April 13, 2020: Arms Race & Space Race

We have discussed how technology has exploded in the last 100 years. The idea that someone could get on a spaceship and fly to the moon was seen as something so extraordinary that it was unimaginable prior to the 1960's. But the "Space Race" between the United States and the Soviet Union was just one more way that these super-powers could compete.

One small step ...

While technology was taking people to "new frontiers" it was also increasing the capacity to use weapons that could destroy the planet many times over. 

Check out this Civil defense video from 1951: Duck and Cover. Ask the oldest person you know if they ever had to practice this in their school.

This is an example of the kind of fear tactics that were used as propaganda. Think about this:

If you are aa member of the society and you are scared of possibly being bombed into oblivion (and your children are coming home from school scared because they have been practicing hiding under their desks) who are you likely to turn to for help? Yes, your government - Isn't government supposed to protect and serve? Will you be more likely to approve spending greater amounts of tax payer money for weapons of mass destruction based on the promise that they will keep you safe?  Just how many weapons will it take for you to be safe? 

Spending on nuclear weapons grew tremendously as more and more weapons were produced. Stockpiles of weapons were significant.

So here is today's question: Which strategy do you think is more effective for getting people to do what you want: Providing hope for the future or fear for the present? Why do you think this?

Post responses below in the comments

Some say that we are coming back into an era of a nuclear arms race. What does this say about our society today?

Growing dangers of nuclear arms race


  1. I think fear for the present will get people to do or pay for almost anything because their hope that they feel will leave fast. Their hope will turn into desperate searching for a solution to their fear. People want a quick solution rather than waiting and worrying.

  2. people these days, like to get things done and get them done fast. They are willing to give up, or pay any amount as long as it gets the job done efficiently and fast. But they also want their work done nicely and clean. The will search and search for a solution. A solution to their problems and fears. We want stuff done right away. But if we cannot get it right away we move on to the next thing.

  3. The strategy that I think would be more effective is Fear. Fear could can make people do crazy things.

  4. Fear for the present will get people to do what you want. When you strike fear into the hearts of the masses, they will believe any information the government gives out in order to stay safe. If the government provides hope for the future, people will still think it’s somewhat safe.

  5. I think that providing fear for the present is the more effective strategy for getting people to do what you want. For example, this pandemic that we are in right now has caused many people a lot of fear, and because of that, they are acting on that fear and doing what needs to be done. Fear will make people do things they wouldn't do before, as they just want to find the solution and know that they are safe again.

  6. I think that it says that we fear something . This is because when you fear something you will do anything and everything you can to try and fix the problem. It doesn’t matter how dangerous or expensive it is .If it will fix the problem than it will be used. This just goes to show that people in this society will go far to try and fix something even if it will end up making the situation worse. I also feel that there is still many disputes going on in the world that could be fixed with a nuclear weapon . Even though it may make the situation worse.

  7. I think while providing hope for the future can be assuring and comforting, it may not be the best method if you want people to act. Fear would work better because if you are scared of something it can motivate you to avoid a potential outcome you may not like.

  8. I would say fear is a better way to compel people into believing that they need to do something, if you show hope most will probably push it off.. until something actually happens and it's too late.

  9. I think that the fear for the present is a more effective strategy for getting people to do want you want because when there is fear people can give you what is the best solutions to stay safe because when there is fear people always believe you and help you. Fear helps with solutions for dangerous things such as the atomic bomb. Fears make people fix a solution or at least try their best even if it’s worse or doesn’t work. Fear makes people do crazy things they never done before like a solution to atomic bomb even it may go worse.

  10. Although I don't believe it is the most ethical way of doing things, I think fear would be the most effective way to people to do what you want. People tend to react quickly to fear, so it is a means for fast results. When our nation is informed of an arms race, we would go to panic mode, but when in panic mode, we would act quickly in order to stay safe.

  11. I think that fear is an excellent strategy for getting people do do what you want because fear causes a change and new ideas that would provide hope for the future in my opinion.

  12. Unfortunately, I believe that fear for the present is a more effective tactic for getting people in line. As humans, it is much easier to focus on the present than the future. A good example is the current climate change crisis. Most know about it, even know the future of our planet, but it's easier to use plastic and fossil fuels now than change everything for the uncertain future. Using fear tactics makes people worry about the here and now-what they can change and what will happen to their families-than a future that is ever-changing. While hope for the future can effective, human nature allows people to not think about the consequences of present day choices. In short, the future is changeable. It hasn't happened yet, therefor it is harder to be hopeful for the future when your present life is in danger.

  13. Fear for the present is more effective because it makes people want to go out and do something about it rather than hope for the future because all you can do is wait around. The fear for the present is acting now instead of later. We can't predict the future so don't make promises you might not be able to keep.

  14. Fear, fear causes people to move. It causes people to get proactive. People who're afraid what is to come are going to get it done. People who are afraid are going to work to quell that fear.

  15. I believe fear of the present. People are more afraid of things that happen now rather than something they believe could happen in the future. People will take better action if it happens now rather than if they were told to prepare for it in their future. It is just like the environmental problems we have. No one wants to do anything right now because its not affecting them in the moment.

  16. Fear of the present is more effective. If they would have went for the strategy of hope for the future, none of the citizens would have tried to help. This way people are scared and actually doing their all to help the war effort.

  17. I believe that fear for the present is more effective, because it provides room for thoughts on how to save the future. People will never want something better if they don't know that something is wrong. Also, fear is a very strong emotion that causes people to want change for the good.

  18. I believe that fear for the present is a more strategical approach. Fear makes people think about the issue that is going on and people will want to fix what is wrong. While being hopeful might sound nice it makes people feel more reassured instead of wanting to fix the issue. If you keep telling people to remain hopeful they will feel like that the problem is being resolved and that they don't have to worry about the issue.

  19. the Fear for the present makes people want to get up and be more proactive it makes people want to do things. because you cannot tell the future.

  20. I think fear for the present would be the most effective strategy to get people to do what you want. I would rather provide hope for the future but for a lot of people that doesn’t push them to change. When providing hope for the future that is hinting that soon it’ll get better soon. But when you provide fear it urges people to want to change more.

  21. I think that as much as you try to provide hope, people still aren't going to do what you want them to. Therefore your going to need to provide fear for the present. People are only influenced by two things and that is fear, and pleasure. By providing hope isn't causing pleasure therefore you need to bring fear to their attention.

  22. Lots of big leaders can scare or manipulate people into doing what they want, especially in times of desperation. There are better ways to do this, but this seems the most effective

  23. People being afraid of something and/or having fear is what causes them to move a certain way they are trying to avoid anything possible that can lead into something bad. Hope for the future doesn't actually tell someone things are going to get better so fear for the present will urge people to do more.

  24. How is it that one person or system can get an entire society to do what they want? What is more effective? Is it fear, or is it hope?

    First, there needs to be fear in every person within that society. A common fear or threat of harm is a powerful motivator. Take the current COVID-19 situation for example, the message is clear: Stay home or people will die. Make it more personal and refer to someone’s grandmother, child, or spouse and people really take things seriously. Second, you will need a promise of hope to be added to that fear. Using the current crisis example the hope of “flattening the curve,” saving people’s lives, coming out well on the other end is also quite powerful. The most effective way to get someone to do what you want them to do is to combine both fear and hope.

    While this is currently used for the greater good of society, someone skilled at propaganda and less desirable goals may use this combination to get society to believe in their goals.

  25. I think that ultimately, providing hope for the future is the better, more ethically sustainable method of getting people to do what you want, but as far as effectiveness, fear definitely has proven itself to be the way to go. Fear for the present causes panic, and panic can persuade people into doing nearly anything. Like they say, desperate times call for desperate measures.

  26. I believe sadly, fear is a more effective way to get people to help. It is very unethical, but people who want you to listen to them, most likely do not care much for your personal well being anyway. Fear causes people to look for solutions, and the people who want you to do what they want, will try and say they have the "solution" you need. Many parents who have fear will do anything to stop it from getting to their children. Fear can change peoples minds if you tell them you have safety.

  27. I believe that fear for the present, while I don't necessarily agree with the wording, is the better strategy. I believe that we shouldn't ignite a LOT of fear in people because that can cause a lot of panic, but fear gets people to change. So often are people ignoring a problem because they are not directly affected by it, keeping the fear away. Fear forces change. Providing future hope can be a slippery slope into providing them false hope. I don't believe that it has to be an extreme of either, but I believe that, overall, providing fear for the present is a more effective strategy.

    1. This is my comment. the website logged me out before I published it

  28. I think that fear would be more effective because it will get people to do what you want. People would be more active and helpful.

  29. I think fear for the present, I think it will get people to do something now instead of waiting for the future to get here. If their going to be in danger later they will probably think about their circumstances later, but if they are in danger now they have to change now in order to become safe. I believe fear would motivate them to get off their butt and try to change, but giving hope is not really motivation for them to go do something. They need that push of fear to get them rolling. I believe fear for the present is more effective to get people to do what you want.

  30. The strategy i think would work best is fear. Because by installing fear into the people they would want to do anything to protect themselves and they would look to the higher person for answers and instructions on what to do. it also gives them the push to do things more efficiently and quicker.

  31. I say fear because fear will get people to do anything in the moment.

  32. Fear. Being afraid makes individuals move. It makes individuals get proactive. Individuals who're apprehensive what is to come will complete it. Individuals who are worried are going to work to subdue that dread.

  33. Even thought its not the most practical or nicest way fear would work the best.

  34. Fear would work the best because with hope it does not get people riled up but if you tell them what is happening out in the world and it scares them they will want to do something about it.

  35. Fear for the present because if you tell the people there is hope for the future then the people will think they don't have to do anything at that second because he said future. Now if you tell them there is danger, they will step up and do something about it that might help.

  36. Fear for the present because then everyone actually gets stuff done faster, if they are scared of what is happening, they will do something to help, but if something might happen in the future, people won’t do as much to help.

  37. People are easily scared and will act quicker when scared, even though providing hope would sound like the better response it is not effective. People might feel better knowing there is hope but it won’t make the, work much harder or faster in the end. If there is fear people won’t wait they will try to fix the problem as quick as they can.

  38. Fear induced through propaganda makes people feel like they will do anything to resolve this fear. While having hope for the future is good, it is not necessarily fully efficacious in an instance like this.

  39. I think that fear is the one that will get most people to do what you want. lots of people respond to actions such as being scared in to doing something much faster than not.

  40. Fear for the present is a better strategy. Making people scared and fearful will make them do things and spend money on things to keep themselves protected from what they fear. Our society hasn't changed much if we are going into another arms race. The money spent on this nuclear arms race will be detrimental.

  41. Fear would get people to take action faster. Having hope for the future wouldn't be as effective because it isn't currently a problem/situation.

  42. i feel fear would be the best strategy like to announce that no amount of money would solve this it would scare people into summation because now a days all fokes care about is paying money to solved at their problems instead of following directions but if there is no amount of money that can fix the problem the could freak out and have nothing to do but follow directions

  43. It is more effective to scare people about the present than give hope for the future. While both are widely used rhetorically by politicians and leaders, instilling fear is far more effective if you need quick and immediate support for something that would otherwise be rash. The Space Race itself was fueled by this fear that we would be proved a weaker country; that the Soviets were more technologically advanced than we were. The fear mongering tactics used by leaders during The Cold War made it possible for the government to gain support rather blindly from it’s people. By scaring them into believing nuclear annihilation was around the corner, they were much more likely to invest in big projects like the Space Race, and follow guidelines about sheltering. Whilst providing hope for a brighter future can provide short term reassurance, convincing the populous that they’re all going to die provides a much more long term effect, that causes people to blindly follow, invest, and believe in their leaders.

  44. Fear because if a person is in fear they will listen to anything a person with power has to say so they will be protected

  45. I believe engraving fear of the present in the people will be more effective in getting them to do what you want because when someone is scared and in shock they aren’t always thinking for themselves. It is also true that not all people will care for hope of the future if it’s not necessarily their idea of how things should work.

  46. Fear because in fear people feel like they need to do anything in order to get rid of the thing that is causing them fear.

  47. I feel like fear is more effective because it manipulates people to move faster and more efficiently if important things are on the line. Just like with this virus, more fear is being put into the media in hopes to get people to stay home.

  48. Fear is more effective, but hope is much more preferable. Fear makes people do wild things, and it makes them do them quickly. For example, fear has made people begin to stock up on things they will not need in ridiculous amounts. Hope, however, can make people more calm and happier.

  49. I think for most people it would be fear for the present. I mean that is how most dictators become in power. Also most people don't care about the future if the present is bad. Not to mention, when people are in crisis in the present, they fear the present. That's why Hitler's tactics worked on germany. They were in crisis, he pointed it out, and told them he would help. But slowly over time he started to change his ways. the citizens were in a pot of water, slowly starting to boil, and Hitlers the one who put them in there. But the citizens were so scared of the present they didn't care, or notice. So I highly think it's the fear of the present, that gets people.

  50. Fear strategy is more effective for getting people to do what you want because people don'feel the sense of responibility for others when everything is going well. Fear is a bigger motivator than hope. Hope is nice but it doesnt result in much action. Fear activates a survival instinct in people and people are trying to survive.

  51. I think the strategy of giving hope into doing what you want is more effective just because of the common and natural humane dignity.T I feel that the feeling of want, need, and greed is stronger than fear. The feeling of need and helplessness will push a human being to do almost anything to get what they want. People are willing to do something for their own benefit instead of just for you. So when they have hope themselves that gives them something to look forward to and achieve.

  52. I believe its fear for the present because fear what prompts people to act. For instance look at our current condition with corona and how fear is prompting us to stay home and buy out all the food from the stores. In the video they act in fear to protects themselves from getting burned. The teachers tells the children that the bomb might go off with no warning, which would cause people to fear for their life and be cautious and it is this fear that they get people to act off when they are told the bombs are coming.

  53. Fear for the present because, not many people pay attention or care for people's ideas for the hope of the future. People only really care for what's gonna keep them safe right then and there at the moment. This scenario has played out many times in history and still does to this day with the pandemic outbreak going on.

  54. I think that fear for the present because it is good to have hope for the future, but people will just put off their problems expecting that the future will just automatically get better.

  55. I think that fear for the present because people are only concerned with current conflicts and they hope things in the future will just sort themselves out or that they will solve those problems when they get there.

  56. fear is a powerful emotion witch to point it could take over someones actions and cause major harm. then they expect someone else to take care of it and then it will be better but that is not the best solutions you make mistake you have to fix it

  57. I think fear is gonna be a big thing especially with technology. As technology starts to develop it gonna dangerous and extratroniary. they say that the furture will be worse then it is now or better what it is now who know Just we have to wait and see.

  58. Fear for the present is a more effective strategy than hope for the future. Citizens and policymakers alike know that the future is not guaranteed. They also know that the present dictates the future. People tend to act not for the good of the future but when they sense immediate danger. This fear is engraved into our humanity and it is backed up by the events of World War II. it got to a point in which aerial bombers didn't care to see if they were blowing up soldiers or civilians. Guernica and Nanking, as well as Hiroshima and Nagasaki are prime examples. The installation of fear among citizens, though immoral in certain aspects, is effective. Even children were suspect to this fear. Being taught to duck and cover; told the details of the atomic bomb: brighter and hotter than the sun, knocks down buildings, you'll never know when the bomb will fall. A gruesome tactic and quite effective. Fearful children come home to fearful parents, who hope and pray that the United States will win. In turn, they place unyielding trust into their government. Mutually assured destruction fear of losing the space race fear of being second best. These are the fears that which politicians hold, and transfer onto their citizens. these manifestations of fear vary among different people, but they all stem back to the same thing. Trust in the government, as stated by the government,is the only thing that will save you.

  59. Fear, because with fear it causes people to act fast. With fear, people feel urged to find a solution for their problems. Using fear, people will do anything to keep themselves safe.

  60. The strategy that I think would be more effective is Fear. A fear of something that is unknown can drive you to do any thing just to take that fear away.

  61. I belive that it would be a better strategy would be to use the idea of fear to spiral people into a slight panic in hopes that they would step up and do something to take action. even though it is a more risky idea, it is better than giving almost a sens of false hope in their people because you never know what the future holds.

  62. The most effective way to get people to do what you want is probably putting h fear in their eyes or just hitting them
    with straight facts and evidence about what you are trying to convince them.

  63. I think the most effective way to get people to do want is to spark fear into them. Most people will react quicker to fear, causing panic which will then lead people into listening to want you have to say just as long as you have a solution. A lot of people don't like being optimistic about situations, they just like the people around them being straight up with what negative things could happen.

  64. I say you should use fear because it is an efficient way to get people to do exactly what you want. You would also have there undivided attention on the situation.

  65. Although having hope for the future is the most positive and calming, it won't be as effective as being fearful and frantic. I believe that it is best for them to be in fear because fear could cause people to take charge and do something for change. If everyone remained calm, bigger issues would slide right past them because they're trying to stay positive and hopeful. If everyone was in fear and everyone came together because of having the same feeling of fearfulness then maybe people can start doing things to change the predicament that they are in. Fear can drive people to either hide or do something for a change and since the conditions were so bad I feel like fear will be effective because it will make them change the way things are.

  66. I think fear would have a greater impact on people it is just like the corona virus people are scared of it so the spend hundreds of dollars on food and supplies to be prepared this is the same concept

  67. I accept tragically, fear is an increasingly powerful approach to get individuals to help. It is exceptionally exploitative, however, individuals who need you to hear them out, in all likelihood couldn't care less much for your own prosperity at any rate. Dread makes individuals search for arrangements, and the individuals who need you to do what they need will attempt to state they have the "arrangement" you need. Numerous guardians who have dread will effectively prevent it from getting to their youngsters. Fear can change people groups' minds on the off chance that you disclose to them you have well-being.

  68. Fear would be an great way because when people feel pressured, they get that adrenaline line to pump and it makes the get their things done 2x faster than usual

  69. trying to convince them that they are just the same as you in the way that they think

  70. Fear, will people do what you want being in fight or flight

  71. Hope people usually want something to look forward to and most people want constant improvement

  72. I would like to say hope for the future because that seems like the better choice but sadly I think it’s fear for present because that is the easiest way to control your country especially in times like that and I think that having hope for the future would work better for them but it would just be to hard for people to have while they are in the middle of a war

  73. I think fear will get people to do what you want. It’s like if you were threatening to discipline your child, it would scare them to the point where they wouldn’t want to do what ever bad thing they were going to do. It’s kind of the same scenario here

  74. If you wanted people to do whatever you want, fear for the present is a better option. Scaring people into doing anything has worked countless times, such as in Stalin's rule. It isn't the ethical way, it's just more effective.

  75. I think fear for the present because people will only do things if it is for the betterment of themselves. People do not care about the hope of the future unless it is for themselves, people do care though if they think they are going to die.

  76. I think that it is more effective to provided people hope for the future in order to get them to do want I want. Because if people think I can give them light to their future then they will put all their beliefs in me then they will do what ever they can to make that "dream" come true.

  77. Reading these replies I see lots of people saying fear and I think hope would be a better tactic simply because people are hard headed, for example we are in the middle of a pandemic where were are supposed to stay inside and avoid direct contact with people and we are supposed to be social distancing and yet there are thousands of people doing the absolute opposite. The fear of us dying from this virus isn't enough to control us but we are bored in quarantine and the HOPE of us getting out and being able to do things is persuading us slightly more.

  78. Lots of big leaders can scare or manipulate people into doing what they want, especially in times of desperation. There are better ways to do this, but this seems the most effective

  79. I think if your trying to influence people to do what you want you have to provide hop for the future. civilians would have to reconize what they are missing out in hopes for the future and follow anyone who has the same idea. Enforcing a hope for the future will not only ensure a positive outlook people are going to do whatever it takes to go back to normal.

  80. I think that a good strategy wouldn't be fear per say, but letting people know what'll happen in the future if they don't do what they need to. Reassuring them with the positive outcomes, too. Encouraging them. I don't think you should always make others fear in order to get a task done, because it can negatively impact them on accident, and sometimes it's not the best fuel.

  81. I would say fear from the present. I say this because if you put fear into someones eyes and say you have a solution you basically make them do anything you want. They would be so scared if they didn't listen to you that they wouldn't want to take that risk. Give them fear and then give them hope their bound to want it and to listen to you.

  82. I fear because I when people get scared they seem to do what they think to protect them and not listen to what the government is tellling them.

  83. The strategy that is more effective is fear. Someone’s fear is always used against them is certain situations. I’d the government said “if you don’t buy this you will die”. An example of this is fight now when the government said th at we were going into quarantine everyone freaked out and bought all the toilet paper.

  84. I think the strategy that would be most effective is fear. fear makes people move and want to take action.

  85. I think hope encourages people to participate in building a future together. People in fear often resist. I do think fear sometimes helps people act, but a government that puts fear into its people or the people of another country will also just create more conflict.
