Monday, April 27, 2020

This week's work

Please see Schoology for copies of the study guides that were given out before we left school (some of you did not receive yours until much later).  Please type your answers and upload on Schoology. Thank you!


  1. Ms. Andreadis, The assignments that were given on March 13th are significantly large. They were to be completed in the student's normal, study guide notebooks. Your post is suggesting that they redo by typing now. I'm not okay with that and I'm not going to make Mikaela type out her answers now. She will take pictures of her completed work and upload via the post you made last night, April 26th for Chapter 16: 1,2,&3. Thank You, Jen White

    1. She did great job of uploading all of those assignments. If you have tips on how we can do that efficiently we would appreciate it! Thanks!
