April 14, 2020: Cold War in Culture

Spy vs Spy, created by Antonio Prohías from MAD Magazine

Art often reflects the society in which it was made. The society informs the art that is being made as well. So you can imagine that art in the 50 years of the Cold War was very interesting and often held greater meaning that just what could be seen or heard. Here are some things that were happening in the world of the arts:

  • The genre of "spy novels" became popular in the works of John le Carre, Ian Fleming, and Tom Clancy became best sellers. Here is a list of the quintessential Cold War spy novels: Cold War Novels . Note that there are few if any women in this list. Wonder why? Check this article out: Women Writers of Cold War Spy Novels.
  • Cold War movies brought the suspense and fear of the era to the big screen. While this list Cold War Films does not have a James Bond movie included, know that the early Bond films were totally about Cold War competition (and I have noticed that there are a few stations that are showing Bond flicks back to back in the midst of our Corona lockdown if you want to check out some of the older ones). One of my favorites is the Cold War satire film Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb . It shows the absurdity of some o the excesses of the early Cold War. The Mouse that Roared is also a very funny movie!
  • Popular music was reflecting the concerns and tensions of the Cold War as well. western Popular Music of the Cold War Era ranged from avante garde, the birth of rock & roll, rhythm and blues, through punk and the early rappers of hip hop all were influenced by the social, economic , and political actins of the Cold war.
For today's prompt: Pitch me an idea for a Cold War Novel or Movie (keeping in mind that I have seen many movies and read many books - no stealing somebody else's ideas). Tell me who the characters are in your story, where they are from, and what is the conflict. Use the information that you have read in the last week to help you sketch out the story. 

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  1. The title of my novel would be "Disguised". The story would be placed in the Soviet Union. Joseph Stalin's long lost twin Frank Smith would be apart of the story. The U.S discovered Mr. Smith 5 years ago and was waiting for the right time to strike. After Stalin's response to the Iron Curtain speech Mr. Churchill decided it was time. He sent a boat with undercover military and Mr. Smith to the Soviet Union. Mr. Smith and the military snuck into the building where Stalin was being kept and killed him, the military take his body back to the U.S and it is never found again. Mr. Smith is now Joseph Stalin and no one knows. Mr. Smith, or should I say Joseph Stalin, stops the cold war and apologizes to the U.S. . They become close friends and never fought again, until of coarse his consultants find out, what will happen to Mr. Smith in the sequel of "Disguised"?

  2. Set in Kraków Poland in 1959, a group of college students travel to attend the Warsaw Autumn Festival, as per request of their professor, Mr. Wójcik, and experience contemporary classical music for the first time. They are inspired by Henryk Gorecki's "Symphony No. 1." and Wójcik gives them an assignment to create their own contemporary classical piece together. The group of three young musicians write for over six months, growing closer with their teacher, before he falls ill. Fighting against time, Aleksandr, Basha, and Jerzy rush to finish the piece before their beloved teacher, and friend, succumbs to his sickness.

  3. ALrighty it is called red october and It would be about the cuban missile crisis which is later in the war. (Btw it has nothing to do for the hunt of red october the missile crisis happened in october of 1962) But anyways it would be about how the Air forces U-2 spy plane flew over cuba discovering the missiles. The CIA than sent a team of operatives to get ready to disable and sabotage the missiles if the USSR will not remove them. In this movie the USSR would not remove them and WW3 starts setting up for a prequel with the same team. But the team would basically stop all but one missile and that one missile would start WW3.

  4. My novel takes place in Russia and the Americans are spying on the Soviet Space Program. The Americans know something big is going to happen so they spy on the scientist and find blueprints. Peter at the beginning of the book does not want to spy on the Soviets, for they were randomly selected so that the soviets won't recognize their status and think they are just tourist there. After a while Peter gets use to it and gets the information he needs.

  5. Here’s a Novel called “an idea to victory”. The novel is taken place in soviet Union . The novel is going to be a battle between USSR and Germany, Stalin vs Hitler. The main point is basically how Soviet Union defeated Germany. The battle begins when hitler starts an invasion where Germany starts battling taking Soviet union’s land. The soviets then needed to find an idea how they can defeat Germany and save their land. Then Stalin comes with an idea that he is confident the USSR would win. He says make the weapons more advanced that it could destroy the whole land. They can up with a nuclear weapon that are bombs that could open destroy the whole Germany. The bombs started being dropped in Germany and Germany gets defeated because their land is destroyed and the Soviet Union wins the war.

  6. My book title would be “Hidden in Plain Sight”. It is about a young man,John McHallihan, who lives in a boat, sees a new middle aboard a giant military vessel. He didn’t have any way to contact the US, and he couldn’t, so he snuck abroad the vessel. He goes onto the ship by lighting flares on his boat, and jumping off. The Russians investigate the boat, sending one person, John knocks him unconscious by hitting him with a steel bar in his boat. He takes the uniform, which conveniently fits, and goes on board the the vessel. John sneaks around, and he finds a way to get to the brig, and there he finds a way to send a distress signal to the US. He waits until nightfall to plan his escape and so he can send his signal. John sneaks into the brig, which was almost completely empty, except for a few guards. He didn’t think about guards, so he snuck to the locker room and took a sailor uniform. He then went onto the brig, and the guards didn’t think twice about him. John went to the console, sent the signal to the US, and left casually, not raising suspicion. He then went to the platform and stole a dinghy and rode off to the US. The US military found the boat, and threatened them to leave or be destroyed. Of course they left and John was named a hero.

    1. Where it says a new middle, it is supposed to be new missile.

  7. I'd create a movie called two sides. It would be about a Soviet spy, Liza, who is supposed to get information on the new U.S. military plans. In pursuit to get the plans Liza pretends to be a party guest, the party is held for the plans to be auctioned. At the party she meets Mark, a U.S. agent to make sure the plans get delivered to the right person. The auction begins and as they start Liza slips into the back room and tries to obtain the plans. After she gets the plans and starts to head out Mark finds and stops her. He gets the plans and leaves only to be followed by Liza. He gets on a train to try and deliver the plans. Liza closely behind, continues to follow from a distance when the train stops and Mark disappears in the crowded train station. She is lost in a foreign city in Germany when she meets up with Robert. Robert, an other Soviet spy, helps Liza find the place, Mark is meeting to deliver the plans. Liza goes and confronts Mark which leads to a fight. This ultimately concludes with Liza finding out that Mark was a double agent the whole time and together they go to deliver the package.

  8. My movie would be called “ Unseen” . It will take place in Russia and focus on a character named Nathaniel George. Nathaniel was tasked by the USA to go gather intell on what Russia was going to do next after the Iron Curtain was in affect. He also had to figure out how far along Russia was on their nuclear weapons do they could calculate their next attack. This story takes you on an eventful journey with Nathaniel while he completes his mission . In the middle of the movie Nathaniel meets a girl named Luna at a coffee shop in Russia. He soon started to fall in love with her and trust her. What he didn’t know was she was an undercover spy for the Russian government .She soon got him to tell her his true identity and shat he was trying to do . You could say that Luna’s real job was unseen to Nathaniel. Eventually he finds out but it’s too late. Luna has already told everyone in Russia’s government. When Nathaniel tries to go fix the problem he gets captured. He then is tortured but later traded out with an exchange made by the US.

  9. My novel would be set in Moscow. An American spy, Eliza, travels to Moscow to try to get information about their weapon and space travel plans, and while there, she meets Stalin's son Vasily Stalin. They start dating and eventually have a child, but Vasily never knew that Eliza is an American spy. Eliza has to go back to the United States, because she has gathered all the information she needs at the time. She takes their child, Sergey, with her. She travels back to Russia many more times throughout the course of her life, not only to gather information for the American government, but also to see Vasily. Sadly, her plane crashes in a tragic accident on her way back to the United States and she dies. By this time, Sergey is twenty and has gathered an idea of what his mother is up to. He, too, works as a spy for the American government and travels to Russia to try to find his father, only to find out that he has married and has been married since before his mother met him. However, Vasily is kind and takes him in as a servant. In his time there, he falls in love with the oldest daughter, Natalya. He proposes and they get married. He feels that he can trust her, so he tells her everything, leaving out nothing. Two days later, while Natalya is out, the police come to his house and take him, not showing any mercy. He is taken to a government stronghold where political prisoners are held. He demands to know why he is there, but nobody tells him, until after 3 months, a kind staff member finally tells him that his wife, Natalya, Stalin's granddaughter, has betrayed him and told her grandfather everything. Sergey is then taken away to be interviewed and tortured before this staff member can say anything else. Sergey eventually dies of grief.

  10. The novel would be about two kids in the Soviet Union who are living in rough times during the cold war. It would experience the conflicts that they went through giving the reader suspense and anxiety for what is going to happen next, while also learning about the cold war era.

  11. My movie would be named "Kremlin Menace Sunrise". It would be about a Russian spy, Alexei, and his mission to obtain knowledge on U.S plans. The movie starts of with a Russian commander, Alek, harshly trying to teach his child (Alexei), the ways of a Russian. We watch how Alexei transforms into his father through out the years. When Alexei grows up, it is the start of the Cold War. Alexei, knows too little about what the U.S has to plan for Russia. Alexei thinks back to what his father use to scream at him, making Alexei step-up to plate and travel to the U.S, to find out what the U.S had in stock for Russia. When Alexei arrives to America, he changes his look to look more American. His first mission is, to attack an American solder, take their name (Jim), and role in the U.S military. Over the years, Alexei knew more than the citizen of the U.S. People put their trust in Alexei, only for him to fake his death in a battle, to return back to Russia. He tells his commander everything thing he had learned over the years. The new weapons, the times of an attack, and more. When the cold war ended, Alexei was killed, because the Russians had a devastating lost. The sought Alexei to be a waste.

  12. My novel would be about the life of an American family during the cold war. The family would have to learn to prepare for an attack. In this story you would learn all about the families interactions with events that happened during the cold war. they would have been worried for if the Soviets attacked. At this point the wars could have leaded to the destruction of the human species. that was one thing to worry about and America also feared that the USSR wanted to destroy democratic and capitalist institutions.

  13. My movie would be called “Undercover”. Yes kind of like a James Bond movie. There will be a spy named Kit, who works with the Soviet Union. And is trying to get secret information from America. About their plans for the next war, where they get their resources, weapons, everything. But what Kit doesn’t know is that the Americans sent a spy as well. Eden is her name. To watch Kit and make sure she stays away from the information. They battle it out, Kit wins some battles and Eden wins some. But as they go on with their missions they get stuck and have to battle or fight with other people that want the same thing. In the end America wins but Kit ends up joining the spy team with Eden. Ending up being the two greatest American women spys ever. The end :)

  14. my novel would seem to be about an average family trying to make their way in the war but the son realizes something is off by the fact that even during the war his father was rarely home his father had a history of over working and staying at work over time but he shouldn't even be at work during this war the son investigates to find out his dad is an american spy taking part in the war and soon realizes his whole family is just a cover story for his dads work

  15. My movie would be called hideout night and it would be about a child around the age of 13 who lost their parents. They are trying to look for them in these dangerous times and come across an attack that is coming. The child then tries to protect themselves as much as possible. The kid finds a tent or some source of shelter and come across other kids their age hiding out as well. This movie will be out July of 2037

  16. I would write a book from multiple perspectives about Space Race, and the various views that Americans had about the project. From the perspective of middle class man, just employed at one of NASA'S new job sites, who see's the project just as a an opportunity to beat the soviets, but as an opportunity for much needed work. From the perspective of a young women, involved with the civil rights movement, who believes that the country is wasting money on passion projects, instead of focusing on the real problems in the country. From the perspective of an old war vet, who believes that the space race is essential to beating back the soviets. It'd be interesting to see a story from all the perspectives about out mission to moon, not just the one where it was always the right idea.

  17. My novel is about Ursula Bach, an 18 year old who was six months pregnant during the time of the Cold War. In 1961, the Berlin Wall went up when she was in a refugee camp in West Germany, leaving her fiance, Fried back on the other side. Fried was a committed communist, and Ursula was not, but they loved each other. The novel consists of Ursula Bach struggling to raise a child in a time of chaos, the whereabouts of her fiance unknown.

  18. Germany was broken. The east shattered in poverty and grief from the occupation of the Soviet Union. With the former capital, West Berlin nestled deep within the Soviet zone of east Germany, the Soviets tried to force the western allies out of West Berlin by blocking off all transportation and communication. Little did they know that three young girls could bring hope back to West Berlin. The story begins with three young girls who met in the American zone of West Germany. One girl a citizen of West Germany, one girl an American military dependent, and the third girl a West German living West Berlin. They all know each other through their fathers. The American girl’s father and west German girl’s father met stationed in the American zone of West Germany. This is where the girls became friends. The two West German girls are cousins. All three girls learned Morse code through their fathers. The girls used Morse code to create a new language using different types of candy for their entertainment to keep grown-up eyes from understanding their messages. The American girl’s father discovered their clever scheme and used his military access to design a covert spy operation. Connecting with west German girl’s father who was then able to make a clandestine meeting with his brother who resides in Berlin with his daughter to share the operation. In the story I created, for each drop only one type of candy was dropped every three minutes during the Berlin airlift representing one letter of the German alphabet. Through this new candy language that lasted a year, the allies were able to get valuable information to West Berlin about the Soviet Union’s occupation. The candy language provided West Berlin with information of the Soviet’s progress verses the success of the allies.

  19. I would have an American soldier who has a wife and kid at home be part of the Berlin aircraft project. He ends up falling out of the aircraft over Berlin and breaks his arm. He then finds a German lady who wounds him back to health and they fall in love. They decide to run away but they have to avoid both the German soldiers and American soldiers. Eventually they get caught and the American soldier has to go to jail for trying to escape the army. After he gets out he finds that the German lady killed herself cause she could never be with him. Then he goes back to his wife and kids and dies of old age never being happy.

  20. My movie would be called Letters. It would be about 2 penpals, one from America and one from the Soviet Union, who had been penpals and friends since before the war started. They have to keep their friendship a secret and are both trying to maintain their friendship despite the Cold War. It’s not the best idea but it’s what I came up with.

    1. Be confident in your ideas, I think this sounds interesting.

  21. My movie would be about a widowed mother with her two young children, her husband died in World War 2 fighting for the US. Alice has to figure out how to navigate life as a widow as this new war begins. She must find work to support her kids 10 year old Peter and 8 year old Rose. The family has to work harder than even trying to keep each other safe from the war and safe from worry.

  22. My novel would be called "Vanished". It would be about two friends from the Soviet union who were extremely close and told each other every thing. One of the friends would find out that the other friend had dissappered and moved to America without telling anyone. After this friend found out they were in shock and didn't believe that there friend would just leave without telling anyone. Eventually a war breaks out between the two nations and the friend who is still in the soviet union is extremely worried for there friend that vanished. The friend knows how bad the cold war could eventually be so they try to travel to America and find there missing friend.

  23. The movie would be about a male spy from West Berlin. His objective is to find out America's motives, and to slowly start the spread of communism through the U.S. Until one night his second night in Los Angeles California, he goes to a bar and falls in love. Her name is Zoe, His name is Noah. He tries to keep it all from her, when one day he gets attacked, running down the streets of west 3rd street, when Noah runs the fight into a park. Then it all happens, Zoe is actually an undercover spy working for Truman. Realizing this Noah goes into hiding, contemplating his relationship, he also thinks about his time in america compared to West berlin. Noticing what communism, and what the blockaide really is, he makes a life changing decision. He turns himself in to Zoe, explaining his views now on capitalism, her, and West Berlin. Him realizing the Truman doc. was all to help the people of Berlin. His sides changed he now helps defeat the spread of communism, doing the opposite of what he was sent to do. And they all live happily ever after until Stalin realizes the traitor and threatens Noah that he will bomb Los Angeles. But that for the sequel to "Caught on the Wall about Love".

  24. An American woman in Gdanks Poland had a baby with a Polish man. They are involves with the Solidarity labor union. The woman and child have to make their way back to the US because they are facing starvation. They live in East Berlin for a short time and then make it to the US. The kid is fascinated with grocery stores and all of the other consumer goods the US has to offer.

  25. A young soviet union little girl and her journey as she grows up through the war. However as she grows up she learns more and more things about the war and the secrets that lie with it. She then begins a riot to stop the war and bring peace. Of course things go down hill and she is caste out, and must survive the rest of the war alone.

  26. My movie name (Rose Colored Plans) The plot: Rosa was abandoned as a child in the streets of the Soviet Union, and was found and adopted by a Soviet spy named Ronald. The spy raised her and trained her to become the next greatest Soviet spy. On one fateful day, Ronald was assassinated by members of the American government while he was on a mission during The Red Scare. Rosa is deeply angered that the only person who cares for her is gone, which causes her to devise a plan to assassinate the US President. During Rosa's long, troubling journey to America, Rosa begins to wonder about the identity of her parents. When Rosa arrives at the White House to execute her plan, she is faced with some challenges, but somehow she successfully sneaks her way into the oval office. The movie ends with Rosa about to shoot and kill the president, but right before she pulls the trigger, she realizes that he is her long lost father.

  27. My story would take place in Soviet Union. Telling how I struggled through the war trying to end it but I kept getting attacked for trying to end this war.

  28. My story would be titled " Misunderstood". Which would show the struggle of a woman "Mary" just wanting to be socially accepted in a world full of chaos. Many men ignore her until she decides to take matters into her own hands and start a war. All in the hunger of being understood. A fight where both genders fight against each other to win. Those who dont go by any gender were allowed to pick sides. But in the end the women lost and it just would show how hard it would take actually be accepted into this world being not only a female but even a human at that.

  29. I would make a movie and the movie would take place in WWII. The protagonist's name would be "skylar". She is a mother of 2 with a husband who is a U.S army soldier. So that means that the father is never home to be there for his wife and kids. Skylar has a son and a daughter. The son is 9 years old and the daughter is 7. The mother, daughter, and son are all scared for their lives, and are struggling to survive due to the war's destruction to natural resources. The mother decides to sneak out at night when the kids are asleep to find food and water. She turned out to be doing this successfully for a while until one day, she walked too far and ends up getting caught in a crossfire during a shootout with the U.S and Japan. She doesn't die, but she's badly hurt. The next day her son and daughter notice that their mother is missing, so the son; being the eldest of the children, decides to search for his mother with his sister. They both are fearful on this journey but manage to survive by all means. Their adventure leads them to find their mother in an old man's house being taken care of. The siblings are relieved to see that their mother is fine. But although their mother is fine, they are even closer to the war zone than they ever were before. So, they all agree to just stay at the old man's house until the war is over so they can be safe. The thing is they still have to go out and get the remains of natural resources so they can survive. The mother and the children get to accept the old man as family now. The old man had a wife that died in the chaos of WWI, so he refuses to let Skylar die the same way his wife did. He knew that she had a family due to her determination to get food, so the old man was empathetic towards her. So now, all of them as a family, have to face these hardships together, and take care of and protect one another. They are all determined to survive by all means. I would call this movie; "Humanity".

    1. This sounds like it would be a very interesting movie! However, your pitch is supposed to be from the Cold War era (1945-1990) after WWII is over and is about some of the issues in the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. Please reread the links above to get a better sense about the art of the Cold War era and try again.

  30. It’s a novel called “all talk no bit” it’s about the communists and how they continue to talk and bully, and even manipulate people who aren’t communists. As the new leader rides out the war it continues to become hard for the citizens to cope with all the stress and war talk.

  31. my story would be called “dance and war” it would be about a young women who is trained as ballet dancer from a young age she is very intelligent and definitely very overlooked in the mist of her dance career she starts to fall in love with a guy who is very charming and almost mysterious. after a few months of dating she feels as if she doesn’t know enough about him and who he really is she eager to to discover who he truly is. she digs deep into this investigation and discovers he is an american spy. And figures she can be at use to him and uses her connections as a ballerina to be a assets to her new found love.

  32. My movie would be called "The Unknown". It would be about three families: one in Berlin, one in the soviet union, and one in America. Each family would have their own conflict. The family in Berlin lives in the Eastern side. The father and one of the sons goes on a long business trip to the west side before the wall is built. The big conflict in their family is the wall. The wall is built during the business trip, separating the family. One of the soldiers that guards the wall happens to be the father of the soviet family. This man also ends up shooting the son of the Berlin family for trying to climb the wall. The main conflict for the soviet family and the American family is the fear of not knowing whether bombs will destroy their nations, and homes. both of these families live in great fear. The oldest son of the American family is also a spy for America. His family also lives in fear for his life.

  33. My movie would be called "Double Player" to foreshadow that the movie would be centered around a double agent from the Americans. It would be told as an epic love story with a twist. The Soviet girl, Presley, can't help but fall for the American boy, Chase, with all his charms. The catch is, she doesn't know he is on the Americans side. Presley is the head of the Soviets daughter, which is why the Americans thought it would be perfect for Chase to "fall in love" with her, knowing she would have all the information. After months of playing the double agent, Chase actually falls in love with the girl and can't decide who to choose, his country or the girl?

  34. I would write a book about a Soviet painter who gets drafted for the Cold War. As he fights on the frontlines he notices the true horrors of war that are very different from what was portrayed in ad campaigns and news headlines. In secret, he paints what he sees during battle, during the march to the battle, and the march home. Once the war ends. He publishes his paintings. They rarely get noticed, but one small news station in particular grabs a hold of them. He later dies from an illness that he contracted while stationed. As other news stations report his death, the news station that bought his paintings show them during a broadcast, drawing more attention than they’ve previously gotten. In light of this, the government has the station shut down but his work hasn’t been forgotten.

  35. I would make a movie called "exposure" A gut named gus he is a secret agent for united states spying on soviet union to see if they are being dirty. It turned out that they have his best friend and girlfriend in hostage. They have them in hostage because they know how to make a nuclear bomb so they can bomb countries to gain power and the soviet want them to make it and if they choose not to they will have to face consequences. So it up to gus to decide to save his conutry and save his best freind and girlfriend.

  36. i would create a movie called two souls its about these two guys Paul and SAM on different sides of the war they were grate friends when they were kids and hung out a lot but once thy got older they went t live their own lives and lost connection but they both missed there friendship dearly. after wwII when the cold war started they were both old enough and had to take part in the cold war. during the war they eventually crossed paths but sadly not the reunion they wanted Paul killed SAM only Paul new it was him when it was to late the pressure of war and killing his long lost friend changed him forever he could never forgive the governments or higher ups cus the people didn't have an issue with each other the higher ups did

  37. So my movie would be called My way back it would follow the life of a soldier named john after world war 2 and it showing his struggle getting back to normal but john keep having these flash backs of what happened so one day john got so drunk and fell down the stairs and was rushed to the hospital and this lovely nurse is taking care of him and she telling him everything that is going on with cold war. John is very interested in the cold war and the nurse and it follows there love life during this cold war

  38. I would create a movie about a Soviet Colonel General. He is a man who knows the Soviet have the advantage in an arms race and wants to go to war. He isn't given clearance to launch an attack on West Berlin, so he takes a group of rebel Soviets and leads them on an attack against West Berlin. It spirals both nations and the US readies for war. This rebel group sets up a military base of Berlin now that they have commandeered it. Soviets began joining their cause and it spirals into a civil war. The US withdraws from their domestic conflict. The rebels plan is to siege a facility that houses nuclear warheads. They successfully get them and the USSR is on the brink of total anarchy. The movie ends with the flash of a nuclear explosion.

  39. I would probably create a movie about a serviceman from the U.S. during the Berlin Airlift to show the struggles they all went through to defend their side of Germany. I think the movie would be called "May 12" because that is when the Airlift ended.

  40. I would write a film called “Puppet Wars”, about an American journalist and an Afghan refugee who cross paths in 1982. The film begins with a young woman, Asmaan Sadiq and her child fleeing from the Afghanistan countryside in 1982. In the late 70s and early 80s the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, when they saw that anti-communist parties were causing trouble among the Communist leaders. the Soviets did not want to lose another buffer country so they decided to do something about it militarily. The mujahideen were the Afghan rebels bitter with Soviet influence. The bombing of civilians in the countryside, a tactic led by the Soviets to decrease civilian support of the mujahideen, is what led this woman and her child to flee to Pakistan, along with millions of others.

    Across the world in the United States, Lily McConnell, a journalist,is busy and passionately political. She adores President Reagan and his tactics, and she desperately wants to crush the Communists around the world. Lily however, is relatively blind to the heat that lingers beneath the Cold War. She gets word of a Middle Eastern conflict from her associates in the newsroom, and with a bit of coaxing, she follows her friend Richard Bell to Pakistan, to see what's going on. Her interest lies primarily in restoring pride that the Americans are doing everything they can to crush Communism everywhere.

    When Lily meets Asmaan at a Pakistani refugee camp, the two are hesitant to speak. Lily tries to reassure Asmaan that these wars will end in good things, that the United States sent the missiles to help the mujahideen win. Asmaan in turn says that it doesn't matter. Her country is war ridden, she's scared and far from home, all because of the Americans and the Soviets. They are using her and her people as puppets, and she knows it.

    At first, Lily is offended with Asmaan, but Richard is not. After some thinking and some talking on the way home, Lily is in conflict with herself and het country. She wonders if the propaganda has gotten to her head, and if she is truly doing her job as a journalist.

  41. I would create a movie called “Born for War”. The main character Adrik Yaroslav was born in Russia , specifically East Berlin. He grew up with family troubles because his grandparents lived in West Berlin. He had even lost his father to the troubles of the Cold War. He had only learned to blame the U.S. Then it will fast forward to his new life in Washington D.C as he is climbing the political ladder. Jerry Mitchell is the Vice President of the United States of America trying to take the government down from the inside. He caused a systematic failure that he assumes will cause hyperinflation then his security guard Cole McGregor figures out his past.

  42. The plot would be about a man named Viktor from Russia who finds his good friend Boris, who was also a soldier, in a field in the middle of nowhere dead. The only information he got from authorities is how he died, poisoning. Viktor goes on a long journey to find out what happened to his friend and why. He ends up finding more than he ever expected. The name of the movie would be called "In the fields" because that's when all the events start to happen, after he finds Boris.

  43. My Movie would be called "The darkest Winter", it would feature the soviets and those against them. And It would show specific points of views people experienced in that era. I would use first person sources and also second, so that I could get the movie to be the best. And have the best reviews by critics, because it'll feel like your experiencing what happened during that DARK time.

  44. Mine would have been about if the Americans and the Soviets, they ended up dropping nuclear weapons in each other, pretty much destroying everything. Then the survivors continued to kill each other, until it caused even more nuclear weapons to be used. The movie would be called “The never ending war”. But now I realize that sounds a bit like “the Never Ending Story”. There wouldn’t be a lead role, but the film would be shot almost as a documentary, to give a deal of realism.

  45. My movie would be titled “ The Colds”.
    The characters in my story are:
    Kathleen ‘Kathy’ Smirnoff-Cold, 25
    Thomas ‘Tom’ Cold, 28

    The Colds live in Kissimmee, Florida, a suburb of Orlando near the Kennedy Space Center. They fight the everyday battle of proving that they are loyal Americans. Living during the Cold War many Americans are paranoid that there are Russian spies among them. This is very hard for Kathy because she has a Russian maiden name and also speaks Russian even though she was born and raised in America. Her family immigrated from Russia many generations ago but she and her husband still deal with prejudice. Many people believe that because they are so close to the Kennedy Space Center, where her husband is a rocket scientist, that she is stealing secrets.

  46. My movie would be called "Twins at heart, enemies at war" it would be about two twin brothers who were separated at birth Andy and Micha, one grew up in america and one in the USSR. so by the time the war rolled around they were both enlisted and ready to fight for the country they both felt a deep sense of pride to fight for their countries.However, all of their lives they both felt as if something was missing, and believed that war would fill the gaps in their souls. So what happens when Andy shoots his brother on the battlefield and gose to check his body but finds himself staring at someone with his same face, and hes still breathing.

  47. The title of my story would be called “Inconspicuous”. My story would feature a general, the Soviets, and the US Soldiers. I would name the general Steve. Steve will have two sons, one fighting for the US and the other fighting for the Soviet Union. Steve has to decide which son he wants to live. But before everyone finds out who he chooses, there's a flash back from years ago to WWII and it shows who he really likes more because of how they played their role during the war but big plot twist!!!!!! They all die. But why the title you ask, because the hate he had for his sons was hard to see. Steve hated everybody that's why he killed his wife.

  48. My book would be in the mind of a young boy from America named James. James had a penpal in Russia named Yekaterin and they had been writing to each other for a year, then the cold war hit. James keeps on sending letter on what it is like in the United States, while Yekaterina tells James how it is in Russia. Suddenly, Yekaterina stops writing to James. He sends letters everyday until sheanswers. The book ends with Yekaterina writing back finally and the note just says, "I cannot write to you anymore, James. It is rough here in Russia. I hope one day we can talk again"

  49. My novel would be called (struggles) it would be more of a behind the scenes of the Cold War and what life was like for the regular people who is surviving the consequences of Cold War it would go into detail of a woman named Emily and she would walk you through her life as a young mom.

  50. My novel would focus on the life of an abstract painter who spends the majority of his days painting during the Cold War. Each of his abstract paintings would represent a significant event during the Cold War. He grows old and eventually dies right around the end of the Cold War, but his art work lives on and becomes something cherished by many when referencing the events of the war.

  51. My movie would be called "toughtimes" and it would focus on the a group of children who went undercover and saw the uncovered truth about people which actually be significant events that happened during those times.

  52. The movie would be about how horrible it would be to be in that war and the main character would be named Rickie Thompson and he is an American solider

  53. (Edited response)

    I would make a movie and the movie would take place after WWII. The protagonist's name would be "skylar". She is a mother of 2 with a husband who is a U.S army soldier. Skylar has a son and a daughter. The son is 9 years old and the daughter is 7. The mother, daughter, and son are all scared for their lives, and are struggling to survive due to the war's destruction to natural resources. The mother decides to sneak out at night when the kids are asleep to find food and water. She turned out to be doing this successfully for a while until one day, she walked too far and ends up getting caught in the middle of a brawl for food. She gets assaulted by other people and ends up getting knocked out. The next day her son and daughter notice that their mother is missing, so the son; being the eldest of the children, decides to search for his mother with his sister. The father searches with the children. All three of them are fearful on this journey but manage to survive by all means. Their adventure leads them to find their mother in an old man's house being taken care of. The siblings are relieved to see that their mother is fine. But although their mother is fine, they are even closer to the mayhem and chaos than they ever were before. So, they all agree to just stay at the old man's house until the war is over so they can be safe. The thing is they still have to go out and get the remains of natural resources so they can survive. The mother and the children get to accept the old man as family now. The old man had a wife that died in chaos after WWI, so he refuses to let Skylar die the same way his wife did. He knew that she had a family due to her determination to get food, so the old man was empathetic towards her. So now, all of them as a family, have to face these hardships together, and take care of and protect one another. They are all determined to survive by all means. I would call this movie; "Humanity".

  54. My movie would be named " reflection" and it would be a movie moving from both sides of the war back in fourth explaing that their is no enemy to the viewer just people fighting for their lives

  55. My book would be called " The graves of many" and the book would be about a married couple named Mark Hope and Mary Hope who recently just moved to the U.S a week before the Cold War. So the husband could get medical treatment for a life threatening condition but sadly they were too late Mark died as they arrived at their new home. Leaving Mary alone in this new town it's much larger than her hometown in Germany but she soon got use too it and mourned her husband in the short time of peace. she soon found out that she was pregnant and had to work to support herself and her child.

  56. My movie would be about a boy named William who lived in America . When William was a kid he became very good friends with a girl named skyler. Skylers family was not from America but from Germany and came to America to have a better job. As skyler and William grew up there very close friendship turned into something more and they eventually found themselves in love with eachother but right as their love journey started William got drafted to the war and skylers family went back to Germany there home country. After that everything went down hill from there and it felt like their worlds and love for eachother was colliding. But one day as William was fighting in a town in Germany he had orders to kill everyone their but he knew it was wrong so he didn’t do it and disobeyed orders. After not doing what he was told and going against his country he was shot in the crossfire. After the troops left the town and his body German family’s came to honor and bury the victims who had died. One of the family’s found Williams body and saw that he was still alive and took him in to save him. After William woke up we was confused but grateful for the strangers who helped him and tried to thank them. After he saw who they were and saw her he realized these people who saved him were not strangers at all but people he loved. After the war William and skyler got married and had a family of there own even though it was against everything everyone was taught to believe. Every day they show that it is possible to fight for what you believe in and it is possible to love anyone even if you are taught they are monsters. I call this movie “two-sided love”

  57. my book would be about two kids during the cold war era that faces many conflicts when their parents die. And they have to live on their own while also figure out details on whats really happening.

  58. My book is called American Elitess. The story is about the life of an american 10 year old child name Elliot Bunker who lived through the cold war and his experiences during that period. He reveals to us how he had to go through safety tactic in case of a bombing attack on american by the Soviet Union. He also talks about the conditions of his home life and the fear he and his family experienced during that time.

  59. My book would be called "From Within." The book follows 4 main characters from each side of the war. The age groups would be 13-16. The book would almost be like a diary entry. Each entry would differ from each other because they would discuss what's happening in their homes and how it's affecting them. They would talk about how their parents are handling the situation and each parent would handle it different, some better than others.

  60. this story would be called “Nurse”. It’s about a nurse named Jenna who aided the soldiers from the Cold War. She helped a lot of soldiers and had children, who had friends and every time she would Come home she would tell these kids about how “cool” her job is. She encounters a lot of soldiers since she is a nurse for soldiers of the Cold War so there would be a lot of interesting stories of course

  61. This story would be called "Moon". It's about a Russian leader who wants to steal the moon and crush the United States with it. An American spy has to sneak in and stop him from destroying his home and killing those he loves.

  62. My story will be called "Cold" and there are two main characters, one names Tom parker and another called Harry James. They are undercover American spies in the war and they fight on the Russian enemies side to find out information about the leader. They eventually die, because the enemies find out from their accents and it is tragic. But before their deaths, they managed to get valuable information about the Russian leader that went to the US leader and made a difference to end the war and the United states won.

  63. My movie would take place in the soviet Union in 1946. A young girl and a soviet jew who are good friends face many challenges as they watch the Germans slowly take over. The girl is trying to do everything she can to protect her friend from being taken.

  64. my novel would appear to be about a normal family attempting to advance in the war however the child acknowledges something is off by the way that in any event, during the war his dad was once in a while home his dad had a past filled with over working and remaining at work after some time yet he shouldn't be grinding away during this war the child explores to discover his father is an american covert operative partaking in the war and before long understands his entire family is only a main story for his fathers work

  65. Three females Blaire Warren is from a single mother household from Mills, Wyoming America She had dreams of acting but once that didn't work out as planed she then turned to being a spy. Blaire is now in Moscow, Russia trying to figure out names of Russian spys they sent to America.

    Lilo Turgenev is from a 9 family household having 5 brothers and 3 sisters and was from a little home in Omsk, Russia. She struggled a lot in high school and felt as if she wanted to go into millitary she did not pass the evoulation for the millitary and instead went into the police department and got a job as a police officer.

    Grace Lebedev is from Omsk, Russia grew up an only child with both parents present in her life. Lilo Turgenev was her bestfriend, Grace was only a year younger than her but Grace looked up to Lilo. Grace had been wanting to work with the police department for years because thats where her parents met. Grace had immeditly became a police officer after high school and then shortly started working with Lilo when she baecame apart of the police enforcment.

    Word had been going around that Blaire Warren was an American spy. Grace and Lilo where both put on the case to find justice if Blaire was an American spy or not. On this journey Blaire has already found 3 spy names and was now feeling watched. When she started to feel watched she put her work on pause so she could stay safe. If anyone found out Blaire was a spy she would be sent to death immedetly. The two ladies in law enforcment lilo and grace have been trying to find evidence of Ms. Warren being a spy for a week when finally they found a book called 'being an american spy for dummies' they soon took action and told a higher postion in law. They then got permisson to search her belongings for suspicous objects but couldn't find anything. They couldn't even find the book that they swore they saw. This went on for a couple of months with them finding evidence for Blaire to be an american spy and then it disappearing. To find out that Blaire keeps all her notes of names and a phone to contact America in a neigbors garadge. Blaire never gets caught with that Grace and Lilo are fired from making up false evidence. Also Lilo and Grace where driven so crazy when they got fired they became stay at home cat moms.

  66. Story title-The last to survive
    Characters- outside people and a nurse
    They are from the us
    The conflict is about a nurse who is sacrificing her life to save people who are dying from a virus. Some survive and some end up dying, it leaves us with a least amount of people who are still alive and a lot of loses are taken. The nurse who is sacrificing her life also has a family at home who she has to come to everyday and be cautious of what she brings home.

  67. My movie would be called Safe way and it would be about two siblings during the war that get separated from their parents and are trying to find their parents and survive through the hard times and throughout the movie the children would come across multiple obsticals and fight hard to survive and make their way to their parents.

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  68. My character name is deshawn and it takes place in soviet union and he is trying to stop a war but he gets getting hurt by people because of him trying to end the war

  69. A cold war novel. MY would start in a small town in soviet union, my characters would be a family father who is a military leader, stay at home mom, a little boy and a little girl. Then i would have second family that lives in Vietnam a father who was jobless a mother who sew close and a little boy and a little girl. Both families are going though the cold war and i would do a comparison of both the families throughout the war. I would tell their struggles, how their countries is reacting, and i would defiantly put in their opinions on their government and their opinions on other countries. I would also make sure for them to talk about whats going on in their environment and community. Also the kids of the first family would make a plan on how they with their other children friends could start a revolution to overthrow the government.

  70. my movie would be called hard part because it can talk about the way that the soilders real style of being a solider

  71. My story is going to be a diary of a young girl during the cold war. It will be called "The Diary of Cynthia Analiese: My New Normal." This diary will be about the experiences of an average American teenage girl. She would talk about things like the constant state of fear she lived in, the conversations she had about bombs with her parents, and the bomb drills she had to do in school. She would talk a lot about everything she saw in the papers and heard people saying. But being a teenage girl in the 50's was hard enough as it is. There were so many rules and not much freedom at all. She felt isolated, ignored, and left out most of the time and all of that was without the pressures of the cold war. Her new normal consisted of waking up and wondering if today would be the day her entire city would be blown up. Every step she took was out of fear. Her parents pressured her to be perfect so she would be "better than her soviet counterparts." With all of these different pressures and expectations she struggled to find herself and writing in her diary was the only thing that calmed her spirit.

  72. My movie would be about a teenager who lived an everyday normal live but, secretly was trained to be a spy. During the cold war, they are in a little town during the cold war. The story would be about how she was a spy and was trying to help her family who didn't know she was a spy. She has to save her small town from bombs. It would be called the spy.

  73. My novel would be called Tsar it would take place in America the conflict would be then dealing with the propaganda the United States put out during this time

  74. my movie would be called "the fallen soldier". it would be focused on a 21 year old man named john roberts. when he was born his father left him and his mother. he grew up not having much and had to work since his mom was always sick. when he was 15 years old his mom past away and soon after he went to live with his grandfather, who used to be a soldier. after some years of living with his grandfather news broke out of the cold war. they began to call and recruit for solidiers to come and fight in the war. john didn't want his grandfather to go because he was getting much older and couldn't fight in a war so john got up at the middle of the night and put on his grandfathers uniform, wrote him a note and left for the war.the rest of the movie follows john threw the war and what he went through,who he met, and life as a soldier in the cold war until his death.

  75. My story would be about a man named George Bates. George had picked up a volunteering job after WW2 to help deliver exports to those in need in the Soviet Union. After staying for awhile, he is forced to go into hiding once the US and SU break out into war. through out the book George will be writing in a diary like format, while also a switched POV to him trying to escape on a local cargo ship, and travels the world back to the Us.

  76. Seeing as how I'm not an expert on the Cold War and have barely read any primary sources, I'm not going to come up with a story about a whole war that I know little about. I'll think about it after I do more research. Historical fiction is a dicey enough genre in itself, it's worse when it's made with little to no knowledge of the subject.
