April 23, 2020: Genocide

                                                                          Killing Field Museum

The "Killing Fields" is a reference to the places in Cambodia where people were murdered at the hands of the Khmer Rouge and left in mass graves during the years 1975 to 1979.  Despite the call of "Never again" following the Holocaust, genocide has continued to happen. 

According to the United Nations the definition of genocide is:

Acts committed with intent to destroy in whole or in part
a national, ethnical, racial or religious group by

Killing members of group

Causing serious bodily harm

Physical destruction

Preventing births

Transferring children

Despite the fact that the Khmer Rouge were Marxist (communists) and the foreign policy of the Americans and western nations was to "contain" communism, outside nations did not choose to come in to Cambodia in an effort to fight off the brutal regime. This will not be the last time that genocide would take hold in a nation and no one turned to help.

This is a short video overview of the Cambodian genocide . Also Information about Cambodia from the USHMM.

In the last few years there has been another act of genocide that is occurring in South East Asia in Myanmar (the former Burma).  The Rohingya are Muslim and seen as immigrants in Myanmar despite the fact that they have been there for hundreds of years. They are one of the ethnic minorities in Myanmar.

But the government of Myanmar, a predominantly Buddhist country, denies the Rohingya citizenship and even excluded them from the 2014 census, refusing to recognise them as a people. "      BBC News, January 2020

The The United Nations has come under fire for allowing abuses of human rights, the systematic killing and displacement to occur. This is an article critical of the United Nations response. Why the UN failed to save the Rohingya by Joshua Carroll of Aljazeera, January 2019.

Today's prompt: Why does genocide continue to happen? If the goals of the United Nations are to maintain peace and security, why do nations allow this to happen? What will it take for it to stop happening?


  1. Genocide continues to happen because some people think the best way to protect citizens is to slaughter the enemy. Nations allow this to happen because they don’t want to be blamed for the genocide, so if they became bystanders in the fight, they can’t be blamed, at least that’s what they think. It would take people to just stop killing and talk to each other. If they do that, they could have a solution that doesn’t end in genocide.

  2. Genocide happens because people believe they are superior to others or groups. Nations allow this to happen because they are not worried about other countries, if it couldn't impact their own selves. For these horrible things to stop happening would take a strong understanding of each other, but also harsher punishments and better forces to immediately stop situations like this.

  3. Genocides occur because one nation feels higher than the others and will do anything to keep that power. This continues because people don’t find negotiation productive and would rather they just fight and kill. For these to stop nations must work on understanding one another and be able to negotiate and compromise not just assume they are always correct.

  4. Genocide continues to happen because some people feel that they have higher authority or power. Nations allow this to happen because they don't want other nations looking at it as if its their fault. For this to stop happening nations will need to get along and understand each nation.

  5. Genocide happens because people thought they would be more stronger than others and some thought this would be a good way to protect them. Nations allow this to happen because they thought that the genocide wouldn’t effect them and let others countries just fight and destroy. I think to stop this nations must care for the countries and understand the harsh consequences that genocide can give.

  6. Modern day genocides all happen for different reason, but genocide in general still occurs today because, now and in history, no one has stopped it. Throughout many lifetimes, genocides and mass killings have happened and have famously never been stopped. Nothing was done about the holocaust at least in the begininng, nothing was done about the mass killings in the Soviet Union. It almost makes sense to why nothing is done now. We’ve set an example for ourselves that if we just stay out of it, and stay uninvolved, sure lots of people will die, but it will eventually end on its own. The UN may say it’s goals are to keep the peace and end the violation of human rights, but I think in the end these countries just think it’s easier to stay out of it and let it run its course. Thousands of people can be killed and displaced and the UN wouldn’t bat an eye. Genocide is not something that we can just stop from happening. If history shows us anything it’s that there will always be people who are willing and ready to commit atrocities. If we really want to put an end to it, we have to step in when it does happen. We have to show those dictators that the international community is not just going to sit idly by. Showing that we will use our power and force to stop human suffering will leave a mark for future leaders.

  7. Genocide continues to happen because no one has yet to stop it. The reason it continues to happen because nations are afraid to causes problems with other nations. For this to stop nations would have to lose the fears of causes problems and focus on the more important matter, saving lives.

  8. Genocide continues to happen because people get angry or confused and think that it will help everyone if it happens. And since nobody is stopping it then that means more genocides will happen. The nations don't want to interfere because it might take a big force to stop these genocides and they don't want to waste their time, yet they should be stopping these together.

  9. Genocide happens because some people feel they are better or on a higher level than another. Nations allow this to happen because if it doesn't affect them directly they unfortunately don't care and don't want to get involved. To put and end to this, people need to elect a strong leader to enforce harsh punishments and demand that people make efforts to come to an understanding of each other.

  10. Genocide happens out of fear. They believe the only way to solve the problem is to slaughter the enemy, they believe the ones who are different are the ones we should fear, and the only way to solve it is by killing them. It happens out of confusion and anger and nations aren't willing to stop it because they believe its the only way to solve the problem without getting blamed for it. I believe the only way to stop genocide is to start seeing from another prospective and stop acting out of fear. However that's very unlikely to actually happen.

  11. Genocide happens when a group of people believe they are more superior than another group. Nations allow it to happen, if it doesn't affect their own society. They most likely believe that not getting involved is keeping peace. It would take many laws against murder, torture, transferring children, and many more, to stop the madness. If harsh laws aren't put into play by a strict leader, genocide will continue to occur.

  12. Genocide happens because some people think they are more important and more powerful than other people. Nations allow this to happen because it doesn't affect them. To stop this from happening, nations need to see what they are doing from another perspective and realize what other people think about them only trying to benefit themselves.

  13. Genocide continues to happen because everyone wants to be the best nation. They think that getting rid of other nations will make them stay on top. Genocide needs to stop happening because it's not making things better for our selves it's making it worse. History is going to keep repeating itself which is going to lead to disasters.

  14. Genocide is the result of one entity seeing themselves as above another. If they see themselves as above them they don't see them as human so they're willing to do to oppress them. I think the United Nations are afraid of overstepping and pushing a nation to hostility. I think for it to stop happening people need to see the other as an actual human.

  15. Genocide still occurs because people believe that they are always right, and or are highest in their class in a way. Nations allow this to happen, because if it doesn’t affect them they don’t care. If it effects the country but benefits them, they don’t care. For this to stop. We need to take time to better understand each other, and work together and as a whole. And maybe punish the people who don’t want to take part in it, so that they see what they are causing.

  16. Genocide continues to happen because of the desperation to be the most powerful. Nations don't support genocide until they deem it necessary to occur if it's beneficial. I don't know if it's realistic to say that we can stop genocide from ever happening. No matter what, there will always be greed, power, and misunderstanding. I think the best way to prevent genocide is through communication between nations and constitutions protecting certain countries from acting out with hate and violence.

  17. Genocide continues to happen because people are afraid of others and consider themselves better than others, therefore thinking that they have to "get rid of them". They don't consider them human and worthy of human treatment, so they leave them to die and kill them. I think some nations may not realize that this happens, but some are afraid to get involved because they have seen what the oppressing nation is doing and do not want the same thing to happen to them. It will take a major change of mindset and attitude, along with many people speaking up for this to change, which hopefully it will.

  18. Genocide continues to happen becasue of nations in conflict not being willing to understand each other and reach agreement. Most Nations have no way to fully stop this, as it’ll take an entire shift in how conflicts and unrest between nations are, since they’re usually so violent.

  19. Genocide continues to happen because a community of people, most importantly its leader, believes that in order to win, you must kill the threat. It is an act of anger, aggression, and desperation to beat someone, even if said someone is not directly injuring the people doing the killing. I think that the United Nations, even though their goal is to maintain peace, continues to let this happen not because they necessarily want it to, but because they have not put in enough effort to push away the idea that genocide is the only option. They also do not want control a nation too much in fear that said nation will turn on the UN.

  20. Genocide happens because a society or their leader thinks that they are superior to everyone else. They think in order to stay on top that they have to remove everything that is some sort of threat to them. I think that the united Nations use this because sometimes they are put in a position where killing is the only solution. I know that sometimes they have the descion and despite keeping peace they choose killing so they don't have to put as much work into it. I think if people stop thinking of themselves as superior and communicate or talk to each other genocide wont be as big as a problem.

  21. Genocides happen in light of the fact that one country feels higher than the others and will successfully keep that power. This proceeds since individuals don't discover arrangement beneficial and would prefer they simply battle and murder. For these to stop countries must take a shot at understanding each other and have the option to arrange and bargain not simply accept they are constantly right.

  22. Genocide continues to happen because not everyone has the same beliefs. People will have left or right wing views, both, or neither. Some people are racist while others aren't. If there are enough people to believe in something they can accomplish anything. So for example enough people became part of the nazi party, causing genocide because they were so powerful.

  23. I believe genocide continues to happen because of the lack of wanting to understand others, and because of that, powers put themselves above other people because their different. These powers believe that they are superior. And there is not a harsh enough punishment, this tells people that genocide is ok, when in reality it definitely is not! The UN has shown that they don't care, it seems like they just don't want to get involved, and just let everyone do their thing. You can't stop genocide from happening overnight, it will take everyone having an understanding of each other. And if and when genocide does happen we need a harsher and quicker punishment to tell people that this is not ok!

  24. Genocide continues to happen because some people think the best way to protect citizen to to kill the opponent.Nations allow this to happen because they are not worried about other countries.For these to stop nations must work on negotiation.

  25. Genocide continues to happen becuase some powers feel they are better than or are threatened by other powers. They feel like in order to defeat the problem, they have to wipe out all of the people in a certain ethnicity.
    Other countries let genocide happen becuase they don't want to get involved or they may be financially tied to one of the parties and they don't want to mess up their relationship. This is complacent though.
    In order to stop genocise, people need to realise we are all humans and there is no need to slaughter peole just because of their ethnicity or religious beliefs.

  26. Genocide continues to happen because of rules who fear losing control and the ideals that these rulers create and enforce. Genocide also continues because nations remain silent instead of taking action on the early warning signs. In the case of Cambodia the Khmer Rouge rose to power and felt that they must maintain it. The ideas they enforced that Cambodia must become a radically Communist agrarian Utopia. If anything or anyone doesn't fit into this neat little box it will be their end. Pol Pot wanted to take him bodhi it back to the old agricultural way, with a Cambodian master race. Enemies of the regime were executed and millions died from overwork, starvation and disease. The constant social engineering of Cambodian society to create Khmer rouge felt desperate to have, ultimately led to genocide. The reason that nations allow genocide to keep happening is because they do not act on the warning sides that proceed. In Rwanda, the Tutsis suffered discrimination that the state endorsed. Decades prior to the genocide, anti Tutsi propaganda was being spread to Hutu children. In Cambodia, the civil war and corruption of the monarchy allowed underground groups to gain strength and have a reason to overthrow it. The obvious class divisions gave way for the Khmer Rouge to rise to power. Then came displacement of the people in the city, forced labor and prosecution of minorities. Nations around the world see that a country is struggling and that it goes through massive sociopolitical changes that spiral into genocide. Warning signs are right in front of us and remarkably similar across other genocides, like the Rwandan genocide and the Holocaust. In order to make it stop countries need to act swiftly and logically. There will be no “this doesn't interest my country.” There will be no “this country is insignificant.” There will be no “what's in it for me.” countries in the United Nations and around the world will only say “human rights are being jeopardized; we need to step in now before it escalates. We must help our fellow people. It's our world and we all deserve to be alive and at peace to see it.” then and only then when we become more vigilant, and put people over politics, will genocide stop.

  27. Genocide continues to happen because there are still people who think that certain groups of people are superior to others. Nations allow things like this to happen because they are either led to believe that certain ideals are true like racial superiority or don’t have enough power. In order to stop genocides, the world is going to have to be more strict and intervene early on situations like these so they don’t snowball into a bigger problem. Had there been an intervention in Cambodia early on the lives of hundreds of thousands of people could have been saved.

  28. Genocide is a power move. Genocide is typically based on a country’s situation in politics, social, religious, and economics. The perpetrator is probably looking for political gain. Using fear, genocide is a strategy used to gain power over the people. In social situations there is usually a built-up hate for a particular group. The perpetrator can then use that hate for genocide to gain power. If a country is declining economically, it’s easy for people to follow the irrational and illogical path. It can deepen people’s hate for other particular groups, and governments can strength people’s hatred toward a group as a way of latching on to some power.

    Genocide is not easy to recognize. The UN faced this with the Rohingya people of Rakhine. The Rohingya are an indigenous people of Myanmar but according to the current government are not recognized as citizens of the state. Since 1978, the Rohingyas are being driven out of Myanmar by military force. Myanmar is accused of violence and genocide. There is no simple answer to this issue, especially with so many leaders having to cooperate with each other in making a difficult decision. According to PBS News Hour, “World leaders have chosen their words carefully when describing the mass exodus of Rohingya fleeing violence in Myanmar,…avoiding…politically charged term ‘genocide’.” Adding, “The actions the Myanmar military is taking against the Muslim minority group have been called…textbook case of ethnic cleansing.” To stay safe, it was determined to take the long-term strategy. “The UN and the international community prioritized long-term development in Rakhine in the hope that eventually increased prosperity would lead to reduced tensions between the Rohingya and the Buddhists.” says John Fisher author of BBC News. Many have tried to ask questions regarding this crisis to the authorities involved with human rights, which became almost ‘impossible’ with brief and weak answers.

    It takes a lot to prevent genocide, the UN follows a generalized system. First, you need to address the root of the problem. Is it a political, social, or economic situation? The UN’s number one priority is to protect the civilians. They do this by enforcing measures to protect people from violence and hate. If a nation does not cooperate in taking responsibility for genocide and refusing court. It is necessary for those responsible to be persecuted. Some scenarios its pertinent to take immediate action to get the job done, some it’s more complex.

    To conclude, genocide is difficult to define. Genocide is typically seen as a power move. The UN follows a system of preventing genocide. The UN struggles with the prevention of genocide.

  29. I had to put the rest under reply again I'm sorry.

  30. Genocide continues to happen as long as you have a dictator has a problem he needs to get rid of or feels threatened by someone the only way they think is to just get rid of it. The UN has failed to help stop the genocide, because if they were to somehow lose or lose many of the lives in generally they would be blamed by the people and they didn't want that. In order for genocide to stop the UN made make sacrifices and stop being scared of being blamed because other people lives are at stake not just their reputation

  31. Genocide continues to occur because it’s a move of power. Everyone loves to be in control and have power over others. I think they let it happen because they don’t want to be blamed for anymore genocide so it just will continue. For genocide to stop it’ll take everyone coming together and stoping all of the unnecessary violence.

  32. genocide continues to happen because some leaders believe that their nation is superior, and they might just really dislike a certain group of people. Leaders who let genocide happen are probably blaming that group of people for their problems. Nations allow this to happen because they don't want to get involved. If a huge dangerous problem is not directly hurting them, then they don't what to waste their money and time to intervene. It would take effort for it to stop happening. The people responsible for these actions would have to be punished, and there should be more secure laws.

  33. Because leaders think it’s a beneficial way to protect their citizens.I fell like nations do it because it not directly affecting them so they feel like they don’t have to stop it when it starts to affect them then maybe they will put a stop to it. I feel like for it to stop the nations will have to get involved with it. I feel like when the nations get involved maybe they will get scared and stop.

  34. Genocide keeps on happening in light of the fact that not every person has similar convictions.

    Individuals will have left or conservative perspectives, both, or not one or the other. A few people are supremacist while others aren't. In the event that there are sufficient individuals to have confidence in something they can achieve anything. So for instance enough individuals turned out to be a piece of the nazi party, causing massacre since they were so almighty

  35. Genocide still happens to this day because it is how nations show power and control. With corrupt people of government in different nations, greed for power, money and control will drive them to do anything to get what they want. These nations commit genocide because they are willing to do whatever it takes to get to their goal. The United Nations needs to agree that there should be peace in all circumstances. There is no need for war.

  36. Genocide happens because people don't want to acknowledge it as much as other issues. The world nation try to deal with other thing like who gets what instead of thing like that like are actually affecting more people like corrupt governments and starvation.

  37. genocide still happens because some powers are more superior than others or at least they feel that way. It doesn’t help the citizens or the community or country but it’s good for them

  38. I think genocide continues to happen because we number one don’t look at our mistakes and learn and also people just think the only way to be heard or in power is violence or by eliminating the enemy or opposing side. i think the nation allows this to happen because in some way they benefit from it and don’t care about how it affects the people. I think the giver and nation need to take a step back and look at what is happening and why.

  39. Genocide continues because many are not able to defend themself to more technologically advanced country's, its easier for killing to happen. The UN wants to stop that by being notified about a situation like that in advance, so that they could try everything in their power to stop that situation from getting any worse. It will take strength, and will to stop this horrible act from happen, so that people don't have to suffer.

  40. Genocide happens because people want a way to quickly get rid of their problems. It happens when people think they are stronger means that rules don't really apply to them.

  41. I think that genocide is continuing to happen in our nation and others because there is no direct effort quotes towards stopping it. The government looks towards other things in a constant attempt to push it off to the side. Of course not only happening where we live, as the video showed about Cambodian Genocide. It talks about the Khmer Rouge. The Khmer RougeIs a direct example of something the government ignored.

  42. Genocide persists when one man sees himself better than the other. They do not see them as people because they consider themselves as above them and they are able to do and exploit them. I suspect the United Nations is afraid to overstep and drive a country into aggression. I believe people ought to see the other as an real person for this to stop happening.

  43. Genocide still happens today because nobody has had the power to stop it. If the United Nations really wanted to stop it I believe they could but I'm not sure why they refuse to fix the situation at hand if they are supposed to be peace and security for all the nations. I think it will take people to stop participating in genocide and people enforcing that its not right and the consequences that come with it more often.

  44. Genocide continues to happen, because people with power, especially military power, want to control people to get more power, and nobody stands up to them and stops them. I think the United Nations doesn't do anything so they are protected and don't risk starting a WW. Also they may be too many Genocides happening to stop them all, but I don't know. Honestly I don't know what it will take for them to stop happening, mostly because it's hard to go against someone killing mass people just because they can, or power, or their views. Usually those people have a lot of power if they have the guts to start a genocide. And I guess you can start a national group to stop them but, It's hard also to guess if its gonna start a world war.

  45. Genocide continues to happen because the people and the government all around the world are messed up there is no perfect place on earth but there is no reason for it to keep happening

  46. Genocide happens because of the power dynamic society puts on each other. It establishes control, power. It's something everyone sees as a way to settle things, too. I don't think that we can simply stop genocide. There will always be people/world leaders who believe that it's the answer to our problems. We can't stop it, but we can learn from it and make it easier to control.

  47. I feel genocide continues to occur because people will always think of themselves before they think of others and most people do what’s “best” for them without thinking or much caring about the effect on someone else. The UN probably thought that if they stopped what was happening it was cause more conflict and bigger problems so they might’ve considered it to be avoidable by letting their smaller government deal with it. To stop genocide I think the UN should place regulations on militaries attacks.

  48. Genocide continues to happen because of corrupt leaders who will do nothing to push there propaganda. The United Nations allow genocide to happen for a one reason. They don’t want to be attacked. In order for genocide to stop happening, someone would have to step in. However, there is a chance of another war if something like that were to happen, so most world leaders choose not to.

  49. Genocide keeps happening because some people think the easiest way to take down the enemy is completely eliminating them. It also keeps happening because of selfish and hateful leaders. I believe nations allow this to happen because of fear. They are fearful of it happening to them. I think having a large council meeting with every country to try to spread peace would be helpful in the prevention of genocide.

  50. Genocide continues to happen because of the desperation to be the most powerful. Nations don't support genocide unless they see it necessary to happen and if it Benefits them. Not sure if we could say that we can stop genocide from ever happening, but no matter what, there will always be power, greed, and dis-function. I think the best way to prevent genocide is through communication, and understanding between nations and coming together to stop certain countries from acting out with hate and violence.

  51. Genocide continues to happen because the nations try to prove a point in war and try to get the other side to surrender or else they'll keep killing innocents. They keep allowing it because they might be defending themselves or trying to maintain peace a violent way. To make genocide stop happening the nations would have to come to a truce and put aside their differences, and treat each other equally.

  52. Genocide happens because people truly belive that they are superior to others. So to protect each other they would rather kill each other. Nations allow it to happen because they don’t want to be blamed. For these kinds of things to stop nations need to work together and communicate.

  53. Genocide continues to happen because some people still believe that the act is not wrong and that it is justified through their own actions and ideology. Even though many people have outlawed it and spoke out against it their words only go so far to the people who should listen don’t. Even if the United Nations have this proclaimed goal, just like I stated earlier, is that words only go so far while actions go even farther. However we do know that the U.N has no real power to control everyone, all that they can really do is tell them that what their doing is wrong and is unexceptional to them. For the end of genocide, people from all over the world would have to come together and agreee that the perjuring of one group of people is horrendous and should be condemned with a harsh punishment. But, that would take a lot of collective minds to actually bring people together and work with each other willingly to stop this.

  54. Genocide happens because people don't want to acknowledge it as much as other issues. They feel like to defeat/solve a problem, they have to wipe out all of the people in a certain ethnicity. Many times it's not stopped bc a larger group of people aren't affected by it.


  55. Genocide has continued to happen because no one feels that it is a problem. It’s happened for so long that it has been normalized and it has became one of the top solutions for “dealing with an enemy” or solving a problem. Another reason I believe it is still happening is because people don’t consider other people's ideas. Likely people become enemies because they disagree on something or they differ in something which causes them to be placed in different groups which makes them enemies. So they feel the logical way to handle this is killing and that’s why genocide is still a problem. Although the United Nations intentions are meant to be good they allow such harsh things to happen. I think the only way this will end will be to have a large protest or for someone that is important to become a victim of genocide.

  56. Genocide is an awful thing, and we swore that a mass genocide would never happen again, yet here we are. Genocide only happens because of one thing -- hatred. If power is given to an evil person, or group of people, then no voice and decision except for theirs will be acted upon. The people who commit this terrible act of murdering and hurting innocent people know that no one is going to do anything about it unless they choose to be killed, themselves. The continuation of genocide happens solely because of people either not caring because it does not affect them, or because one is simply uneducated on the matter. The United Nations cannot help Rwanda because the organization does not maintain credibility in Rwanda due to UN letting the Rwandan Patriotic Front government take over the pre-existing government that country had once had. The only way to stop this is for the people of the world to help as they did in the Holocaust, then Never Again could be a more progressing and factual term.

  57. Genocide continues to happen because of ignorance .The United Nations continue to fail in thier goals of maintaining peace and security because the are not addressing the root of this ignorance. I believe the nations allow this to happen by default because they are not addressing the underline issue of racism. It will take a firm “No Tolerance Policy” implementation to prevent this type of ignorance if they ever hope to overcome genocide.

  58. Genocide continues to happen because of hate, and others thinking that they are superior. The nations fails to maintain peace within groups of people because they cannot discuss why exactly it's happening. I personally think it won't stop completely unless we educate children NOW to grow up with basic knowledge of equality and help of other adults to other adults.

  59. Genocide still happens because they think the best way to protect people is to destroy the enemy. They think they're superior to them, and there's no need to keep them if they're enemies.

  60. Genocide still happens because people think the best way to get rid of their enemy, is to kill their enemy. They want to feel powerful over them and they do not want to worry about them.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Genocide goes on due to people believing they are at a higher power than others. Another reason is that some people are not accepting of others and/or their beliefs, and will do whatever they can to erase their presence if they feel that they pose some type of threat to them. Nations let genocide go on in different countries as to not get involved, which I think is outright terrible. In order for this type of conflict to stop happening, all nations must get involved and find ways to fix the problem while working as a unit.

  63. Geocide keeps happening because there isn't enough mental support and emotional support for those who are more sensitive and nations around the world are just are very unknowledgeable of about how peoples mental health. But I think the governments of the nations could educate law enforcement and the communities of their to be more informed about the signs and different things about mental health and emotional health.

  64. Genocide still happens in modern day time for many reasons, But if you are referring to the other era's then it would have to be over power and control. People Natural believe that what they think is right so if you were someone with a high status then what you ordered was right and you had the power to do something about it.

  65. Genocide continued to happen in the past because of the want of power and control or to make statements. Genocide happens in modern day because foreign countries still practice it and some leaders in charge are unstable mentally and emotionally.

  66. Genocide happens because people are filled with hate, which is usually learned from a close friend or family member. People like to blame things on beings other than themselves, and when someone is wrongly blamed for a horrible thing, people want revenge. The United Nations doesn't allow it to happen necessarily, but they don't do much to prevent it.

  67. I think that genocide is still happening today. The Convention confirms that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or war, is a crime under international law which parties to the Convention undertake “to prevent and to punish.” The primary responsibility to prevent and stop genocide lies with the State in which this crime is committed. It would take a lot of police hostility and rules But I think that would be chaos.

  68. Genocide happens for many reasons. However, research proves the most common reason for genocide is a group of people who feel superior. If any group of society or organization gets in their way a problem occurs. They then feel the need to take a highly violent approach. Usually people who think like this are also psychopaths and never feel.
    The United Nations in my view, barely do anything to prevent genocide. Thousands of African Americans are dying every year due to law enforcement pulling out guns and racially profiling. If this is Americas best shot at stoping this violence, then we need to try harder to reach the goal of peace and security. This has been going on for too long. The only reason nations don't do anything to stop it is because some Caucasian people in the government turn a blind eye and don't realize their privilege. I want more educated people in our government, i think Americans should be more open minded and have the ability to put themselves in another persons shoes.

  69. Because people believe the best way to protect the people is killing their rival. The reason it happens is because they don't want to be held accountable for the genocide. To make it stop, they would have to stop the violence and make it work with words and not death.

  70. The genocide still happens because of the protection of citizens from the enemy. The hatefulness continues with the peace and war. Blame and revenge also continues with the racism

  71. Annihilation is simply the aftereffect of one element seeing as over another. On the off chance that they consider themselves to be above them they don't consider them to be human so they're willing to do to mistreat them. I think the United Nations fear violating and pushing a country to threatening vibe. I think for it to quit happening individuals need to see the different as a real human.

  72. Genocide keep happening because everybody thinks everybody the enemy. IF everybody didn't have the mentality of kill them before they even have to chance to plan something well be alright. Sometimes we don't even are thinking of planning anything but you assuming isn't going yo do you any right. The nation don't keep letting it happen it more like they want it to happen they don't see what their doing is wrong so their not going to stop. I call it survive mode their going into survive mode and until we make ground rules have commutation and have a mutual understanding of each other its going to keep happening.

  73. Genocide still happens because people believe to protect citizens they have to kill the enemy. Nations don’t do anything about it because if it doesn’t evolve them they don’t care. To stop it we could punish the people that are doing it .

  74. Genocides continue to happen because some groups don’t understand other groups and feel superior. This in itself is not the problem, the real issue is when those people don’t care to understand. This can lead to dehumanization and genocide, especially when they would rather silence the people that they don’t understand than see a different side. Unfortunately, for many countries, it’s easier to ignore the problem than address it. If helping the oppressed costs a lot of money, or would be looked down upon, or could lead to loss of troops, some countries would rather pretend that it doesn’t exist. Out of sight, out of mind. For this to stop, I think that the main thing that needs to happen is better communication between countries and groups. Furthermore, when oppressive groups rise, leaders need to be better at stopping them quickly.

  75. Genocide continutes to happen because of western countries destabilizing the world, including the United Nations, which often acts in the interest of the United States and United Kingdom. When they create conflict between ethnic groups, religious groups, genocide is allowed to occur. This happened with the Khmer Rouge, which were affected by harsh foreign policy for being a Marxist group. Genocide will only stop when superpowers focus on their domestic problems and allow other countries to make decisions for the benefit of their own people.
