April 6, 2020: Why Study History?

Why do we study history? I asked you this question at the beginning of the year. Most students responded by saying that "we don't want to make the same mistakes again". With all due respect to George Santayana, time and time again we see that people do make the same mistakes over and over again and it is rare to look back to history to make better decisions. So why keep studying history?

Read the article Why Study World History? by Jerry H. Bentley. Dr. Bentley was a highly respected historian and much beloved educator who did a great deal of work in increasing awareness about World History as an area of study for students of all ages. Prior to his death in 2012 he had since 1990 been the editor of the Journal of World History. Understanding why he believed it is important to study history will help you as we regularly practice historical thinking skills.

After you read the article, respond to the following question:

What are three reasons that you think we should study the history of the world?

Respond below where it says "Enter a comment", then click publish.


  1. We should study world history because it familiarizes us with the world and how it has developed through time. It shows us how things were different around the world and how those differences contributed to their society at the time. The study of world history also, potentially, has the ability to help us with good judgement skills by learning about the big issues and successes of the past.

  2. We should study world history because it's important to know the facts of how we came to be. Also because our future actions will repeat history's past so it is good to know what happened in the first place. Lastly we should because we don't purposefully repeat the mistakes made.

  3. History is defined as the study of the past and present, as well as, the ability to view changes in the world over time. History is important for us to know as individuals and us as a society. First, history allows us to understand the present. Second, analyzing history allows us to understand the world through patterns, and also strengthen our way of thinking. Finally, it allows us to understand other cultures.

    History allows us to look at the present with new perspectives. It allows us to understand why our society is the way it is today. Not just why our civilization is shaped the way it is today but the past events that lead us there. It can help us understand how other cultures got to where they are now, giving us the ability to connect.

    Analyzing history can allow us to do many things. It can help us make observations and find patterns and trends. Looking at these trends can give us the idea of how our society evolved and why it became what it is in the present. Viewing these patterns and trends can help us make decisions for the present. In hopes to finding a solution to the problem being presented. Analyzing can help us strengthen our "critical thinking," a way to reflect, question, and analyze different scenarios and/or ideas. Critical thinking plays a big part of making decisions in the present and learning what it was like in the past.

    History can allow us to understand other cultures. Looking at other cultures can teach us the value of respect and empathy of others. It can give us a broader view of the world. This leads to finding understanding not just for other cultures but for individuals. Having understanding of other cultures can create connections on a global level. This can affect how we perceive the world.

    Some may argue that history is not important and ask how is it useful if the same mistakes have been made from the past? Although the same mistakes have been made from the past it is still vital to be connected globally, by being informed of other cultures. Also, to maintain knowledge of how our culture evolved and why it is shaped the way it is today. Names and dates may not seem as important, but the general idea is very important, so we are not following our culture blindly. Finding patterns and looking to the past may not help us to never repeat our mistakes of the past, but it has the possibility to help us make decisions and hope to improve upon those mistakes made.

    To conclude, history is important for us to learn about. To begin, it allows us to have a better perspective of the present. It is important to analyze and to strengthen our way of thinking and how it affects us as a civilization. Finally, it allows us to understand other cultures. It is no doubt that history is vital for our culture to stay connected, informed, and have the capability to understand.

  4. We should continue to study history because it keeps us informed about events that may or may not effect us in the near/far future. We also study history to learn of cultural and economic differences in parts of the world. It could also help us steer away from the horrible challenges we've come across and caused in the past.

  5. We should study history because one, that's how we learn about the world. Two because if not for history we wouldnt know what things are good or bad, because we wouldnt know the cause and effect of something. And finally three, because it's a really knowledgeable subject.

    One, when I say learn about the world I mean learn about important people, crucial lessons, literal places in the world, social cues of other cultures, ect. learning about this stuff makes life as an adult easier, you can go on trips knowing this history between your country and the one your in, knowing basic stuff that may not seem important but is. If we didn't record history like we did, there would be way more misunderstandings than there already are.

    Two, Cause and effect. Those things are important if you don't want to be in jail in this society. Things like cause and effect are recorded in history, and when we learn it we learn if you have a dictatorship, thats bad. If were using what we know for a trip out of country, history allows you to be able to look up the Laws of the place, also what behavior is appropriate and not.

    Three, when I say knowledgeable you can simplify that into, if you know a lot about history your an intelligent human being. History is really crucial because it's in all of our subject, with the exception of math, think about it. Right now we are learning shakespeare in english, that is a big piece of history. In science we learned about Darwin, he's a big part of history too. So History is very important and interesting and is needed to have common knowledge of this world.

  6. We study history to know what the people in the past have done before us, also by studying history we can possibly shape our future how we want it, and by studying history it gives us information of the past so we can make improvements in life.

  7. One we need to know about the things that happened in the past that has made the present and how they have developed through. I think that is important because when we are in the present we want to know how things that are in the present were made in the past and how they have developed through time and changed our lives. We also want to know what the future would be like and how the future would impact our lives. Another reason is to learn about the successes in the past like the non violence movement and the women’s rights movement and how they turn to be very successful for the present. Final reason is history solves everything it solves every single subject at school, maybe not for math. History helped us discovered how Shakespeare became the best writer and have the best theater plays for English. History even helped us with biology of how Darwin came up with survival of the fittest and Albert Einstein’s theories. History gives people knowledge because history helps everything and gives everything to know what has happened around the the world and what the world became to be.

  8. We study history, maybe, to see how things today came to be. Such as the orbit of the Solar System, and the fight those put up for their discoveries and ideas. Its inspiring, as it can remind people we have power still to stand up for what we believe. Obviously people arent gonna learn from their mistakes in the past, but that leaves the victories and how they achieved them for people to look to. Plus, its just really interesting to see how these advanced technologies and inventions that we have today came to be and how the people that made them thought.

  9. We study world history, because it allows us to see the development that humans have gone through, throughout the many years we have been alive. Weather that be the first time humans created a living space, or when they made eating utensils. The world is filled with different religions that have spread rapidly through the world. We can study how and why these religions spread to certain places, and how it shaped that place. Religion is a huge part of world weather someone believes in it or not. Finally, it is a great advantage to study the huge diversity that agriculture, science, and mechanized industries have introduced into our human history. Without all those things we would not be the people or world we are today.

  10. History is what has happened in the past and the consequences it resulted in. We are making history as we speak with every move we make and every choice that is decided between our world leaders. History is something that is constantly being produced from us and the people around us.

    We study things because as humans, we are curious creatures who want to know 'what' and 'how'. Naturally, when we don't understand something, we would like to try to begin to understand it, no matter how complicated or foreign this topic is.

    The past itself isn't foreign, but the things that happened in it might be, depending on what it is. Things like morality and discrimination based on a person's qualities aren't anything but familiar to us. However, the past does sometimes consist of things we don't understand. The way people spoke, for example, is different compared to present day language. We study these things to understand them and give context to the present and even the future.

    History is studied to learn. We learn about the decisions made in the past that led up to where we are now to give context to our world and the rules, laws, and commands in place today. We learn history to give a meaning to the world around us.

  11. studying history can help us to see a new perspective on life and how things have newly occurred overtime. also to see how things turned out to be a certain way in the present. It can help us prepare for what could happen in the future. History can help persuade ideas that people may have for new ideas or inventions that people could make because it is is full of peoples discoveries and original ideas no matter what it was.

  12. History helps us understand change and how the society we live in came to be. The second reason history is inescapable as a subject of serious study follows closely on the first. The past causes the present, and so the future. 

  13. History is very interesting to study. It gives generation after generation, the ideas of how life was before their time. Plus, it is always good to know what shaped our nation, and moreover, the world, to be what it is today.

    History allows people to understand the perspective of others. Take Politics for example. During a campaign, citizens get the opportunity to appreciate multiple perspectives and interpretations. This skill helps you become a better person, by reminding you that everyone has an opinion, that may or may not line up to your own opinion.

    Lastly, history gives people from all over the world, the opportunity to understand other cultures and religious beliefs. Also, I would consider America to be pretty diverse, and its important to know more about the people who walk around you.

  14. We should study history and the past to help us be prepared for what could happen considering that history repeats itself. Knowing that we can’t fix our mistakes we can at least be ready for what could happen. It also allows us to learn how much more developed our world is today . It can also help to develop things that may have now worked as well in the past . It also allows to celebrate great accomplishments made and be great full that many different people changed things that just made our world better. Lastly, it allows us to date back how old our world is and how certain traditions or rituals have came about and just made our world what it is today.

  15. History helps us learn from are mistakes and helps us create a better world from it 1. History allowed us to explore a new time period that is not are own and it teaches us how the world came to be how it is 2. And finally history helps you expand your mind and helps you grow as a person 3.

  16. My first reason is that history helps us understand change and how the society we live in came to be. And knowing these things we could always improve our society and make the world a better place. My second reason is it helps us really dig into our past and realize that somethings were good and somethings were bad. And some things changed for better and others for worse. My last reason is it also could teach us a lot of new things that we wouldn’t really think about. And it gives us hope looking into our future, and it helps motivate us to make a bigger change in the world.

  17. The reason we study history is to figure out the mystery of the past that is history. It also helps you find the answers of the past that we don't know. And lastly it is to make a relation now from the past.

  18. Studying history is important because it connects us with our past. We can understand how we came to be and how we can honor our ancestors. History allows us to view mistakes and what transpired them. Too, we can see how society came to be. Though, learning history in order to not repeat it is faulty; at the very least, we can view and work to try and avoid the same mistakes.

  19. The reasons we should study history are to understand where we came from and how we got to where we are today. Another reason is so we understand the other cultures of people all around the world, and lastly so we understand what our relationship with other places was.

  20. We study world history because it helps us understand the world and how it has changed through time. It also shows us how things are different around the globe and how these differences make society become. The study of world history also can have the ability to help us with judgement skills by learning about the large issues and things done well in the past.

  21. We study history because it helps us understand how we and our country came to be. The past affects the future and some of the stuff in history can lead to things happening today. Such as tension between countries which can lead to future wars and battles.
    Learning about history can also show us how our country was made to be and the laws in effect. This way we know how to vote, how it works, and all the amendments we have and our rights.
    It can also help us learn about our cultures. By passing down stories you can learn about your ancestors and what they did.

  22. We should learn history for a number of reasons, first of all, it helps us learn more about and respect other cultures. Second, it shows us important events that have shaped our world, and lastly, we can reconnect with both positive and negative past events that have changed many nations.

  23. I believe we should study history because it allows us to connect our current world to our past, analyze those connections and understand how they've shaped our present, and to educate us about the people and societies that inhabit our world today

    First, studying world history allows us to connect our current world to our past. Everything in the history of our world can be connected. Something always is affecting something else, and following those forces and developments allows us to see how interconnected we are as humans on earth. Opening our eyes further than the scope of say a nation's history allows us to see the true effect our world has on others; we can connect what may feel like deeply national events to people and places all over our world.

    Second, studying world history allows us to analyze those aforementioned connections and see how they’ve shaped our present. There is something deeply thrilling when looking at the forces that have shaped our society and culture today, how both small and big events and changes affect how we do things today. It could be how the invention of breakfast cereal promoted women's personal freedom in our society, or how President John Tyler completely changed how we viewed the office of president and our government entirely. You can follow vast webs of strings that tie events and happenings across the world together, allowing us to see how the way things are today are affected by our past, and the significance our history has on us.

    Third, studying world history allows us to educate ourselves about the people and societies that inhabit our world today. Ignorance plagues our society, and especially my generation. There’s no pressure in our culture to make us look further into politics or history, except when we study history in school. World History can tell us how certain groups of people ended here and there, how those starting populations grew and evolved, how their culture was developed and changed. We can track languages through the study of imperialism, we can study nowadays tensions through past conflicts. History can tell us about the differences and the similarities in our society, and how we can all relate to each in some way. It breaks down ignorance and prejudice

  24. We should study history because it helps people create a better understanding of other cultures and allows people to not have such a one sided perspective. I think it also helps people create a better judgement for themselves, by evaluating world leaders decisions and looking at those outcomes. Lastly, it creates an understand of how past relationships of places affect our world today, as exampled in many wars, countries still have hatred feeling which can still create conflict.

  25. History helps us understand change and how the world we live in developed.

  26. We study history because it is beneficial to our present and future. We see how we got to where we are today. We see how groups of people have been impacted or benefited. It shows us why certain traditions are important and why they a followed.

  27. We should study history because it is how we learn about how our modern world came to be. Without studying history no one would understand their culture or religion and what is important about it. You can also learn about the ways in which the world has changed over the years, maybe the place in which you live was much bigger many years ago and without history you might never learn that. History lastly connects cultures together, because you might see it as the two cultures are different but really they are similar in very important ways.

  28. Three reasons we should study history, specifically in the world sense, are that it allows us to understand and be comfortable with other cultures, it lets us see how world events are influenced by one another, and it allows us to think in new, more advanced ways. If we understand other cultures live and interact, we can open our eyes to the pure vastness of the world. Additionally, we can learn to live among our worldly neighbors, even if we aren't particularly fond of them. We can have more respect for our neighbors if we understand what happened to them in the past, such as civil and global war. Secondly, if we learn how world events influence each other, we can realize just how widespread and intertwined the world and its history really is. Studying history allows us to see that the actions and events, be them man made or not, can not be dismissed or simplified, rather, they must be noted and analyzed in a broader and inferential sense. We can understand what marks world events leave behind and why, as well as see history's patterns and make predictions. Lastly, our thinking will be enhanced if we learn about history in the way that we are taught to think deeply, vastly, and deductively. Once future historians analyze a world event such as the current pandemic, they will look at it objectively: the death rate, the infectivity, and the countries hit hardest. They will also see how the world came screeching to a halt, how businesses failed because of racism against China, how humanity stooped to its worst, and how they eventually came together in relief and support. Being able to see and interpret every facet of a situation objectively, while noting subjectivity, is a thinking skill that the study of History strengthens.

  29. Foremost, we should study history because it educates us on other cultures and religions. Learning about these other cultures and religions can tell us a lot about ourselves, such as where a particular person is from, and what that means to them. Learning about past religious histories can shape or add on to beliefs someone may have. We must also study history so that we are more culturally aware. Essentially, it is good to know the basics of geography, ethnicity, etc. so that you can engage in more academic conversations. It is important to stray away from being ethnocentric, as well as to make sure you are not offending someone simply because you do not know their history. Lastly, we should study history to learn about where we are today. For example, through history, we can see many forms of leadership and government evolve, laws, geography, trading, clothing, food, and so on. History helps us make sense of why the world is the way it is, and where we could be heading in the future,

  30. We study History because of the deepest understanding of the world. We could also study because of the environmental damage. It also confronts the contemporary world with fundamental issues

  31. I think we study history because our history helps us understand why we are where we are today and how we got there, it helps look at previous strategies used in our countries times of need and put them into place today, and it helps to prepare students to become well informed citizens in society.

    It is important that we know why and how we got to where we are today because then we can truly understand what our country is about and what we stand for. It's important that we know why all those brave soldiers risked and still risk their lives for us/our country in wars like WW1, WW2, etc. We need to understand the purpose of those risks being taken because without purpose what's the point.

    Sometimes our history can help us advance our country for the better because not everything was a fail in the past. If a strategy from the past helped us to get out of an ugly situation in the past, why wouldn't it again? But if we don't learn about it then we can't ever analyze those strategies as an option.

    It is important to be a well informed citizen because our choices in things like voting not only affect us, but also many future generations. If we aren't informed about who we are electing to represent us, who is to say we wouldn't end up with another leader like Hitler.

  32. We study history because it allows us to use information from the past to help evaluate different situations in the future. Without learning about history we might not know how to prevent different events from repeating them selves over time. History allows to ask questions about the past that translate to present day. We need history to be educated on causes and effects that have happened in the past. Being educated on history can allow us to realize our mistakes and evaluate on how to not repeat them.

  33. We should study history because history has a tendency to repeat itself. It helps us to know how people responded to events in the past so we can know what works and what doesn’t work.

  34. Why do we study history? So that we know why the world is what it is today. And to understand how the world has developed over time. Us knowing the pass can be pretty helpful because it could help us advance our country for the best. And to know what the people in the posts have done and why they done it.

  35. We need to study history to learn about what past people/leaders have done. Once we realize what they have done and what they did wrong we can then learn from their mistakes and ultimately do better. Another reason is so we can all understand how the world developed to the way it is now. My last reason is we can learn about other cultures, religions,languages, and many more things we wouldn't usually know if it weren't for history class.

  36. We need to study history because it helps us understand the change in the society we live in. Studying history is important because it allows us to understand our past and how it advances or disadvantages the future ahead.

  37. We study history for a multitude of reasons. For example, world history gives an amazing example and story of how our culture came to be. Understanding the past can help us in understanding the present. It is also studied in order to understand other cultures. Understanding other cultures and societal differences to ours can help create a more socially and culturally aware global community. Lastly, studying history is important because historical narratives can provide stories of courage, humility, and— most important—hope to a culture in times of despair and disaster.

  38. We need to study history for many different reasons. One of them is so that we are educated on the events that shaped nations and changed many people's lives. Another reason why we need to study history is so that we do not repeat the same mistakes we made in the past. It is essential to look at events such as WW1 and educate ourselves on the topic so that we can understand what we as humans did wrong. The final reason why I think we should study history is so that we can be aware of other cultures. In today's society, we live in a very diverse world, and it is crucial that we, as humans, try to understand everyone's background.

  39. There are many reasons that explain why we study world history. One of them is that it offers us a view into the past and we can see what led to major crises, and therefore we can do our best to avoid repeating those mistakes. Also, like the video says, it helps us understand multiple perspectives and interpretations. By studying different word leaders, we can understand their motives, and how they apply to our leaders now.

  40. We need to study history to not only know mistakes or problems made in the past but to understand why. In many ways, past history is the outline of future history. History can always repeat itself self that's why it is important to learn it so the bad things can be avoided while great accomplishments can be made.

  41. We study world history because it is the best form of history and provides the best understanding of our past. With wold history we learn more than what happened but why things are the way they are because of the choices and events that took place. Another reason we study world history is so that we can observe our major mistakes and try not repeat them. When study world history we also study different cultures, religions, forms of government, and wars that affected why the world is why it is today.

  42. We need to study world history to understand why things are like they are today and what happened in the past to cause that. If we understand our past we can also understand our future and enables us to think how politically and enviromentally things happened and will happen depending on our past

  43. A few reasons it is important to study history is to be in touch with our cultures and protect our futures. One specific reason is studying world history and connecting with our past could help us be connected with our community. Being connected with your community could help with coming up with solutions for societal or local issues. Another way studying history has become important is because knowing your history could help you from making the same mistakes already made in the past. One last way studying history can be important is helping you avoid offending people. Someone of another background could be from a history of oppression or religion and certain things said to those people could be found highly disrespectful. If you knew the background of those people (their history) it would make accidentally offending someone more avoidable.

  44. I think we should study history because it allows us to understand and view different cultures that aren't stereotypical on tv. Also to observe the patterns of the people in the past and to not make the exact mistakes of the people in the past

  45. 3 Reasons why we study History is one, for the development of society. Overtime, buildings and things that were made back in the 80's and 90's get taken down in the world today. Architects and company's come together to build new buildings based on the fact that they can be better than the old ones which, is a development in History. Two, Studying world history helps Historians learn better about how the world was different before and Now. The government uses history to try to fix the pass situations and try to come up with a better solution. Although there are things that keep repeating themselves like the past hopefully sometime in the future that can change and the problems that happens in today's world can be different tomorrow.

  46. The first reason we should study history is so theta we don't repeat are mistakes
    the second reason is so that we can understand other countries and there cultures
    The third reason so we know why the world is what it is and where we come from

  47. We study history to see how the world came about. Studing world history helps us understand the hardships what people went through to get us people what we need and deserve today. We need to study history because people need to understand what happened in the past that didn’t workout so we won’t make those mistakes again. To show the way people use to think and the idea that they had to come up with the things we have now like the light bulb and all the advanced technology we have now. Also to shine a light on people that didn’t have a chance back then and now we see what they have done with the world. Another reason is to see the biggest challenges be solved right before our eyes by reading and studing the things countries had. The things that we are going through today will be history and others of the future generations will be learning about what is going on right in front of us.

  48. We study history to not learn from our mistakes, but to understand the present. Learning from the past can also help us solve current problems. We can learn from past trends, and stay informed on current events as they unfold. We can see many people's different perspectives on past events. Learning about history can help us understand these different perspectives. Taking the time to analyze history strengthens our critical thinking skills. Studying history can make you think, and strengthen your mind. It helps training us to gather evidence, and to find patterns and trends. Finding patterns and trends can help people make better choices by seeing how people reacted to similar choices in the past. It can help people and leaders make choices that will help the world and not tear it apart. Information from the past can help us solve problems in the present. History also can give us an understanding of other people and cultures. Instead of judging other people for their cultures, you can learn about it and understand why they do what they do. Understanding other people's cultures can also help bring the world together, and bring more peace.

  49. The reasons we study history are, to get a deeper understanding of the world we live in. Another reason could be so that we can see the development of society overtime, and my last reason is that it can help you think outside the box and ask deeper questions.

  50. World history should be studied for the purposes of not repeating itself,learning from it and improving on it. It gives us direction from whence we came and where we are going. My first reason is World history holds historical knowledge and guidance to help people learn from it which is one reason I think we should study world history. My second reason is because World History helps us learn about things that use to be here that are no longer here and teaches us the evolution of our history. My third reason is World History helps us learn about the difference in cultures.World History shows the different leaders in each cultures and what hardships and victories each culture experienced.World history helps us learn about the leaders and inventors back then and what they contributed to history.In conclusion I believe that world history is a very valuable tool in helping us continue to learn from it and understand one another cultures. Without World History we would lack valuable information needed to continue to grow as a society and thats why i think we should study World History.

  51. I think world history should be studied. The first reason we study world history is so that we can learn more about the past. My second reasons because we should help certain events should be further understood. My last reason is that people need to learn about history so that they can learn to take precautions to avoid past disasters from repeating themselves.

  52. One reason why we need history is because we do not want to repeat mistakes that we have made in the past we can learn from them and improve society as a whole. If we didn’t have records of history then we would not have all the resources that we have today to improve not only our Government but also we need laws. The second reason is that we can learn from other cultures and educate ourselves on the ways that they lived in their beliefs and it can maybe make us think about what we believe I can give a different perspective on life. A third reason we need history is for the simple fact of stories many stories and books they can be fine or even educational came from the past and they teach kids about their relatives and where their ancestry came from.

  53. We study history as a way to not repeat history. And in order to change the future you have to know the pass. We study it to better understand why our world is the way it is today.

  54. We study history as a way to learn about the past, and to not repeat the mistakes made by people of the past. History is an important factor in creating a good and better future. Knowing about history is important knowledge that everyone should have in order to have a better understanding of certain events from the past. Knowing our cultures and what makes The World and the people in it unique is also important if we want to know how to carry ourselves in the present and the future.

  55. The first reason the study of history is important because it can be a guideline for many of the problems we face in society today. By studying the past mistakes of people around the world it can show us the right and wrong way things can be done. The second reason studying history around the world is important is that just like it showing us the wrong reasons to do things it can also show us the right way of doing things. The third reason why the study of the world’s history is important is that it can tell us more about who we are and where we came from. Seeing how civilizations have journeyed and come together can give us a better understanding of why things are the way that they are today.

  56. We study history so we can better understand how other cultures and regions operate. we use history as a guideline to not follow the same thing. Another reason history should be studied is so we understand the world that we live in.

  57. I posted this Monday but I don't see iton the thread.
    We should study history to learn about how we got to where we are. World history teaches us what societies have endured, how they have developed, how they interact with others, how they’ve dealt with tragedy, and times of prosperity.
    Even though we are aware of the atrocities of the past, the acknowledgment doesn’t make us immune to repeating the past. We have to work to avoid repeating the past.
    We learn from history. We learn about geographical changes. We learn about war strategies. We learn about the evolution of societies, art, literature, and music, music, and culture.

  58. We should study history because it is important that we know what our past civilization went through. I think we should know how they evolved, what circumstances they were given, and how they developed new ways of living, how they made new government's, how those governments worked for them, in order for us to advance as a new generation and new society.
    We have to evolve as times moves, and it makes it a whole lot easier to do that if we already know what has worked, and what hasn’t worked. I also thinks it’s just important for people to know what happened in the past times.

  59. Why do we study world history? Well, some people would argue that there's really no reason to. However learning about world history is an important part of learning about our society and who we are . How our society formed as a whole and how we evolved into what we are today.It helps us understand our world from another perspective and understand how our world has come to what it is today . I would like to argue that learning about history is not gong to help us prevent our mistakes or even learn from them, but it will help us understand them and understand why people make the decisions they do and how we can handle it.

  60. I think we should study history in hopes that we will change and for the good. I think a lot of people search for the good, an that is a way to look for the good in history. I think we also should learn about our past so that we know more about ourselves. Our genes and our generations can tell us things about ourselves that we didn't know. Lastly, a reason to learn history is so that we can understand the way the world works. If we were to only focus on the present, things would be crazy and we wouldn't know what to do in times like these.

  61. History is important to study because we need to be informed on how we got to where we are now. If we don't know how we got here, then there is no sense of identity in where we live and even in ourselves. It is integral to have good understanding the true root of being human. History also is a big factor in common knowledge, therefore when someone is explaining something to you, you can understand that they are saying facts and not misleading you. History is also a very good way to learn about different cultures and how other people other than you yourself, live their everyday lives. Learning about other cultures is very important because it is vital to be able to know how they want to be respected and treated, therefore you aren't being rude or ignorant.

  62. Why should we study history? 1 reason is to learn about our past. How we got to where we are now, how our life began etc. Another reason is to learn about what life was like before there were things like cars, trains, and other things as simple as toothbrushes. Lastly, we can learn of our heritage through history.

  63. We should study history to better assess situations like the ones we have went through in the past and the ones we're going through now. It would be a shame to have to repeat critical moments in time and so the future youth knows how their homeland became the way it is

  64. I think that we continue to study history so we can know about our past and continue to grow in the knowledge of our history.

  65. I think we should continue to study history so our future children hopefully don’t have to suffer like our ancestors. But if we do somehow repeat the past we only have our selves to blame for the cause.

  66. People should study history because, firstly, since history tends to repeat itself, studying history gives us knowledge of our past mistakes and helps us reflect on them so to know how treat a similar situation in the future. Secondly, we can all gain a deeper understanding of our past and previous societies that lived before us, as well as learn of the relationships of past societies. Lastly, studying history encourages people to engage with other cultures and help them connect.

  67. If we didn't study history, then how would we use that knowledge? Yes, history repeats itself. And sadly, we still repeat it despite knowing the outcome. But it can have small effects on the people, and how long it'll take before it DOES happen again It also gives us a sense of self, it lets us who we are, and what we've gone through to get here.

  68. I believe that we should study history for these three important reasons. Number one, is that we should study it so that we become more educated about other people around us and learn more about their history and open our eyes to realize that we aren’t the only people in this world. The second reason, is that if we don’t than we could forget where we came from and all of the fascinating evolutionary things that happened that lead us to where we are today. If we forget those things than what’s the point of the life we’re living now if we don’t understand where it all started. Having those fundamental building blocks are key. And the third reason is because it’s fun and enjoyable, learning about the good and bad things that have thought history are just amazing to learn and grasp the ideas of those who came before us. Even if it came be dark and depressing, it is still a big part of who we are.

  69. I believe we should study history not to learn from our past but so we are familiarized with what happened. Its important to know where you came from and how things came to be in order to progress.

  70. I think we should study history because it connects to today and shows us why and how things are the way they are today. History is also who we are as a country, as cultures, as a whole. History also helps us to recognize people in the past who have changed the world. It reminds me that anyone can change the world as long as you have the courage to do so.

  71. We study history because it ties to today. Events that occurred in the past can be everlasting. They build up overtime and costs us to be the way we are today. We aren't learning from mistakes because things today are happening like they were years ago.

  72. I think we should study history because history help us connect with other people and how the past has happened in. End it can also help us how people make mistakes in the past. so To help us to recognize or other people who can change the world

  73. I think we should study history because it helps us understand other people. We also need to study history to understand events that happened in the past and how that effects us today. We also need to study history to understand our country’s origins and how it came to be the way it is and how other countries were effected by our history.

  74. We study history because It it beneficial to us as a society, to learn for the rights and wrongs of those in the past. History is special, and not to be taken for granted. It opens our eyes, and helps us understand how those who came before us tried to understand the future. And the fact that we continue to do so with events of the Millennia, is outrages because in the future they will see how we lived.

  75. I definitely agree with both the video and the article. 1.) studying world history teaches us about the development of world societies, and how they became to be what they are today. It gives us the ability to tie world events of today with events of the past. 2.) studying world history teaches us about causes and effects. We learn why things happen and happened, and how they affect the world of today. We learn why wars and movements start, and how they shape societies. 3.) studying world history gives us wisdom which influences our decisions. This includes voting and political activism, leadership, and the need to find middle ground with people who disagree with us. We become better informed members of society, and we understand how differences can lead to conflicts and how to prevent them from dividing us. Ultimately, studying world history can help us work towards world peace.

  76. I believe that it is important to study history to be enlightened overall of what the world once was and what its become. How much life itsself has evolved into what we now experience today. Generations all have their different views on life. We must remember the struggles and cruelty life has ran through people. How much dedication and hardship it took to get us where we are. How much life has not only "improved" but how much its gone down hill and we dont even realize. We should study history to 1. show respect to those who have came before us and made the changes that seem impossible today. 2.Understand the purpose of life its self, that what has happened in history adds value to our everyday lives. and 3.Being socially aware of what is to come next And that history can be repeating it self.

  77. I think we should study history to analyze, understand, and explain the world and its development through time. World history offers the deepest and richest understanding of the world. It has strong potential as well to foster the development of good judgment

  78. First, world history is the best scholarly approach for the analysis, understanding, and explanation of the world and its development through time.
    Secondly, it encourages the framing of comparisons that help clarify the relationships between and among historical developments
    Finally, Even if the study of world history does not suggest specific courses of action to follow when challenging problems arise, much less a blueprint for the future of humanity, it certainly has outstanding potential to offer at least useful general guidance on issues that are prominent in the world today.

  79. I think we should study history because it helps understand our world today, and why it's the way it is.
    I think we should study history because it lets us credit the ones who have shaped our world. people who have helped change our world for the better.
    I think we should study history because it lets us not forget things like heritage, and where our family comes from.

  80. Three reasons we study history is one we need to know how our world developed throughout hundreds of years. Two, that's how we know what things are and when we grow up we can easily identify a light bulb, what it is and how it works. Three is it helps us to understand the way people functioned back then and how we grew from that.

  81. It is important to study history because it answers present day questions. Studying history can explain why some things happen today. For example, many people were confused about WWlll and were dumbfounded about why it took place. Studying the history of politics explains why issues from long ago resonate and creates present day issues.

    Studying history also will show progress for modern day "fixes". For example, things like inventions, ideas, and the way of life changed over the years and studying history will show the progression over a period of time. For example, in the past Madam C. J. Walker created beneficial hair products like hair grease. But today, the hair products are 10x more powerful and what I believe are better. Products like Got2B Freeze Spray show the progression and upgrade of how things in the passed changed. Studying the history of important people or people who made important things can do things like spark new ideas and/or show how certain ideas and inventions came about over time.

    Studying history will also humble people and make some people appreciate the things we have. Studying things like slavery and how people starved and were killed should and can make many people think about treating the world better as well as the people they are surrounded by better. Studying history about some of the negative things can humble the world and make them appreciate some of the present day things. Even though the world we live in in 2020 isn't perfect, it's better than what things were hundreds of years ago and if people took the time to study and understand those things, it could build gratitude within people.

  82. History gives us the opportunity to learn from past mistakes. It helps us understand the many reasons why people may behave the way they do. As a result, it helps us become more compassionate as people and more impartial as decision makers. Our judicial system is a perfect example of this concept at work.

  83. Why do we study history? WE study history because it tells our future. What I mean by that is what happened in the past affects our whole life's to the day we were born to the day we die. History like the presidents if any line in the presidents in the united states changed It would effect us today. Today their could of been different laws, could of been different race control, it could even ended in war if different people were in charge. So everything in the past affects us today and like the saying every cause and effect. Every cause has an effect. That's just one reason to study history, we study history to learn about our ancestors. Wouldn't you want to know what your great great great grandparents life was like, Their environment their decisions, Like for example wouldn't you like to know if one of your ancestors were killed because their religion. The holocaust wouldn't you want to know if any of your ancestors were apart of this. Wouldn't to know if your ancestors were apart of the Nazi party. Wouldn't you like to know if your ancestors were picked cotton or if they were along side Harriet. Learning about your past is basically more about your family's past and ancestors then just leaning unnecessary stuff that has nothing to do with you. We learn history because it has everything to do with us. One of last reasons of why we study history out a lot of reasons it has to be about our culture and belief. Our culture and belief comes from the past. For example you are Jewish because your ancestors are Jewish your Christin because your parents and their parents and their parents were Christin you any religion because of your ancestors. Another example for black people braids. Braids came from slaves braiding escape routes in the hair to escape slavery they braided rice in the hair for hair growth and for food when on the run. You know all the Indian food Chinese food and international food you love to eat well that's apart of their culture and their past their ancestors had to use their environment and what past in the world their in to make food that the current generation eats now. So you see past has a big epact on our lives and it is important to our lives and the past shows our future, shows who our ancestors where and their place in the world, and talks about where you culture of religion came from that's why we study history.

  84. There is a stigma attached to History that it is based entirely in the distant past, but this does not account for the huge amount of modern history which is studied in such depth. In order to make sense of current affairs it is important to study the past, as everything which is happening around us has been influenced by, and is a direct result of, that which preceded it. In this way, the study of History is explicitly relevant to us.

    By looking at the history of different cultures, a History student can build up a better understanding of why certain peoples act the way they do. Looking at the history of the USA we can see why race tensions continued on past the abolition of slavery and arguably remain today. In reading the history of India we can see why the Caste system still remains in the subcontinent. By studying at the various tributaries of humanity, a broad cultural awareness is yours for the taking.

  85. We research history as a way to learn from the past, and not to replicate previous mistakes.Past is an important element in creating a healthy, stronger future. Knowing about history is valuable information that everyone will have to learn in order to have a clearer picture of such historical events. It is always important to learn our traditions and what makes The World and the people in it special if we are to learn how to bring ourselves into the present and the future.(my answer keeps deleting)

  86. It helps us understand why we as people do what we do today being our religion or our jobs or our government and it helps us live life the best ways we can it shows us how to be successful or what the best choices for our lives are and it can also show us why we are in wars and why we fight those wars and to know who and what to stand for

  87. studying history is important because it allows us to understand our past, which in turn allows us to understand our present. If we want to know how and why our world is the way it is today, we have to look to history for answers.

  88. We should study the history of the world because it familiarizes us with the consequences of the past, and how we can use the mistakes we made and make a better future. We also can understand what happened in the past, whether we did good or bad we take this information to see how we can use it in the present.

    This was me, I forgot to log in, sorry about the post above

  89. As we look back at the past we realize that it is a crucial key to understanding the present. The past also keeps us informed with important current events that helped build our future. It also helps us to appreciate multiple perspectives of other's history. Another reason we should study history is because as we analyze history, it not only strengthens our critical thinking skills but, it also trains us to gather evidence, and to find patterns and trends. The last reason why we should study history is that it gives us an understanding of people's cultures and challenges us to think outside of the box.

  90. We study history for many reasons. One reason being for the understanding of where we come from and how things were made, which can help us understand the preset and or future. Another reason we study history is to have evidence to see future results.-Maylani Hamler

  91. I feel that we should read history for these three significant reasons. Number one, is that we should contemplate it so we become progressively instructed about others around us and get familiar with their history and make us fully aware of understand that we aren't the main individuals in this world. The subsequent explanation, is that in the event that we don't than we could overlook where we originated from and the entirety of the intriguing developmental things that happened that lead us to where we are today. In the event that we overlook those things than what's the purpose of the existence we're living now on the off chance that we don't comprehend where everything began. Having those basic structure squares are vital. Furthermore, the third explanation is on the grounds that it's fun and pleasant, finding out about the great and terrible things that have thought history are simply stunning to learn and get a handle on the thoughts of the individuals who preceded us. Regardless of whether it came be dim and discouraging, it is as yet a major piece of what our identity is.

  92. We study history so that we can grasp and understand why things are the way they are in todays time. History is basically just repeated over and over again we study it and we SHOULD learn from our mistakes we made in the past but we don’t. History can also help us understand other people, other cultures, and society. and reason number 3 it helps us understand who we are as people and what our identity is and where it came from.

  93. We study history because it reminds us of what we should learn from the past to launch us through the future. It's used to study how our people have gone through life to get us where we are now.

  94. 1. History helps us understand ourselves and other people. When you know the history of a people, you can better relate to them.
    2. To understand how we got here. While humanity still repeats mistakes, if we know of the mistakes, and what choices led to them, we can see patterns.
    3. It's interesting! History can influence art, music, and society in important ways. If we never learned history, then there are so many connections that we'd miss! Architecture, literature, and everyday items have such interesting stories.

  95. we study history becuase it gives us a way to understand, know and learn so much from the past and how we got to where we are today. history is very important and tells us who we are and where we come from.

  96. We study history to find patterns, which can sometimes help us avoid making mistakes, but can also just help us understand how and why things happen. That way, we can learn about humanity. We can also learn about how certain things in our civilizations came to be. Finally, we can better our judgment as people of the world.
