April 16, 2020: UN Part 2: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Eleanor Roosevelt holding the new Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

As part of the mission for the United Nations, delegates created a document that listed the human rights that all person should be entitled to.

Please read the document: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Today's prompt: Make a list of 10 things that you believe would be essential as human rights that everyone is entitled to no matter who they are or where they come from.


  1. 1) the right to get married (when you’re both the legal age, obviously)
    2) the right to be paid equally despite your gender
    3) the right to have any religion (or not have one at all)
    4) the right to vote
    5) the right to own property
    6) the right to have healthcare
    7) the right to be free
    8) the right to education
    9) the right to not be subjected to unjust violence
    10) the right to protest their beliefs

  2. This is a list of basic essential rights everyone should be entitled to.

    1. The right to shelter food and water
    2. The right to vote
    3. Freedom of expression
    4. Freedom of movement
    5. Right to choose your own job
    6. Right to choose your own government
    7. Right to practice your own religion or not practice one at all
    8. Right to life
    9. Right to be free and have liberty
    10. Freedom from slavery

  3. 1. The right of legal-age marriage
    2. The right of belief
    3. The right to vote
    4. Freedom of speech
    5. Complete freedom from slavery of any sort
    6. Freedom and right to live
    7. Freedom of action and reaction
    8. Right of employment
    9. The right to basic necessities
    10. Freedom from racial injustice, anti-discrimination.

  4. 10 things I believe would be basic essential rights that everyone should entitled.
    1. The right for freedom
    2. The right for any race
    3. The right for any religion
    4. The right for your education and learning
    5. The right for you to vote
    6. The right for non-violence
    7. The right for Marriage and family
    8. The right for ending slavery
    9. The right for food and shelter
    10. The right for protection

  5. 1. The right to vote
    2. freedom, no slavery
    3. The right for legal age marriage
    4. The right for liberty
    5. The right to vote
    6. We are all equal
    7. The right to have education
    8. Right to pick your own job.
    9. The freedom of speech
    10. The right to privacy

  6. 1. The right of equality
    2. Freedom of religion
    3. Freedom for marriage
    4. Freedom of speech
    5. The right for non-violence
    6. No one is above the law
    7. The right to own property
    8. The right to vote
    9. The right to Free choice of employment
    10. The right to education

  7. 1. The right to vote
    2. The right to hold office
    3. Freedom to religion or non-religion
    4. Freedom to choose a job
    5. The right to own land
    6. The right to have a trial
    7. The right to have ownership of your house
    8. The right to get a lawyer
    9. The right to sue someone doing you wrong
    10. The right to a private bank

  8. 1. The right to free speech
    2. The right to vote
    3. The right to marry
    4. The right to freely worship
    5. The right to education
    6. The right to work
    7. The right to healthcare
    8. The right to free and fair elections
    9. The right to property
    10. The right to prosper

  9. Essential Human Rights:
    1) The right to vote
    2) The right to be educated
    3) The right to not be enslaved
    4) The right not to be discriminated against
    5) The right to choose your religion(s)
    6) The right to have access to healthcare
    7) The right to have a fair trial
    8) The right to hold your own political views
    9) The right to marry who you want with consent from both parties
    10) The right to choose your profession (when possible)

  10. 1. Freedom of speech
    2. Right to own property
    3. Right to vote
    4. Right to marry
    5. Right to a lawyer
    6. Right to worship
    7. Right to live freely
    8. Right to run for office
    9. Right to work
    10. Right to apply for a loan

  11. 1: The right of free speech
    2: The right of free belief
    3: The right of marriage
    4: The right to work
    5: The right to freedom
    6: The right to education
    7: The right to own property
    8: The right to vote
    9: The right to have access to healthcare
    10: The right to support your choice of government

  12. 1: Freedom of speech
    2: To be free (no slavery)
    3: Right to vote
    4: Any legal marriage (same sex or opposite)
    5: Right to own property
    6: Right to whatever religious belief of their choosing
    7: Right to support whatever choice of government they want
    8: Right to work
    9: Right to have their own political views
    10: Right to a lawyer and a fair trial in court

  13. 1. The right of freedom
    2. Freedom of speech
    3. The right to equal pay, regardless of gender
    4. The right to work
    5. The right to hold office
    6. Freedom of religion
    7. The right to vote
    8. The right of marriage
    9. The right to have access to healthcare
    10. The right to own land

  14. 1. The right of freedom
    2. The right to own property
    3. The right for fair trial
    4. The right to run for office
    5. The right to vote
    6. Freedom of speech
    7. Right to marry
    8. Equality
    9. Right to healthcare
    10. Right to insurance

  15. 1. Freedom of thought
    2. Freedom to take part in the government
    3. The right to vote
    4. Freedom of religion
    5. Equality of everyone
    6. Right of legal marriage
    7. The right to work
    8. Access to healthcare
    9. The right to freedom
    10. The right to own land

  16. 1. The right to vote
    2. The right to equal pay
    3. The right to hold office
    4. The right of marriage
    5. Freedom of speech
    6.Workers rights
    7.Freedom of thought
    8.The right of free education
    9.Free or low cost healthcare
    10.The right to live.

  17. 1.) the right to live
    2.) the right to work
    3.) the right to make their own decisions
    4.) the right to protest
    5.) the right to vote
    6.) the right to get married
    7.) the right to own a business
    8.) the right of free education
    9.) access to healthcare
    10.) freedom of religion

  18. 1. Freedom of religion
    2. Freedom of expression
    3. Freedom of education
    4. Freedom of thought
    5. The right to employment
    6. Freedom from discrimination
    7. The right to marriage and family
    8. Freedom from slavery
    9. Freedom from torture
    10. The right to assemble

  19. 1. Right to vote.
    2. Right to marriage.
    3. Right to healthcare.
    4. Right to not be racially discriminated against.
    5. Right to education.
    6. Right to work.
    7. Right to worship.
    8. Right to own property.
    9. Right to civil justice.
    10. Right to protest.

  20. 1. The right to equal pay, regardless of gender and religion
    2. The right to equal pay for the same job
    3 Access to healthcare free or a reasonable price
    4 Right to marry
    5 right to a trial
    6. Freedom of speech
    7 right to vote
    8The right to hold your own political views
    9 The right to work when you come to age
    10 the right to own land

  21. 1 The right to live
    2 The right to get married to whom ever you want
    3 The right to own land
    4 Equal pay for equal work
    5 Freedom of speech
    6 Right of to vote
    7 the right to work
    8 the right to not be sent to gulags or CC camps
    9 the right to uprise against a dictator ship with help
    10 the right to ave a fair trial

  22. 1. Freedom of Speech
    2. Right to own Property
    3. Equal Opportunity
    4. Right to a Fair Trial
    5. Right to Healthcare
    6. Right to Free Education
    7. Freedom of Marriage
    8. Freedom from Oppression
    9. Equal Taxes
    10. Right of People's Government Fully

  23. 1. Right to protest peacefully
    2. Right to own property
    3. Right to be a free person
    4. Right to education
    5. Right to marry whomever
    6. Right to have atrial
    7. Right to leave the country
    8. Right to any religion
    9.Freedom of thoughts and opinions
    10. Right to employment

  24. 1.Right to Petition the Gov.
    2.Freedom of religion
    3.Freedom of speech
    4.Fair Trial by Jury
    5.Right to vote
    6.Right to apply for employment
    7.Right to be equal
    8.Right to run for office
    9.Freedom to express yourself
    10.Freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.

  25. 10 rights everybody should have:
    1. Everyone is equal
    2. Freedom of speech
    3.Freedom of religion
    4.Protection of the law
    5.Nobody is above the law
    6.Freedom of marriage
    7.The right to vote
    8.Right to education
    9.Right of privacy
    10.Right to own property

  26. 1. Freedom of religion
    2. Freedom of speech
    3.right to equality
    4. Right to own property
    5. Right to vote
    6. Right to fair trial
    7. Right to have an education
    8. Right to marriage
    9. Right to have a peaceful protest
    10. Right to healthcare

  27. 1. Freedom of speech
    2. Right to vote
    3. Freedom of religion
    4. Equal rights
    5. Right to trial
    6. Right to education
    7. Right to privacy
    8. Right to marriage
    9. Workers rights
    10. Right to live

  28. 1.Freedom of speech
    2.Right to vote
    4. Food and shelter
    6. Freedom of religion
    8. equality
    9. workers rights
    10. Liberty

  29. 1. Right of freedom
    2. Right of education
    3. Right to vote/ participate in government
    4. Right to own property
    5. Right of privacy
    6. Right to be innocent until proven guilty
    7. Right to work
    8. Right of marriage
    9. Right of equality
    10.Right of freedom of speech

  30. 1. right to vote
    2. right of expression
    3. right of speech
    4. freedom of thought
    5. right of belongings
    6. right of social security
    7. worker's rights
    8. right to marry
    9. right for equality
    10.freedom of religion

  31. 1. the right to own property
    2. the right to vote
    3. freedom of marriage
    4. freedom of speech
    5. right of being innocent until proven guilty
    6. right of privacy
    7. right to participate in government
    8. freedom of religion
    9. equality
    10. right to fair trial

  32. 1.right to life
    2.equal before law
    3.protected human rights
    4.no unfair detainment
    5.right to trial
    7.freedom of speech
    8.innocent till proven guilty
    9.miranda rights
    10.dont discriminate

  33. 1.innocent until PROVEN guilty
    2.freedom of religion
    3.freedom of speech
    4.right to vote
    5.equal rights
    7.workers rights
    9.right to privacy
    10.right to education

  34. 1.Freedom of expression
    2.Freedom of speech
    3.Right of education
    4.Right to marriage and family
    5.Freedom of religion
    6.Freedom of press
    7.The right to own property
    8.The right to health care
    9.the right to vote
    10.The right to protest

  35. The right to marriage
    The right to have equal pay
    The right to an education
    The fright to have freedom of Beliefs
    The right to be free
    The right to vote
    The right to a fair and just court
    The right to work
    The right to own property
    The right to protest

  36. 1-The right to vote
    2- The right to have education
    3- The right to have a trial
    4- The right to get married (male or female or non binary)
    5- The right to protest
    6- The right to medical attention
    7- The right to work
    8- The right to own property
    9- The right to have children
    10- The right to free speech

  37. 1. The right to vote and to have a say in your gov.
    2. The right to equal pay between both sexes (including those who identify as something else).
    3. The right to run for office.
    4. The right of marriage to whomever that person loves.
    5. Freedom of speech.
    6.Workers rights.
    7.Freedom of thought and having an opinion (as long as it's not bad).
    8.The right of free education.
    9.Free or low cost healthcare.
    10.The right to live and be a free citizen.

  38. The right to love who they want
    The right to practice there religion
    The right to have equal rights
    The right to have fair cases in the justice system
    The right to healthcare
    The right to question there government
    The right to have equal pay
    The right to privacy
    The right to get treated fair by higher power
    The right to be protected by the law

  39. 1. The right to have free education
    2. The right to vote under the age of 18
    3. The right to own their own property
    4. The right to have as many children as you want
    5. The right to be free
    6. The right to not pay bills to the government with the money you earn and make
    7. The right to be protected by the law
    8. The right to be payed equally
    9. The right to be opinionated
    10. The right to protest

  40. 1. The right to vote
    2. The right to have jobs despite physicality
    3. The right to be treated equally
    4. The right to have education
    5. The right to have equal pay
    6. The right to go to court
    7. The right for healthcare
    8. The right to not base any decisions on physicality (color/ethnicity, gender, religion etc.)
    9. The right to privacy
    10. The right of freedom!

  41. 1. Freedom of speech
    2. Freedom to own property
    3. Right to vote
    4. Equality amongst everyone
    5. Freedom of religion
    6. Education to be accessible to everyone
    7. Freedom of marriage to whoever (unless under the age of 18)
    8. Freedom to protest
    9. Right to privacy
    10. Freedom to participate in government, no matter gender, ethnicity, religion

  42. 1.the right to vote
    2.the right to get married to what ever gender you want
    3.free education
    4.the right to have abortions
    5.to be treated equally no matter who you are
    6. freedom of speech
    7. equal pay no madder what gender
    8. the right for free health care
    9. freedom to protest
    10. the right to basic items needed for the body

  43. 1. Marriage and Family. Every grown-up has the right to marry and have a family if they want to.
    2. The Right to Your Own Things.
    3. Freedom of Thought. .
    4. The Right to Public Assembly.
    5. The Right to Democracy.
    6. Social Security.
    7. Workers' Rights.
    8. Rights to play.
    9. Food and Shelter for All.
    10. The Right to Education.

  44. 1. Freedom to vote
    2. Equal pay
    3. Freedom to protest
    4. Freedom to education
    5. Freedom of religion
    6. Freedom to marry whoever (once you're of age)
    7. Free healthcare
    8. To be innocent until proven guilty
    9. Equality for everyone
    10. Freedom from being enslaved and/or tortured

  45. 1. Right to health
    2. access to education and information
    3. access to clean water
    4 access ti nutritious food
    5. right to marraige over the age of 20
    6. right to speech
    7. right to access of safe shelter
    9. right to fair wages, which are based on work ethic
    10. right to a safe work envirnment

  46. 1. right to there own land
    2. right to believe what they want
    3. free speech
    5. right to love whom ever they want
    6. equality no matter gender or race
    7. Every child have the chance for a good education
    8. right to vote
    9. everyone is equally protected by the law
    10. right for clean water and healthy food

  47. 1. Right to life, liberty and security of person
    2. Right to strong standard of living
    3. Right to be free from enslavement
    4. Right to participate and practice one's culture
    5. Right to move around freely
    6. Right to education for all
    7. Right to a fair trial
    8. Right to seek asylum in another area
    9. Right to participate in one's government
    10. Right to marry freely when one is of age


  48. 1.The right to vote
    2.Fair trial
    6.Freedom of religion
    7.Freedom of speech
    8.The right to marry
    9.The right to healthcare
    10.The right to basic education

  49. 1. Right to a Fair Trial
    2. Freedom from Oppression
    3. Right of People's Government Fully
    4. Freedom of Speech
    5. Freedom of Marriage
    6. Equal Taxes
    7. Right to Healthcare
    8. Right to own Property
    9. Right to Free Education
    10. Equal Opportunity

  50. 1) To go without discrimination.
    2) To have authority over their own life.
    3)Innocent until proven guilty.
    4)No credit because past mistakes can ruin someones future.
    5)Fair indictment.
    6)Free health insurance because the government is supposed to protect its people.
    7)I don’t think people should be denied loans unless it is absolutely no way they can return the money.
    8)Stores shouldn’t be able to refuse service to anyone at their will.
    9)Emancipation ages shouldn’t be 18 and older.
    10) Children should get more of a day in their education.

  51. 1. the right to love who you love
    2. the right to vote
    3. the right to speak your mind in nonviolent ways
    4. the right to be educated and obtain knowledge
    5. the right to have a fair trial when in the court of law
    6. to live freely among those around you and as long as you do no harm you should not be shounded
    7. the right to be a home owner
    8. the right to have access to food no matter who or where you are, it is a basic necessity in life
    9. the right to have equal rights no matter your race or sexual orientation.
    10. the right to seek asylum in another place in the world.

  52. 1. the right to health care
    2. the right to own property
    3. the right to believe in any religion
    4. the right to equal pay (among different genders for the same job)
    5. the right to education
    6. the right to a fair trial
    7. the right to vote
    8. the right to safe home
    9. the right to have freedom over who you marry (with age limits)
    10. the right to equal taxes

  53. All genders are equal
    Women can make their own choices
    All people are allowed to get married
    Right to free education
    Right to free healthcare
    Right to freedom of speech
    Discrimination of any kind is not allowed
    Free access to necessities for the homeless
    Be able to get a good job if you have done your time in jail
    Right to freedom

  54. Right to have abortions in all states following a 2 month law
    Women's rights, because some countries don’t allow that
    Freedom of speech
    You can get married when you are 18
    The right to protest
    Voting rights
    Religious freedoms
    Equality for all races
    The right to live as a human being
    Privacy rights

  55. 1-the right to work where they please (including women)
    2-the right to where what they please
    3-the right to stand up for what they believe in (in a civil manner)
    4-the right to be with who they want to be with (no forced marriages or relationships)
    5-the right to vote
    6-the right to be respected( shouldn't be treated any different than anyone else due to
    7-rights to different religions

    1. I most definitely didn’t know this looked like this

  56. 1) the right of equal rights
    2)the right of freedom
    3) the freedom of speech
    4) all should have access to Heath care
    5) access to basic things to live
    7) freedom of beliefs
    8) rights to taxation
    9) be able marry whoever you want
    10) right to be treated equally

  57. 1) The freedom to be educated.
    2) The freedom of religious beliefs.
    3) The freedom of speech.
    4) The freedom to vote.
    5) The right to healthcare.
    6) The right to basic needs - shelter, water, food.
    7) The right to be treated equally.
    8) The freedom of self expression.
    9) The right to privacy of some sort.
    10) The freedom to have equal opportunity.

  58. 1) The right to vote when of age
    2) Access to education
    3) Freedom of religion
    4) Access to basic needs (food, water, shelter, etc.)
    5) Access to healthcare
    6) Freedom of beliefs
    7) The right to be treated equitably
    8) The right to marry whoever, at appropriate age
    9) Freedom to protest
    10) The right of expressing yourself

  59. 1. The right to life, liberty, and security of person
    2. The right to live life freely (prohibition of slavery and the slave trade)
    3. The right of equal protection of the law without discrimination
    4. The right to freedom of thought
    5. The right to freedom of speech
    6. The right to a nationality
    7. The right to freedom of movement and residence
    8. The right to own property (alone/in association w/ others)
    9. The right to work, to free choice of employment
    10. The right to marry when of age, and the right to found a family

  60. The right of privacy
    The right of fair trial
    The right to vote
    The right of religion
    The right of marriage
    The right to own property
    The right to work
    The right of freedom
    The right of freedom of speech
    The right to health care

  61. the right to vote
    the right of freedom
    the right of health care
    the right to vote
    the right of getting married
    the right to have an family
    the right to work
    the right to have food and shelter
    the right of believing any religion
    the right to have privacy

  62. 1.Voting
    6.health care.
    8.eating what you want
    9.to believe

  63. 1. Equality
    2. The right to vote
    3. freedom of speech
    4. get paid the same amount of money as others
    5. Ability to believe in your own religion
    6. The right to protest peacefully
    7. free education (believe it or not)
    8. free health care
    9. To legalize homosexual marriages
    10. Being able to be apart of making laws and rules for your city with your governor

  64. 1. The right to free speech
    2. The right to vote
    3. The right to marry
    4. The right to freely worship
    5. The right to education
    6. The right to work
    7. The right to healthcare
    8. The right to free and fair elections
    9. The right to property
    10. The right to prosper

  65. 1.Health care
    2. Great education
    3. Clean water
    5.Decent work
    6.Clean energy
    7. A good home life
    10. Freedom

  66. 1) everyone has freedom of religion and the right to speak and share that religion
    2)freedom of speech on all subjects
    3)freedom of beliefs and the right to speak and share on those beliefs
    4)equality for everyone no matter what your race or gender is
    5) having a voice on what our country does
    6)being able to buy or sell anything
    7)being able to worship wherever whenever no matter what your religion is
    8)the option to learn Christianity from a good source at every school, public or private
    9) the right to be who you want to be
    10) the right do just love who you love or be you who are without being beaten or put in jail for it

  67. 1)equal schooling opportunity
    2)freedom of speech for everyone on anything
    3)freedom of marriage for any non/gender and/or sexuality
    4)freedom of religion everywhere (illegal to bash others for their religion)
    5)equality in pay for every person in that particular workspace
    6)freedom from discrimination
    7)right to escape from harsh/unfair household with proper explanation and reason
    8)free healthcare, taxed more for the successful rich
    9)right to partake in voting, free while also fair
    10)right to privacy against the law


  68. 1-the right to work where they please (including women)
    2-the right to where what they please
    3-the right to stand up for what they believe in (in a civil manner)
    4-the right to be with who they want to be with (no forced marriages or relationships)
    5-the right to vote
    6-the right to be respected( shouldn't be treated any different than anyone else due to
    7-rights to different religions
    8-right to get free essentials for life
    9-right to get a good paying job
    10-right to defend themselves against authority

  69. 1.Freedom of speech
    2.Right to your body
    3.Right to education and healthcare care
    4.Right to be free
    5.Right to equality under the law
    6.right to Freedom of Thought.
    7.Workers Rights
    8.The Right to Your Own Things
    9.Right to sexual orientation
    10.Freedom of Thought.

  70. 1. Right to have equal opportunities as anyone else
    2. Right to education
    3. Right of freedom
    4. Right to freedom of speech
    5. Right to own your own property
    6. Right believe In what you want
    7. Right to basic necessities
    8. Right to vote
    9. Right to healthcare
    10. Right to have equal taxing

  71. 1. The Right to free healthcare
    2. The Right to get married
    3. The Right to freedom of sexuality
    4. The Right to freedom of religion
    5. The Right to food, water, and shelter
    6. The Right to a fair trial
    7. The Right to have a choice for abortion
    8. The Right to vote
    9. The Right to equality
    10. The Right to leave the country

  72. 1. right to be equal as humans
    2. right to freedom of sexuality
    3. right to basic human needs
    4. right to believe any religion or not have one at all
    5. right to marry whoever you want
    6. right for choice of abortion
    7. right for school and the opportunities it gives you
    8. right to wear whatever you want and express yourself
    9. right to work wherever you want regardless of what others say
    10. right for healthcare

  73. 1. Freedom of speech
    2. Right to gay marriage
    3. Right of abortion
    4. Freedom of religion
    5. Right to vote
    6. Right to free healthcare
    7. Right of equal pay
    8. Right to free education
    9. Right of privacy
    10. Women's rights

  74. 1. The right to vote
    2. Freedom of speech
    3. everyone has the right to education
    4. Equal Justice
    5. The right to love anyone ( Sex wise)
    6. Religious rights
    7. Anyone can own anything
    8. Right to health
    9. equal pay
    10. human rights

  75. 1) the right of marriage
    2) the right to go to school
    3) the right to work
    4) the right to vote
    5) the right of abortion
    6) the right of free healthcare
    7) clean water
    8) the right of basic needs
    9) freedom
    10) right to make medical decisions

  76. 1.) I belive that there should be a tear in the money grant to families.
    2.) Abusing animals should be life in prison
    3.) Public deffenders should be more educated
    4.) Racially profiling should be illegal
    5.) Threats of killing someone should be taken more serousley
    6.) Thearpy and other ways of mental heath treatment should be cheaper

    7.) The pay wage gap should be reconized and should be illegal
    8.) Common core needs to taken out of our school
    9.) A gun shouldn't be easier to get than a car
    10.) Weed should be recrational everywhere

  77. 1. The right to get married at a legal age no matter gender or race.
    2. Universal healthcare!
    3. The right to get an abortion
    4. Housing and basic needs, such as food and water.
    5. Religious freedom
    6. The right to a fair, unbiased trial
    7. Freedom of speech
    8. Good education
    9. Equal pay no matter gender, sexuality, or race.
    10. A safe workplace without fear of persecution or discrimination.

  78. 1. The right to vote
    2. Freedom of speech
    3. Education
    4. The right to marry at legal age
    5. The right to common needs
    5. The right to privacy
    6. Womens rights
    7. The right to, freedom of sexuality
    8. Freedom to religon
    9. Equal pay
    10. Freedom of thought

  79. 1. Freedom of speech
    2.rights to education
    3.Human care and needs
    4. Marriage rights
    5. Rights of property
    6. Body rights
    7.Religion rights
    8. Employment rights
    9. Free entertainment
    10.privacy rights

  80. 1. The right to vote
    2. freedom, no slavery
    3. We are all equal
    4. The right for liberty
    5. The right to vote
    6. The right for legal age marriage
    7. The right to have education
    8. Right to pick your own job.
    9. The right to privacy
    10. The freedom of speech
    10. The right to privacy

  81. 1. females can wear what they want to wear they don't have to cover themselves in scarves
    2.the right to have a voice in government deseions
    3. the right to speak freely without getting ambushed
    4.woman and man are equal nothing more nothing less
    5.the right to have a say so in marriage, for example arranged marriage they should have a say if that's what they really want
    6.the right to privacy
    7.the right to have a chance to achieve their dreams no matter where or what family you come from
    8. the right to say yes and no to any sexual activities
    9.the right of independence
    10. the right to emancipate yourself as a teenager

  82. 1. Protest
    2. Food and water
    3. Freedom of speech
    4. To vote
    5. To be free
    6. To education
    7. Equal pay
    8. Health care
    9. Right to property
    10. Marry whoever, at the right age

  83. 1.to vote
    2.to protest
    3.to free education
    4.to any religion
    5.to health care
    6.to marry any gender or race
    7.to have freedom of speech
    8.to womens rights
    9.to good stable homes
    10.to privacy

  84. 1. Freedom of speech
    2. voting-regardless of gender/identity
    3. equal rights
    4. equal pay
    5. free healthcare
    6. LGBT rights
    7. free education
    8. abortion rights
    9. fair trials
    10. everyone should be provided with food and water

  85. 1. Free housing
    2. Free food
    3. Free accommodations/accessibility
    4. Free clean water
    5. The right to participate in politics
    6. Freedom of expression/no censorship
    7. Free and equal education
    8. Basic necessities regardless of financial status
    9. Free healthcare (for ANYTHING!)
    10. To live
