April 15, 2020: The United Nations Part 1

The United Nations Home Page

Following WWII, the allies felt that it was essential to come up with an international means to solve problems in the world in a diplomatic way. By 1945 representatives from all over the world were working together to create the United Nations. Check out the history of the UN.

Follow along and listen to Sir Laurence Olivier  read the Preamble of the United Nations Charter on the History page:


  • to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
  • to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and
  • to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
  • to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,


  • to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and
  • to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
  • to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and
  • to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,


Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations.

The goals of the UN were the following:
Maintain international peace and control
Protect human rights
Deliver humanitarian aid
Promote sustainable development
Uphold international law
Spend some time looking at each of these pages to understand what it is that the UN does.

Today's prompt: What is the most important goal of the United Nations? Give three reasons why this goal is essential for people of the world.


  1. The most important goal is to maintain peace with other countries and stop wars from happening. This is essential because we need to have a stable economy and have balance in the world. We won't get anywhere if we fight it out for years. If the people talk about it then there will be no sacrifices made.

  2. The most important goal is to maintain balance and keep the peace across the planet. It is important to keep the peace because we don’t want to burst into another world war, but this time nuclear weapons would be used.

  3. I believe the most important goal is to protect human rights. Through out earths history we've seen horrendous violations to people's human rights, and will still do today. People who have lived or currently live underneath dictators and corrupt governments deserve to have establishments like the UN to protect them. Whilst protecting those rights may lead to conflict it is our duty as people to protect other people. If one persons's human rights are violated, whose to say that everyones wont be.

  4. I think the most important goal is to keep peace with other countries. This is because if you don't have peace you have chaos, Then wars start.

  5. I think the most important goal is bring peace and balance to the whole world. One, without peace and balance there would be world wars and nobody wants that to happen because we need peace to not let it happen. Two, when there is balance this means we want everyone to be equal. Three, this is the best to have our world be stable and safe.

  6. The most important goal is to protect human rights. Why they are so valuable is because human rights are justifiable to everyone, meaning when someone is suppressing and breaking others human rights someone needs to help, this is when the U.N. can step in. The U.N. uses three documents to form the International Bill of Human Rights, this is how they protect the rights and these documents show how essential your rights are and how valuable it is to protect them. The last reason is because it helps the safety of the world. When leaders break human rights this tends to lead to conflicts and people trying to send help to these people which causes the leaders to get mad and create even more conflicts. This is shown in many things, but take Berlins airlift for example, Stalin broke off the trade routes and imports, which caused the airlift, this whole event lead to more hate for each other on both sides.

  7. The most important goal of the United Nations is to protect human rights. While I agree with many of the posts that peace must be kept when possible, some issues simply cannot be solved without a little bit of sacrifice. Above all else, it it important to make sure that no one is voiceless or oppressed. Protecting human rights is the most important goal for people in the world because it gives them a voice, keeps society lawful and in order, and prevents the government from becoming tyrannical.

  8. I think the most important goal of the United Nations is to maintain peace and control because them doing this keeps everyone safe and keeps conflicts and war from occurring. Having the general Assembly keeps difficult issues under discussion and under control. This a very important goal of the UN.

  9. I believe that the United Nations most important goal was to protect human rights. Three reasons why this goal is essential for the world, is 1.) so that citizens can be given life, liberty, security, and equality. 2.) So the government wouldn't have too much power (tyranny) 3.) It provides basic needs. (housing, food, jobs and education)

  10. The most important goal is stopping wars before they occur and have peace between the nations. three reasons why this is essential is because it keeps the peace, So nations can be able to work together, also so all nations can thrive in prosperity.

  11. I think that the most important goal is to guard peoples rights and to keep balance between other countries. First, If we don't keep things balanced then everything will become chaotic. Second, if humans lose their rights for some reason, then they will probably be very angry and start many revolutions. And Third, Chaos does start war, so do revolutions.

  12. The most important goal of the United Nations was to protect human rights. This is because, by protecting human rights, the government is prevented from abusing their power, societal equality is up-kept, and the citizens are given a voice in their government. This can help to sustain peace and provide a safe environment for a nation's citizens.

  13. The most important goal of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and control. It’s essential to maintain peace so that wars can be prevented, so that nations leaders can be in unity with one another, and to have peace among the people of each nation.

  14. The most important goal of the United Nations was to protect human rights. Three reasons this is important are because it prevents the government from abusing their power (tyranny), it provides citizens with the voice they want in their government, and its helps to keep peace in society.

  15. To up hold international law because with out someone to enforce the law what the point(1) If they can up hold the law and prevent nations from breaking it they can stop long wars about it (2) Some of these laws are about the people that live in the nations which helps the people survive with less pain and missery in their lives(3)

  16. I always thought the most important one was protecting human rights :) My philosophy is if we protect the rights of humans, then other things will improve. Social, economic, and even political development can occur if human rights aren't being violated and citizens are being treated with respect and dignity. If the organization put human rights at the top of their priority list, this could help prevent the possibility of dictatorships or violent, militant regimes. Most times international peace has been disrupted has been because of 1) power hungry leaders 2) violation of human rights.

    Keep up the good work freshies!

  17. I think that the most important goal of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security. This is because war doesn't only damage countries and their people physically, but mentally and emotionally as well, which can lead to very serious issues in the future. Also, if children grow up thinking that a certain country/nation is bad and wrong, they will carry that philosophy into their future and possibly cause even more damage. Another reason why maintaining international peace and security is the United Nation's most important goal is that "two heads are better than one." Obviously, here we are dealing with many more that two heads, but the same concept applies to this situation. One country could come up with an excellent idea, but another one could add on to it and come up with an outstanding solution.

  18. The United Nations is an alliance between multiple world nations to ensure peace. There are multiple goals the United Nations have to ensure peace, including upholding international law, maintaining international peace and control, protect human rights, deliver humanitarian aid, and promote sustainable development. All of these goals are necessary to maintain a peaceful global society; however, to achieve them upholding international law must come first.

    The United Nations is an alliance of world allies to ensure peace globally. The United Nation is designed to solve many world problems. Each of the member nations have the right to one vote in the general assemble. These nations as a collective effort took on world problems including disease outbreak, improving education around the world, helping underdeveloped nations, and protecting refugees. The UN has helped and saved millions of lives around the world.

    There are many goals the United Nations has to ensure peace. To begin, maintaining international peace and control. Next, protect human rights. Third, deliver humanitarian aid. Fourth, promote sustainable development. Finally, the most important upholding international law.

    Every goal established by the United Nations is necessary to maintain peace, but the most effective way is to uphold international law. International law is a set of agreements and laws between the nations. According to the article Upholding International Law by the United Nations, “Ever since, the development of, and respect for international law has been a key part of the work of the Organization.” This system provides security and peace through court, tribunal, and treaties. It keeps each nation in check and is an agreement that none of these rules can be legally broken. It protects human rights, promotes peace, helps maintain control, and allows us to make reasonable decisions.

    A recent example of the UN upholding international law involves the COVID-19 pandemic. According to article 28 International human rights law guarantees everyone within the United nations the right to the highest accessible standards of health. This enforces governments to take action preventing threats to public health systems, and providing medical care to those in need.

    In conclusion, upholding international law is the most important goal of the United Nations. The United Nations was created to ensure peace globally. Many goals are needed to ensure global peace including upholding international law, maintaining international peace and control, protect human rights, deliver humanitarian aid, and promote sustainable development. The most important goal is upholding international law to ensure that other goals are made.

  19. The main goal of the United Nations is to protect human rights and maintain peace. They want this to keep people happy and able to speak their opinions, to keep the government from abusing power, and to provide peace for the people and make them feel safe.

  20. The most important goal of the UN is to keep peace between the nations. We need peace to stop wars so massive populations dont die from battles. They want to keep peoples human rights. As well as to unite and create big projects as the world as a whole.

  21. The Security Council takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the peace or an act of aggression. It calls upon the parties to a dispute to settle it by peaceful means and recommends methods of adjustment or terms of settlement. Under Chapter VII of the Charter, the Security Council can take enforcement measures to maintain or restore international peace and security.

    The General Assembly is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the UN. Through regular meetings, the General Assembly provides a forum for Member States to express their views to the entire membership and find consensus on difficult issues. It makes recommendations in the form of General Assembly Resolutions. I feel they have a lot of power and I don't think they have all that power to make decisions.

    The most effective way to diminish human suffering and the massive economic costs of conflicts and their aftermath is to prevent conflicts in the first place. The United Nations plays an important role in conflict prevention, using diplomacy, good offices and mediation. Among the tools the Organization uses to bring peace are special envoys and political missions in the field.

  22. The United Nations main goal was to protect human rights.
    1) They want to make sure the government doesn’t get too much power or take full control.
    2)The people can have a say and voice their own opinions.
    3) It allows peace among them to help make then feel safe.

  23. i feel like the most important goal is to maintain peace and protect human rights, birth rights. We as a whole need to stop war to protect not only are civilian lives but theres.

  24. I think the most important thing for the United Nations to do is maintain international peace and control. The first reason would have to be preventing war. Wars divide us, cause major destruction, and are deadly. The second reason is to keep the peace, this intertwines with the first reason but has it's own things as well. Keeping the peace keeps everyone happy and protects different countries from crippling depressions and keeps the economies booming because they don't have to worry about things like war. The third thing would have to be maintaining that control, making sure everyone is doing what their suppose to be doing to keep us safe, without leaders the world would be chaos. Having control also means dealing with the bad stuff like terrorism. If no one was in control the world would be a much worse place. That is why I think the is the most important duty of the United Nations.

  25. The main goal of the United Nations is to keep peace within the nations and protect their people. It's essential because it will keep our world at ease, the people need to feel safe in their country, and it sets a good example for future rulers.

  26. The main goal of the untied nations is to protect human rights.
    1.) they don’t want the government to have all the power
    2.) it gives people a say, and people can make their own choices in life
    3.) it keeps peace throughout the nation, and less fights and such

  27. The main goal for the United Nations was to make sure there was peace and to maintain human rights. Keeping the peace was important because they did not want a world war 3 and they didn't want the spread of communism. And like all sane leaders they did not want their countries to fall under chaos and destruction.

  28. I think an important goal is peace. I think hat is an important goal because everyone will be safer, and everyone will have a fair chance at enjoying life PEACEfully.

  29. The most important goal is to assure peace and protect the rights of the people of the world. It is of utmost importance to ensure this for the protection of the world's natural ecosystems, preserve the human race, and make life a more enjoyable commodity.

  30. The most important goal for the United Nations is to keep peace with other countries and to maintain human rights. It will keep the economy stable if we keep peace so it will remain stable with other countries. We also need to keep human rights a main focus because it will keep everyone happy and if we don't do that we could rebel and that would cause issues. It would also help keep peace between everyone and make everyone feel protected.

  31. I believe that the most important goal for the United Nations is to protect human rights because if it didn't, the government would have all the power, social inequality would happen, and the citizens wouldn't have a say in anything that happens.

  32. the most important goal is to maintain peace and stop wars in our economy, and to protect our rights

  33. Their main goal was to maintain peace between nations and stop wars and conflicts. This would benefit people by getting rid of hostility between countries, getting rid of political unrest, and preventing violence and death.

  34. The best goal is to have peace or else everything will go crazy. People would also be more safer with peace.

  35. their goal is to have peace and this will prevent wars,financial conflicts, and have unity within nations

  36. The most important goal of the UN is to maintain peace. This goal is essential because it prevents the breakouts of war. It can also help maintain a stable economy because there are no wars/crisis. And lastly it is important because countries could have a healthy relationship with each other, and also maintain a beneficial trading relationship.

  37. The most important goal of the UN is maintaining international peace and control. One reason is to keep peace and avoid war. Another reason why I think that this is the most important goal is because the UN is working to prevent conflict. The Un is also working on creating the conditions to allow peace to hold, and continue.

  38. The important goal is maintaining peace controllably. One of the reasons is not having the government in control of all power. Another reason is stoping the war that may cause us to divide. The last reason would be having the general assembly under control.

  39. The most important goal is solving international problems. This goal is essential to the people because when international issues get out of hand it affects a huge majority of people’s lives, second this goal can lead to better human rights for people, and finally it creates safer ways of living for the people.

  40. The main goal was to protect human rights. Reason one is because the government took full control. Reason two is because they wanted to keep peace in the United Nations. Lastly the third reason, people will finally have a say in what they get to do and have more of a say.

  41. The important to goal is to have peace
    When there peace the government can Focus on giving us information instead of focusing on keeping a calm and telling us what we want to hear
    Second also when there peace rumors and Theories most likely will not creeping to peoples hands and arms spread them
    Third people can have a clear understanding what they have to do

  42. The most important goal is to maintain peace throughout the nations. This goal helps future generations not have to suffer from war and can be neighbors at peace. This goal can help the world unite and become one with each other with no acts of violence or war. The goal lastly can help to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom.

  43. The main goal of the United Nations, is to Protect Civil rights. They want to do so, so they want have another dictator come in and start a war. Also this helps maintain peace and not war.

  44. The most important goal of the United Nations is to protect human rights. Firstly,human rights are at the forefront of a peaceful world as we know it. people who are safe and have what they need are people who will promote and maintain peace in the environment and among one another. Without our humanity, we are nothing. Stripping people of their humanity through genocide, arbitrary arrest, etc, removes the dignity and humanity of the victims as well as the assailants. Secondly human rights violations are often the root of major conflicts. When people are denied access to food, housing, medication, education, and freedom, justice conflicts may arise. These conflicts may build up on themselves. Essentially, the true beginnings of peace are with the people themselves. Lastly, protection of human rights reminds us of our common humanity. We are all people who have rights that should be protected and we will stay united in our humanity no matter who we are, what we look like or where we are from. In essence, our humanity is the most important thing we have.

  45. The most important goals, because I couldn't decide, are protect human rights and maintain international peace and control. Human rights are important so everyone can keep respect for one another and peace and control is needed for obvious reasons like war and international chaos.

  46. The most important goal was to maintain social order, and to protect human rights. Making sure issues can be avoided at all times, and to protect those from others who are considered hostile. The more security the people feel, the less drama and rebellion they'll will be. And people get a voice and they aren't overlooked, which can cause a lot of anarchy if the goverment just decides to not listen.

  47. The most important goal I think, were to keep form throughout the good and the bad times. If they kept form and order within, everything would be more calm and civilized.

  48. I think the most important was maintain international peace.
    1. Because they didn’t want something like WW1 or WW2, to happen once again. So many people had lost their lives, and that could be risked again.
    2. So civilians would stay safe. They couldn’t lose innocent family’s. And with things like war, so many people who don’t deserve to die, do.
    3. With peace, the world can continue to grow, not apart but closer. With peace, more countries could build alliances.

  49. first we should maintain social from things spreading and the wrong things next they need to protect human rights and finally we and they need to prevent wars

  50. The UN purpose is to maintain peace. This goal is essential because people who are not fighting it themselves could possibly lose their lives. If they attacked the place they're in. If their is war between 2 places, in the future their could still be an unresolved problem waiting to erupt on people who had nothing to do with it. Lastly, it could cause a huge problem with trade. If their needed to be some sort of trade in the future that isn't able to happen because of past conflicts, then that could be a huge problem.

  51. I think the most important goal of the UN is to protect human rights. By achieving the other goals, they basically are protecting human rights. Living in peace, access to humanitarian aid, sustainable development, and living in a lawful environment are human rights.

  52. The most important goal of the UN is to keep everyone one in the world safe. If it weren't for them we would constantly be at war with each other. It also helps to make sure every nation is doing there part to keep the world working. Finally, they provide aid to those in need.

  53. reasons why this goal is essential for people of the world.
    The most important goal of the United Nations is to protect human rights. This essential for the people of the world because not all countries have the same resources and that’s where the UN can step in and help. They can also prevent countries that have too much power from taking advantage of others. This is important because it can prevent situations like WWII from happening again. Lastly, the UN helps countries share information for the greater good of the people so a situation like the isolationism in Japan wouldn’t occur again. Advancements that Japan made could have helped the people of the world and not just the people of Japan.

  54. The most significant objective is taking care of universal issues. This objective is fundamental to the individuals since when worldwide issues turn crazy it influences a greater part of individuals' lives, second this objective can prompt better human rights for individuals, lastly it makes more secure methods for living for the individuals.

  55. I think the most important goal of the United Nations is “ Maintaining international peace”. I believe this because there would be no point without people and without that peace there would be no people. So the first reason is too many casualties and people’s deaths would occur without it. Another reason is it helps for world economic growth like trading and such. My last reason is to protect future generations because you wouldn’t want your children to have something held against them because of an avoidable international affair.

  56. I think that "Maintaining international peace" is the most important goal of the UN because, one with peace you are able to accomplish so much more with other people and countries that surround you. Two, if everyone is level headed that the people who lead those countries will be able to solve more problems around the world. and Three, if world peace can be achieved than it proves that a lot more good come come out of the country with the people at bay and in a relaxed state, because nothing ever got done with war and un peaceful leaders. when everyone is crazy than different economics are unable to move forward to take steps to solve bigger issues.

  57. The main goal of the United Nations was to maintain international peace and control to prevent another world war, they want an overall arms reduction, and to be able to coordinate the efforts of multiple nations.

  58. The most important goal of United Nations are to keep the people safe and to not get into another war so they can keep us safe. Because if it’s a war it’s going to be a lot of deaths and a huge population decrease. Also another reson is to keep peace within the nation.

  59. The most important goal of United Nations are to keep the people safe and to not get into another war so they can keep us safe. Because if it’s a war it’s going to be a lot of deaths and a huge population decrease. Also another reson is to keep peace within the nation.

  60. They're trying to maintain human rights because they want to keep everyone happy. Also they want to make sure that during this pandemic they keep people apart but still give them the right to go to the grocery story for food. So with still having these basic rights for humans people won’t retaliate.

  61. I believe the important goal is to keep peace. This is very important and essential within a nation because keeping peace could eliminate many fights, big arguments, and what could be wars. I believe that it is also important because having peace would give the government less power to control everyone in my opinion; if there are no problems why would the government need to push down on people. I believe it is also important to keep peace because it will keep the population steady in other words not many people will be dying.

  62. Their most important job is to keep peace and maintain human rights. They prevent governments from taking over other countries, protecting every humans basic rights, and helping to ensure all humans have basic needs such as housing, food, and education.

  63. They need to keep peace and an equal balance in powers they have to stop the government from taking over and let the people have equal rights

  64. I think the most important goal of the United Nations is to maintain international peace. With this comes the need to have an equal balance of power between each other to maintain the peace and keep one nation from trumping another. Without peace, tension will arise between nations, which put them closer to war. Trade is also another important factor. Without peace, trade between the UN wouldn't happen, meaning that people won't be provided for.

  65. The most important goal is keep the peace across the countries. You have to also be able to maintain the balance and peace in a nation so it does not conflict with the others.To be able to protect to the people and keep a balanced system , peace is needed.

  66. Maintaining worldwide peace and security. Developing relations among nations. Fostering cooperation between nations in order to solve economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian international problems.

  67. World peace because they were originally made to keep the world balanced and peaceful after either world war 1 or 2. They were also there because so many people had other materials and instead of taking the materials by force they would just trade it

  68. The United Nations' goal is to maintain peace and security. This is essential because no nations would be able to start wars with each other, commit genocide to each other, or steal from each other anymore.

  69. To maintain peace, solving everything from economics to trade

  70. Quality Education, No Poverty, and Zero Hunger these are essential for evolution and the all around well being of all human life.

  71. The main goal is to maintain peace everywhere and have no wars because with war comes a lot of innocent deaths and does more harm than good to the planet and ourselves.

  72. I think the most important goal of the United Nation is world unity and peace and to prevent unnecessary wars, so that evil forces does not create world stress, world destruction and that there is opportunity for unity and for all the world to advance.

  73. I would think that the most important goal is for everyone to have peace,and also to make sure we all have equal opportunities, and no poverty

  74. The United Nations' main goal is to bring peace to all the countries and prevent wars from bringing sorrow and destruction to future generations. Reasons I think its the main goal are, they practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, and to unite their strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples.

  75. The main goals for the united nations are really just keeping peace, balance, bliss, and the good of the world, no poverty, and no stress.

  76. The most important goal of the United Nations is to protecting human rights. Three reasons this goal is essential for people of the world is:
    1. Citizens can be given life, liberty, security, and equality.
    2. Government wouldn't have too much power.
    3. It provides basic needs. Like shelter, food, jobs and education.

  77. The most important goal of the united Nations would be protecting the peace of the people.

  78. I think the most important goal was to maintain peace and neutrality among other nations to avoid war, with peace the government would have less control over people, and less deaths of their people would occur.

  79. Their most important goal is to keep the peace in the world. This is important because:
    - Without peace and government, things like murder and rape would go unnoticed.
    - The countries of the world need to work together to manage things such as trade.
    - The most important thing is to keep peace so that average citizens do not have to.

  80. In my opinion I think the most important goal is protecting human rights. Stengthening the protection of sexual assult and they need to focus on women being able to be equal to men. Finding a way to make civilians happy. Giving civillians there real freedom no matter gender race or religon has always been the appeal of America. So stopping and asking what the people feel is important. Another reason human rights is so important is because if you want to go big you want to start in your own city making sure everyone is happy and healthy.

  81. I believe the most important goal is working together and protecting human rights. We need to focus on the importance of the rights that we are born with, everyone should be treated the same. With out rights it can make someone feel worthless. Also it makes people Think they are better then others and that causes problems in society

  82. The most important goal is maintaining the peace. Education, balanced systems, and the hunger levels. Having no wars and with having worldwide peace

  83. I think the most important goal is to keep peace between the countries to prevent war

  84. I think what their trying to do their is to not cause any more wars for the following generations and keep peace with each other, be friendly neighbors. This is essential for the world because one, reading these blogs and articles about war it seems as with these wars came great destruction to our beautiful world and we differently wouldn't want that to happen again. Second, if we are at peace then it makes for no conflict which we should ovoid to. Last it makes the world a better place if all the countries are happy the world is happy and we live in this world so if the world is happy and not distress i mean it is but i mean war distress then we should be good for a couple years.

  85. Most important to keep peace with other United Nations. 1. We get some our supplies from other nations and if we fought we wouldn’t be able to get that product. 2. If we fought all the time we wouldn’t get anywhere. 3. And to prevent war.

  86. The most important goal of the United Nations was to protect human rights. Three reasons this is important because it prevents the government from abusing their power, it allows citizens a voice so they can be heard by the government, and it helps keep a level of peace.

  87. I think that the most important goals of the United Nations are maintaining peace and protecting human rights for the following reasons:
    1) Both World Wars caused intense suffering around the world for millions of people. This suffering was not only unnecessary, it also ruined economies and killed so many innocent people.
    2) Wars throughout history have led to the violation of human rights, and these violations have caused oppression and death.
    3) The protection of human rights is one of the most important ways to keep the peace.

  88. to establish laws that are fair and can be maintained. It gives everyone the right to a fair trial, it establishes a strong government, and prevents chaos

  89. The main goal of the United Nations is to keep the peace around the world. It’s important because it is supposed to protect people from war and the human rights violations that come with it. They also give resources to people to make sure their needs are met, and they strive for a sustainable future across the globe.
