Crab", by Willem Claesz. This piece shows me a sign of someone being there even though they are not pictured. It gives me the sense of someone leaving. In the piece the table cloth is wrinkled up and drinking goblet is turned over, which reminds me of someone being finished and moving onto a new chapter.

  14. Art is important to society because people enjoy it, its a way of expression, adn we can learn from it. It is important to history class beacuse it can give us an idea of what life was like and tells us about propoganda that was used.
    I looked at a painting called Old Woman and Boy with Candle. It is at The Mauritshuis, The Hague. It is a nice painting and reminds me of my Nana.

  15. Art is a way for everyone to come together and connect. It helps to show feeling. It is important in history because, it gives you a look into what life was like for them, or the horrors the experienced. I remember when I watched an episode of Doctor Who and they went back a visited Vincent Van Gogh. I really enjoyed the episode so i looked him up a little more in depth. I saw this picture of his bedroom and for some reason I loved it. It was just so simple, but it showed how he lived and how he portrayed his life. I loved it so much!

  16. Art museums not only serve as an enlightening way to pass time, but they also educate the public about other cultures and periods of time. By better understanding how others feel/ felt, we can connect more as a world. Art can spark emotion in a person like nothing else. We should care about art in history class because, again, it can teach us about social class, status, economics, fashion, and so much more in a culture. I decided to visit the Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park in Cincinnati, because that was the one link under Cincinnati that I haven't been to. I saw a collection of statue pieces called "Auspicious Behavior" by Chakaia Booker. The sculptures almost looked haunting, sort of like they were living. I could tell that Booker was influenced by nature, or at least that's what it looked like. I wondered why they were called "Auspicious Behavior". I don't know, something about how mysterious they are just really caught my eye.

  17. Art museums are important because they preserve great pieces, and inspire others. Art can have an impression on people, and inspire others to make art. The artists want the audience to feel something in their work. We can see the emotions of the artist being expressed through their work. Art is important in history because we can learn facts from a book, but with art, we can see how the people at the time really felt. We can learn a bout the people during a historical event through art. I went to The Art Institute of Chicago website and saw Forest and Sun by Max Ernst. I really liked this piece. It looked like thick trunk trees pushed together, but in the center there is a sun that does not shine bright. The whole forest is dark even though the sun is out. This piece felt unsettling. the dim sun is what made this piece catch my attention.

  18. Art museums help show a understanding for different things that have happened in the past. They help educate us on different monumental moments and they show a deeper understanding and appreciation for different events. At the Cincinnati Contemporary Art Museum I saw an exhibit that was full of clowns and at first the images scared me because of how real the clowns looked but I looked closer at how amazing the art work was and than i grew and appreciation for the art work was and I loved it .

  19. The purpose that art museums play in society is to be a window to the world. When you answer an art museum you see creativity from all places among each other. You get a sense of not only places around you, but the people in them. Art museums allow you to connect to the word creatively and to see it in a new light. Art should be cared for in history class because it shapes and reflects the course of history. Political comics and propaganda posters are an example of how people expressed their views, and manipulated those of viewers. Pieces like Picasso's Guernica illustrate the detriment of war and make a statement about who we are as humans. Additionally art is a representation of culture, societal rules, ways of life, beliefs and traditions. By looking at art in history class we can understand the place or event we are studying not just objectively and politically, but socially and creatively.
    The museum I visited was The Broad in Los Angeles. I looked at a piece called “Gym Interior” by Mike Kelly. (2005 mixed media with video and photography) When I saw the piece it made me feel captivated and inspired. The piece sticks with me in the way it looks whimsical but it's also tackling multiple themes and representations. The photographs of the people with energy in their faces illuminated with high exposure and bright colors was really interesting to look at. It was something new and unconventional. The way the photography contrasts the more muted bodies of sculpture that accompanied it sticks with me in the way that it represents the brighter and duller facets of the world. It also shows how reality crosses the line into fantasy, which is a theme I really enjoy.

  20. We should care about art in history because it shows what’s important to the artist or what their environment is like, and history is about learning and understanding the past. I viewed “Kiss me and You’ll Kiss the ‘Lasses”. It made me feel very happy and comfortable because of the woman’s smile.

  21. The purpose of Art museums in today's society is to show artifacts, art, and information about past important events and people through forms of art. It is important in history class because art helps us get a better understanding about how people were feeling/expressing themselves in that specific time period. The first piece of art I saw was a Japanese painting known as The Illustration Of Hell. At one end of the painting there appears to be men sitting around a table summoning a naked devil, and at the other end of the painting there seems to be a king being worshipped by followers. Both of these images are separated by Japanese text and lettering. When I first saw the painting I felt uneasy because of the naked devil, but I became more fascinated as I looked at it.

  22. The purpose of art museums is to show the different types of paintings that many artists overtime have made. They show how painting techniques have developed over time to what they are today. They show how many different artists had their own techniques that made their works of art unique. Art museums also show history of many major things that happened in our world. They show things that we may not even know about and they help us learn about this things in a different way. For some people like me it can be easier to understand things with a visual. They also present to us many artists that were amazing during their time but we may not even heard of before. We can also learn how people in different areas before us did art art. Their definition of art may be different than what ours is today. The art museums can help us learn what’s different about them. The website I looked at was the national Gallery in Washington DC. I looked at the painting Tomorrow I may be far away painted by Romare Bearden. I liked this painting because if you look at it in many different ways you will always see something different . The drawing leaves the person looking at the artwork some room to use their own imagination. This artwork doesn’t have an exact drawing on it, there are many different things on it to look at. This artwork makes me feel optimistic. This artist of this artwork made the people looking at the artwork have to use their brain to create the piece of art. Personally this painting is really good and is the type of art I like because it’s different. It is a very fascinating piece of art and I recommend that you look at it.

  23. Art museums provide a perspective of moments or ideas in history that can add a level of depth to the time. Art history is one of the most important aspects of history because of how much it can tell about a certain time period/event. We study it for that reason exactly. Through art, we learn about other cultures as well. As said above, through art we gain perspective. In The Mauritshuis, there is an exhibit titled, "George Stubbs - The man, the horse, the obsession." Within this exhibit is a piece (actually two pieces) under "The Obsession." They picture two versions of a horse. In the first piece, we see the muscles and rib cage of a horse along with a thin layer of skin covering them. In the second piece, we are shown just the skeleton of a horse (I am not sure if it's the same horse). The pieces make me feel uneasy in contrast to the pieces above it, which are more realism and show humans interacting with horses in an everyday manor. In these particular pieces, I feel more drawn into "the obsession" and feel very connected to the horse, as I can see what is inside it's body. I get sort of an ominous feel from the pieces mostly because they are placed under "The Obsession" section of the exhibit.

  24. The motivation behind art museums in the present society is to show artifacts, workmanship, and information about past important occasions and individuals through types of craftsmanship. It is important in history class since workmanship encourages us show signs of improvement understanding about how individuals were feeling/expressing themselves in that specific time period. The first piece of workmanship I saw was a Japanese painting known as The Illustration Of Damnation. Toward one side of the painting there gives off an impression of being men sitting around a table summoning a naked devil, and at the opposite finish of the painting there is by all accounts a king being worshipped by devotees. Both of these images are isolated by Japanese content and lettering. At the point when I first observed the painting I felt uncomfortable as a result of the naked devil, yet I turned out to be increasingly fascinated as I took a gander at it.

  25. Art is very important because it shows and gives us visuals of what the past was like for history and our past ancestors. I don’t have a favorite piece of art.

    1. I didn't ask you for a favorite piece of art. I asked that you look at three web sites and choose one piece of art that you saw for the first time and let us know how you feel about it.

  26. We need to continue to look at art and it’s details and meanings. Because they help us learn so much about the past and what happened. And I feel like all of that stuff causes us to really see the results that the past has given us today. And all art work tells a story, and has great meaning. It is important I’m history class, because most paintings focus on one main thing. And the things may very but they always tie back into history and the past. And we can always learn more about the past. It is also just awesome to learn about the past and how so many people affected it. The first artwork I saw was the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Davinci. It is a very famous painting, and it is known as an architectural masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance.

  27. Art is what tells us stories. It gives us an idea of how it was to live in the past. It also can bring up political views sending, giving a message. Art museums hold those stories and keep it’s beautiful pieces together. I also allows common people to view these paintings. By looking at these paintings we can glean information of past life. In doing research I came across a simple and elegant painting. The painting is know as the Gleaners. Made byJean Francois Millet in 1857. It is located in the Musée d'Orsay. It is an oil painting of three common women picking wheat from the ground. The harsh earth toned colors surrounding the young women as they are working add to the idea of the struggle. The golden yellow is what catches your eye guiding you to the women working on their land. As they pick up small pieces representing the common struggles for people at the time.


  28. They are a primary source and a window to the past allowing us to see and experience how things were. we should care for and treasure art history because it is essence in giving a visual and authentic way of learning. The art i found was titled Ducinea i first noticed the shade of color and then saw the people that looked bare it made me feel very intrigued and want to grasp a deeper understanding. The colors were very soft and calming

  29. Why art work is important because it shows what it was like in those times. Also some of the art work was painted during that event so we can also see what people saw instead of us guessing.The first painting online was the broken eggs it made me feel sad for some reason I don’t know why but it’s like the picture had feelings and that was one of the feelings that was coming off of it

  30. Art is important because it helps people connect that aren’t similar. For example me and my mother don’t see eye to eye on almost anything because we are very different people but we both enjoy architecture. So we drive around and look at those forms of art and we can communicate about them. The piece that stood out to me was the Inverted Pyramid from the Louvre in Paris. It’s not so much that it stood out but I enjoyed it most because it seems almost unreal and I know that it is but the feeling is different than anything else.

  31. Art museums are places to reflect, breath and enjoy what has been created or preserved in history. Many of those pieces tell a story, some stories we will know, some to learn about, and some stories that will continue to be a mystery for years to come. What stood out to me the most was.. The Swing by Jean-Honoré Fragonard. It's soo pretty, and it has such a romantic aura. It makes me appreciate love, and that it comes in different forms. Also the color scheme with the forest against the boy and girls clothes, is such a contrast that they stand out the most. And they way he looks at her makes me think... where of where is my king louie? :(

  32. Art museums are important to study in history class because they give us a feeling that we wouldn't get from just looking at a piece of artwork in a book. they can give us expercens for a life time. for the local museum i chose Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park, and the sculpture that really effected me was this big black 3D cube. the reason it appealed to me was because of its simplicity and how it just gave me a chance to take a breathe in this fast changing world that we live in. For the american museum i chose Museum of Fine Art and focused on their Islamic culture pieces. What caught my eye there was this 14th century egyptian door that looked like it had multiple suns on it. Even though they were ot vibrant in color, you could still feel the craftsmanship and empathy that went into creating the door.

  33. Art museums are important to study because they can be first hand accounts of things from the past. It provides a different way to learn rather than reading excerpts from a textbook. Analyzing art helps us to learn about the artist and the era. The first artwork I saw was the Mona Lisa by Leonardo DaVinci. I had heard about both the painting and artist because they are both very famous, but I never really analyzed it. It helps to show the amount class from that era and helps us to gain perspective.

  34. Museums display art to educate and inspire the people who view it. They put in the spotlight some of the most beautiful and creative artworks of our time and times past, to show the beauty of art, and to show people the history of art from past to present day. Art is very important when learning history. Looking at art from a certain period of time can open many doorways into understanding the people of that time and what they were feeling. Lots of art is a primary resource, just like any other document or writing. It can tell us what was happening during that time, the trends and movements that were going around, what people were feeling. Art history allows us to get a first person look at the culture and society of a certain time, which can be very valuable when trying to understand a part of history. When looking at renaissance art, you can see their ideals and beliefs in their paintings, just as you can see ours in our art. I looked through the MoMA art museum, as I’ve always wanted to go there, and one of the first pieces of art I saw was a piece by Alex Dodge titled Fashionable Scarves for Any Occasion. It’s really interesting in the way it plays with depth. Ii makes it seem like the scarf is a 3D object while also making it look flat. The red and blue pattern across the entire scarf gives it a really cool almost detached effect, like watching a 3D movie without 3D glasses.

  35. Art museums are important because it shows the evolution of artist now and back then. Also you can see what the artist was going through in the time period of when the painting was painted. Also it’s a different way of learning while you can see the history of it instead of reading about it in a textbook you can see it in your own eyes right in forming of you.

    1. Yes, that is very true. Please re-read the directions and repost.

  36. I think arts important because it gives us different points of view of different subjects. Like one time you showed us this painting, and it was all older men standing together. You told us the people in the painting were all painted at different times, not together. Some people were even facing a completely different direction.But then there was a different painting from the same artist, but it was a painting f actual soldiers. The people were all together, sleeping on top of one another. You said the artist had painted it because those were the real people fighting for their country. It shows how the perspective can change everything.

    1. Yes, that is very true. Please re-read the directions and repost.

  37. Museums are important to showcase not only new art, but old art that influences new art. The people get to see how art changes and how it stays the same. New art now has more of a meaning to it. I'm not saying old art doesn't but a lot more new art has more of a definition.

    1. Yes, that is very true. Please re-read the directions and repost.

    2. I went to see the Smithsonian website and saw Homescape 62 by Cassa. I felt a little bit of joy and confusion. So many colors that he used confused me.

  38. Its important to value those from the past, and see the art they made so we can compare to our art today. We can see how it's similar and how its changed. Its important to see another prospective of our world, and to even just understand the way life used to be how it evolved.Art is some of the only things we have from the past that show us what it used to be like. A piece I saw was The Cobbler's Apprentice, 1877 from the Cincinnati Taft museum of art. This piece showed me what life might have been like for the underclass and the underpaid. It looks to be a boy smoking a cigar and working. It looks familiar so I probably have seen it somewhere but i'm still not really sure what the message is.

  39. Art is important because it shows cultural history going way back hundreds of years ago. A piece of art I saw for the first time was starry night by Vincent van Gogh. I felt at peace and I loved the brush work on how it swooshes of wind.

  40. Art museums play a big role in helping people understand things about the past. Art museums show many pieces of work/art that represent many things from the past. I believe that art museums, other than music, is one of the most beneficial ways of learning about history. I believe it is important to pay attention to art in history class because art from the past has so many hidden clues that explained what was going on in the past in dept. A piece of art that I've seen from the past is the “Guernica” created by Pablo Picasso. The painting made me feel confused at first but after I learned what the objects and different figures in the painting meant, I was well educated on a few things that were happening at the time he created the painting.

  41. Art museums help people of our generation understand our past and how we have gotten to where we are today. It draws a picture for us of what people from the past had to go through and how that effects us. It’s like if we didn’t have Martin Luther king jk than African Americans would not have freedom and pieces of art are like recognition for the people who have served us

    1. Yes, that is very true. Please re-read the directions and repost.

  42. In history, art can do a lot of things for the people of the current day. For one, it can tell us what was happening in the past, as well as telling us how the people of that time felt about it. Emotions conveyed through art are very useful in telling us how events impacted society back then. My favorite art piece that I saw online was called "Little Girl Practicing at the Bar" by Edgar Degas. I really appreciated this piece because it was simple yet riveting. It had lots of details included in the art piece, and it made me feel peaceful and inspired.

  43. Art is very relevant for a lot of things. It can express how someone feels, it can describe the situation that is going on during a period of time in a very original way. We should focus on art throughout history because it can express how a lot of people felt in the past, it can focus on how people dealt with their feelings by expressing themselves. Without art, I know we would not understand history nearly as much as we do now, because we wouldn't have perspective. A piece of art I saw that caught my eye was a past exhibition in the Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park and Museum and it is called "Auspicious Behavior" by Chakaia Booker. I've never been to this local museum, surprisingly. However, when I first saw this piece of art, it definitely caught my eye, and I don't particularly know why. My experience with this piece of art was like no other (partly because I have not spent enough time looking at museums online, and because this art is very original). I want to know more about the artist and the art.

  44. Art is a big part in human culture and also one of the reason why we know certain things that happened in history.The relevance of art is very important even in society today and helps many people in many different ways. Art can come in many different form .. dancing , music , acting just to name a few. A piece of art work online I came across is "Palace Veranda Post" this art is beautiful. The way the artist came about this idea of that piece makes me want to now the back story so I can even feel more for it .

  45. art as a form of expression, helps historians by providing them with a graphic source of knowledge, a representation of the events in history from the view of people who were living it. the first piece of art that i have seen online was the Mona lisa picture and it just made me feel that women have the equal rights just like the men

  46. Art museums are important in this society mainly because it serves as an outlet for artists to express feelings of themselves and the masses on different relevant topics going on in certain periods of time. We should care about art in history because looking at art and their time periods helps give us a rough idea on what topics were relevant in the past and how people felt about them. Looking through the museum websites, I found an art piece on one of the Taft Museum's blogs titled, "The Poetry of Nature" and in the blog they showed a piece titled, "Hudson River Valley" by George Henry Boughton. I really liked this picture when I saw it. It has great detail, and a slow build-up of colors along with its shading which really bring out the nature element of the landscape.

  47. They allow people to see in the past and allow them to see where it originated and who or what made it

  48. Art museums give us a visual scenario of the past. One art piece that i saw online was "The creation of Adam", and this made me feel weary. The context behind this piece is; Mankind differs from God and that we stray away from God every day.

  49. Art expresses, tells stories, depicts emotions, it is important to learn about art in history class because it depicts scenes, feelings and stories from history we learn. One of my favorite pieces I found online was "Room in Brooklyn by Edward Hopper" it brought me peace and a calm mind.

  50. Art is important in history, in every way. The art forms of a particular time help to show what it was like then, by expressing what they felt, or saw. The piece of art that I absolutely loved was, "An Artist Studying from Nature" by Claude Lorrain. The reason why I liked it so much is because this is an actual place in time. The artist sat there and depicted a time in history which can now be remembered for many years to come, even though the artwork was just a day in their normal lives when it was painted in 1639.

  51. Art is very important because it shows emotions and views from people that these things are happening to in a certain period of time. It shows us how our ancestors lived there lives through the good and bad and it shows us how we are here today. I know this is very common but my favorite piece is “the scream” by Edward Munch (1892). I love this painting because it shows so much emotion just by the way he paints or the colors he chooses. He says he heard a scream of nature when he was walking on a bridge with a friend and I think you can really see what he means by the way he painted the sky in swirls and bright colors in the background.

  52. We should care about art in a history class because they show history through a different light and culture through a perspective of that time period the art was made in. The different events that have happened in time are made into artistic expression which help us learn what it means. Art museums help display history for everyone to see and enjoy or to learn from and i think that plays a big part in society. I saw a art piece called three girls, i personally didn't think anything of the art the art piece it just looked like a old family portrait, but the true meaning and story behind it is the painting depicts the helplessness of three ladies who are the epitome of patience and submissiveness.They cannot control their future which made sad because this happens in many places. I think this art piece can shed light on issues like this which is why art pieces help in society because they shed light on issues of relevance.

  53. art museums play a huge part in society because you can see all of creativity , ideas and different standpoints other peoples minds back then. i click on the first one and clicked a random subject i saw gorham sliver its silver made into different things like furniture and items to use around the house or just decoration it was in suck detail it was beautiful and of course it was in my favorite time period around the 1850s and forward. it made me feel happy and sad at the same time i was happy cuz i saw what different beauty standers were for the house and the hard work it was put into these items . i sad cuz you dont see such hard work come into play to our items today things today were built to break and fall part so out future children might never know about our items as well we know our past ansesters.

  54. I think art museums definitely show what was happening, and how it was dealt with back then. I really think
    It’s important for them to have museums so that we can at least catch a visual of what happened. Also gives us a good way to tell which side the artist was on. Art is and expression, and when it was made it such eventful times like back then, it can really help you see and sometimes even feel what it felt like back then for them to deal with what was going on. When I first saw a painting by Pablo Picasso it was a sad painting. I could tell it was sad because it had a sad look in the person face that he painted, and he used cold colors (blues, purples, dark greens,).

  55. The purpose art museums play in a society are to show what life was like in the past, the stories behind the painters and their hardships, the messages they were giving off about the world in their painting, and just to see some really nice different types of art. We care about art in a history class because it can show how the world was back then or how people felt about that situation and what country or side they're on based on that feeling.

  56. Paintings can teach a lot about history, beliefs, convictions of the artist, roles of people in society, the human conditions, paintings can encourage us, motivate, inspire or warn. It is important because it gives you exposure to other humanities subjects, relating them to draw conclusions and critical evaluation of different artworks. The history behind artworks as at separate times helps to learn of different tribes and their cultures. Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time. Research has shown art affects the fundamental sense of self. Painting, sculpture, music, literature and the other arts are often considered to be the repository of a society's collective memory. I remembered I saw painting of a bird and I was looking at it so deeply that I was getting sleepy. It makes me think that birds have freedom and are in the sky and can do anything and they are undefeated but birds are just in danger just like us.

  57. Art is a very broad subject, it not only expresses how people feel but it also expresses what people went through. This ties to history, and when you look at a painting it can tell you what happened and even give you an emotional feeling so that you can grasp a little bit of what it was like. I went to the CAC once, and I saw this painting that was in this specific exhibit about black history month. There was a very emotional painting that was in this exhibit where officers were holding guns and pointing them at people, and I even got scared from the painting because it took me there in a way. It made me see just how serious it was back then, and how scary it was when black people were treated unfairly. It made me just want to yell at the painting because it made me feel so angry, like how could people treat others this way. So yeah, paintings are very important to show you history because it can give you stronger emotions rather than a textbook.

  58. I think art museums exists for different reasons because some are specific to one history and others are about the entire world. I think we should care about the museums because the artists who make the creations can live in multiple different time frames with events nobody else can describe and they put their emotions about that into art. I feel like through art you can see a small piece of the artist's life that they put into the piece. I don't know what piece of art I first saw online but I can say it most likely would have been a photograph of some kind.

  59. Art Museums play a very important role since The art shows us multiple things such as, Ones feelings, thought, and opinions. Some art shows us about how war time was. The first peace of art I saw was probably back in 2nd grade which was a Pablo Picasso painting named " The starry Night". I remember everyone had to create a piece similar to it.

  60. Art in history helps give a specific visual representation and point of view from the artist from that time, a primary source of the event. One of the first art pieces I noticed online was in my art class, we were assigned to find a painting and write an essay on it. The painting is called," The Hunted Slaves" by Richard Ansdell. This is a painting of two slaves being attacked by malicious dogs and the first thing that came to my mind was hurt for the two people trying to survive.

  61. I had looked at MOMA, New york city, Palace Museum, Beigijing, and High museum of art, Atlanta. At the high museum of art one piece that really spoke to me called poem eyes. It gave you the emotion of sadness , but it was unique and it speaks through the picture the body of a woman and the conflicts. The art tells the insecurties of a woman and that all women go through conflict emotionaly, physically, or both.

  62. I believe museums exist show you how art and talent has expanded through history. Also one of the first paintings I’ve seen was “ Two children threatened by the Nightingale” it’s a beautiful work of are by Max Ernest. One of the many things that surprised me about the painting was the Nightingale represented death.

  63. Historic Art, gives a better understanding to the presentation at hand. We need this in class so the kids will have a better understanding of what is being taught.

  64. Art museums are an important part of society for because they can show major events in history and are a first hand account. Art also can show emotions and feelings towards things that people can relate to. They are also another way of learning that’s not reading from a textbook. Artists can add hidden thoughts or messages in their paintings which can be understood and analyzed. My favorite painting is called A Box at the Theatre des Italiens by Eva Gonzalès. I saw it at the Musée d’Orsay in Paris last spring break. I liked it because the eyes of the people pulled me in. I felt like there was a lot to look at and understand about the painting. It is pretty simple but has a depth to it that has to be observed deeply.

  65. Art museums are very important to society because of the amount of information it gives to what the work has been thru from a painting. It helps the society by better understanding what our ancestors go through. Something that really spoke out to me is the famous Picasso painting where we see different things in the painting.

  66. Art museums are important to society because it can show beautiful pieces from the past that represent things that happened or the mindset of the artist that can inspire others and create a place to explore things from the past and present.

  67. workmanship fills in as a significant bit of society since it can show us pass occasions with a significant piece of history. It is acceptable to think about craftsmanship in history cause it gives us a visual portrayal of an image that shares us data on the past. My preferred bit of craftsmanship is the Mona Lisa painting since its exceptionally point by point and its one of the main workmanship pieces ive took a gander at and really loved.

  68. well art museums are important because its basically a big textbook. Museums are filled with history the art the objects even the vibe its history. the art in these museums are beautiful and they tell a story. Art inst something to just be looked at you need to read the story in painting. People just need to understand their is such more then just paint on a painting. Also can you believe your touching something that maybe a ancient Greece, or Egyptian might of touched. i chose the piece Hans Grohs and when i first seen it i loved it it made me just make up a story just by looking at it. it made me worry and panic.

  69. Art museums help us get to know life in the past and how people chose to represent things like daily life, food, people, and any number of other things. We should care about this in history class because that is pretty much what history class is about. Art can educate us about things from the past. I went to the Hermitage website and took a virtual tour there, and I loved the hallway with portraits of the Romanov dynasty. The people in the portraits are so distinguished and life-like, and the paintings bring them back to life, in a sense.

  70. Art museums show us how the artists of old expressed themselves during time of hardships, trials and tribulations, etc. We should care about art in history because it shows us how events that happened in the past were portrayed by artists who lived during that time period. I looked at Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Mirrored Rooms on The Broad, Los Angeles website. It looks like outer space. So many different colors splattered on mirrors. It looks unreal.

  71. Art reflects what is happening in the world at the time. Art is part of history because it expresses themes, emotions, and stories of the time. I explored Musee d'Orsay's website. I was moved by Renoir's Dance at Le Movlin de la Galette. It shows a crowd of people in the streets during spring. It striking because everyone is happy and content. There is no social distancing or covid19. I miss crowds and festivals.

  72. The purpose of art museums is to show society how art has evolved and how art has change from modern day. Art museums also show the different types and styles of art that we may have forgotten. We should care about art in a history class because art tells how people expressed themselves. It also helps us get a better view on what was happening in that time zone. I looked at Longing for Eternity on The Broad, Los Angeles website. It was incredible all the different angles and shapes. It almost looked 3D like I could walk into it.

  73. Art museums are important because they are a source of history. Art pieces show how the artist felt and there environment. They also give us a view of the past. A piece of art that I had never seen was Lamentation over the Dead Christ. This painting made me feel sorry for the women holding the man.

  74. Museums hold artifacts from the past this past a great deal into history because you can go to these places and view art from hundreds of years ago. One piece of art I saw was a hand with a eye in it and the sun was shining behind it what that meant to me was like some type of self consciousness

  75. art museums play a big part in showing us a visual of history. it's a way to connect with certain things in the past and have something to see and not just hear or read. art lets us have a clear view of what history looked like. The first piece of art i seen was "the Scream" by Edvard Munch.It made me feel a little scared and was always a painting that rubbed me the wrong way, but it was and is still something different, and where i think the character scream got its name and look from.

  76. Art museums are important to our society because they show pieces of history, as well as the people and events of that time. I saw a work of art called Ambiguously Modern by James Tissot. It made me happy first. I love the outfits and the delicacy of the fabric, along with the decorations on it. It made me wonder what they were watching.

  77. Art is important for society because it shows our creativity and past. It's important to study it because it gives us many different views on how things were at that particular time period. I saw Paul Cezane Woman in a Red Armchair and I was instantly drawn by the color scheme and how the brushstrokes looked. It made me feel a bit relaxed moving my eye around the painting.

  78. Art museums often let people see beautiful and historical artwork, but a lot of the times they just house stolen artifacts. This is important to know in a history class because it shows how colonization works, in the past and today. I looked at the Cincinnati Art Museum’s Native American art collection, and really liked the Water Jar (Olla) from the Zuni in New Mexico.
