April 20, 2020: Creation of the state of Israel

So we've talked about the United Nations and what the goals of their organizations were. The first situation that the UN needed to deal with was what to do with the British mandate of Palestine. As we read about earlier in the year, the British had in the 1920's promised the region to both the Jewish people looking to create a jewish state the Palestinian people who had been living in the region for a very long time. This was a huge undertaking for the newly formed United Nations that immediately tested whether or not they would be able to affect change using diplomacy.

Let John Green give you a bit of an overview:

One question that comes up is why do the Zionists feel that they have a right or legacy to be in the land of Palestine. This poster should help explain the historical presence of the Jews in the region. The Jewish Diaspora, that had seen Jews moving from the region and into other parts of the world had come to a full push by the end of the first century CE when the Romans brought an end to the Jewish kingdom. 

So this is what the United Nation came up with. See any problems? How would you feel if you were trying to make a state and this was the gerrymandered borders that someone else came up with for you? Needless to say, nobody is happy with this.

This partition is similar to what we saw in India. Splitting a nation into pieces so that people can choose to live in their own ways often based on religious ideals (that aren't always all that different from one another). We will see this happen in other places as well:
  • Turkey after World War I (Christian Greeks "exchanged" out of the Turkey and Muslim Turks "exchanged" out of Greece back to Turkey).
  • Ireland is split at independence into the Republic of Ireland (mostly Catholic) and Northern Ireland (mostly Protestant) stays as part of the UK.
  • In India after independence the nations of India (majority Hindu) and Pakistan & East Pakistan (majority Muslim) are formed .
  • Palestine is partitioned between Jews and Palestinians and the holy city of Jerusalem is divided into sections for Muslims, Christians, and Jews but is maintained by the UN.
Some suggest that religion has nothing to do with the desire to live apart. The contention is that the desire to live separated from others has more to do with geography (who gets control of the water, will there be enough land to feed the people...). Others say it has to do with life in a post-industrial world and the tension between wanting to industrialize and wanting to maintain traditional methods of production (this is an economic argument).

 So here is today's prompt: What is it that keeps people at this time and in these places (post WWII, India/Pakistan & Palestine) from being able to co-exist?

 Here's some advice on how you need to answer this prompt:
  • Sentence 1: State the thesis of your opinion (What is it about religion, or geography, or economics, or something else that you think causes people to not be able to live together).
  • Sentence 2: Give some evidence to support your thesis
  • Sentence 3: Give some more evidence to support your thesis
  • Sentence 4: Give even more evidence to support your thesis
  • Sentence 5: Sum up your feelings about the topic.
  • You can add extra sentences to give more evidence if you feel it will help make your argument.

In May of 1948, Israel declared independence and the Arab-Israeli War began when troops from Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, and expeditionary forces from Iraq entered the region. The war lasted two years and ends in 1949 with Israel signing armistices with the other nations. It would not end violent tension in the region (that is still happening today).


  1. What keeps people from co-existing is the different beliefs and ideology. The Jews and Palestinians have different thoughts about who should live there. The Jews wanted to live there to protect themselves from Anti- Semitism, so they built there boundaries around their territory. The Palestinians wanted to keep there territory, since it was being invaded with Jews. They both wanted to expand their territories, but that would result in more unbalance, so the external parties try to keep them in balance. I don’t like talking about religion in case I get someone offended or get something wrong.

  2. Co-Existing requires a mutual understanding of each other. Jews and Palestinians don't share this mutual understanding of each other and it creates a barrier between them. Geography is a barrier that is easily reprimanded, seeing as how most of the world is connected, and is only superficial. Religion is the biggest misunderstanding of these civilizations. Jerusalem is a prime example, it was divided based on religion. This can once again be seen in the division of India based on once again religion.

  3. The issues against these places are because of each side wanting power and control of "their" land. In the 19th century it was the age a nationalism and Theodor Herzl created the thoughts that the the Jews needed their own state and Zionism became Jewish nationalism. With them wanting land the British promised the establishment in Palestine to the Jews. However, the British also promised the Meccans the land if they lead a revolt against the Ottomans. This was the first issue, both sides were promised and now wanting this same land. The next piece of evidence is that the Jews would purchase lands and then evict the Palestine farmers to gain land and labor, this created lots of tension. Then lastly when the U.N. partitioned the land with ridiculous boundaries, which created war for the lands and people on both sides fighting for what they think is "theirs." All these events created so much tension is what doesn't allow these places to co-exist.

  4. Co-Existing requires an understanding of each other and other's different beliefs and ideology. The Jews and Palestinians have different views about who should live and profit off the land. The jews wanted to live there to protect themselves from antisemitism, so they claimed territory and built a barrier around it. the biggest problem between the two is that they both wanted to expand territory but the Palestinians found that hard because of the jews invading. I feel like the biggest problem for the two was a difference in religion, and how they didn't understand or respect one another.

  5. The issue was that each side didn't understand the ideology and beliefs of one another. The Jews and the Palestinians, argued about land and power, causing tension. Both were promised land, unaware that they would have to "share" it . They each had different religions, and like many times before, has caused separation and tension between two nations. The whole period of time was just a big misunderstanding, with no respect towards one another.

  6. Co- existing is prevented by people having their own ideas ( ideology) and their own beliefs. To coexist you need to under eachother better and what the other people believe. But the problem is everyone believes in different things, and have different religions. The Jews and Palestinians had different beliefs, and had different religious beliefs as well. The Jews wanted protection and safety, but the Palestinians wanted to expand their land. They both wanted different things which means they don’t agree. But they both believed in 2 different things which was not going to be good. If they wanted their relationship to be more equal. If they started thinking about how they could maybe split the difference and help eachother rout. With beliefs and religion I think they would be more equal and better out in the future.

  7. What keeps people from being able to co-exist is religion and ideology. Religion is a big factor to why people can’t co-exist as it was shown in early Europe with jewish beliefs and Christian/catholic beliefs. It was shown in India. Another problem was that the Jews want to be there so they could be free to practice their religion. I feel since the Jews built a barrier around their territory they never found a way to co-exist so problems were the result.

  8. To Co-exist we must understand each other. We mostly do that with religion being involved in not being able to Co-exist and in India, there were Jewish beliefs along with, Christian and Catholic beliefs. So that had to have caused lots of Non Co-existing. Most of the people that had beliefs, wanted to be able to practice their religions freely. So instead of co-existing, they were separated from one another so they could Non Co-exist.

  9. What keeps people from co-existing is what they believe and agreed on. People don't always agree on things such as religion. Religion is a big part of peoples lifestyles depending on what they believe. Many others also just didn't want certain people living there either because it's their territory. None of them respected each other or understood each other.

  10. What keeps people from co-existing is their many different beliefs. Their beliefs may hold them back from co-existing with others of different beliefs. In this area there were many different religions like, Christianity, Catholic, Islamic and Jewish religions that may cause people to be unable to co-exist. These different religions don't associate with eachother and if people don't have the mindset to co-exist with other people of other religions then they wont be able to. When these religious people are ready to accept others then they will be able to co-exist.

  11. What keeps people from co-existing in India/Pakistan and Palestine at the time of post WWII, and basically in every instance of conflict in history, is a lack of understanding, or a lack of motivation to form an understanding. For example, Islam and Judaism have large theological differences, which lead to conflict in territory. During the time of the Ottoman Empire in Palestine, different religions lived in harmony. Then, Zionism was born, and Jews wanted their own state. The British government promised that the Jewish people could have Palestine, but a year previous to this, they promised the French the Arab territories, and also that Palestine could be an only Arab state. Palestine was divided more and more by ideology and religion, none of the people understanding each other. Palestinian Arabs revolted against the British, and grew a stronger sense of nationalism. Everyone was upset. Palestine was separated in half, with Arabians on one half and Jews on the other. However, the Palestinian states and Israeli states went to war over wanting more land. Israel won and took over all of what once was Palestine. Essentially, what once was an ideological issue became territorial, and then ethnic. Through it all what remained constant was a lack of understanding and a will to thoughtfully resolve conflict.

  12. Do you coexist, you need to have a mutual understanding of others beliefs, culture, and opinions. What prevents this from happening is ignorant people trying to force their beliefs on others, refusing to understand others beliefs, and only caring about themselves. If we all understood each other better, there would be a lot less conflict. Mini wars and conflicts were caused by conflicting opinions on religion, land, society, and economy. And when conflicts happen, people are quick to defend themselves without thinking about the other side. If we were to try and learn about others before jumping to conclusions, lots of conflicts would be easily avoided.

  13. Co-existing consist of trusting each other's opinions and ideas. Ideas being things such as, religion, economy, and freedom/being able and willing to giving up control. Jewish states were spreading through the country. Arab states were being taken over in categories like beliefs, and their overall lifestyle. I feel like it would've worked if they had just respected each other's lifestyle choices. That doesn't mean you have to exactly agree but just agree to disagree.

  14. The ability to coexist relies on two groups of people being able to accept each others differences, and to take peoples differing opinions and beliefs not as an attack on your own, but as a fact to accept. In both cases of India and Palestine, we see two communities, in this case two religious communities who have previously lived together without hardship overtime find themselves unable to coexist. For both conflicts we see an external force (the British) creating divides between the two groups, especially in Palestine, where the religious groups were separated. When you seperate groups of people, you create a norm surrounding those groups that they are so different they can't be mixed. This creates strong divides that wouldn’t be there if the groups were not separated. Economic and Geographic differences also played key roles, but nothing was strong that the grandual distrust that was ceded by the British.

  15. Co-existing helps the person to become known and being able to have an agreement. In India after independence the nations of India and Pakistan & East Pakistan are combined. Both countries are of separate religion. This is hard to be with people of difference yet the two countries formed.

  16. What keeps people from coexisting is peoples religion or beliefs. People believing different things causes people to not want to be around each other. Some people strongly believe things that other people strongly do not believe. This can cause problems between people causing people to not be able to coexist. Different countries with different beliefs do not always get along about everything.

  17. The biggest reason for the Pakistan, Palestine ans Islam hatred was to do with geography. The Jewish state was more by water, while Arab state was mostly stuck in the middle with little accesses to water. The Jews would have had more supplies for food and trade. The Arab would have to travel farther distances to obtain the same supplies. Of course with all of that they would hate to live near each other. They each want the same thing but don't want to share it with the other.

  18. Co-existing is so difficult because people can’t understand eachothes beliefs and differences. The main issues are religion and ideology, the two religions are two very different and they are not able to work it out. The Jews want to be able to work and live safety but they haven’t been able to find a place to exist normally. People with follow their leader to the end so if they are told to hate others they will, which makes both sides stuck never being able to escape. Everyone wants land for their people to work a normal life but after the territory’s were split after the war they were unable to rebuild.

  19. To co exist with two different religions requires an understanding of each others different beliefs. The Jewish and Palestinian people have different views about who should own land and who should rule. The jews wanted to live there to protect themselves from different people, so they claimed the land and protected it. the biggest problem between the two is that they both wanted to expand their land. The Palestinians found that hard because of the Jewish people who kept invading their land. I fell like the biggest difference between the towo is their religions and how they treat the other one.

  20. The problem was that the people were not able to understand each others beliefs or ideas (ideology). The two different groups each practiced a religion that was very different from another . Meaning that they have many different ideas about things in the world . The people didn’t listen to each other and try to come up with a compromise. Instead they went along believing that the ideas they were taught were the only true ideas. Obviously this caused many problems because they could never agree with each other. If they would have just talked to each other and came up with a idea that had a little bit of everyone’s beliefs in it everything could have worked. Instead it ended in chaos in war when all they needed to do it come up with a compromise and understand what each other were saying.

  21. To Co-exist people have to be willing to compromise and open to others and neither of them were able to. Both groups wanted the same land and weren't willing to share or divide it evenly. The Jews and Palestinians both wanted land and power. Their difference in religion also caused tension and division between the two sides. There were many misunderstandings that caused "tiffs" and disrespect toward each other.

  22. What keeps people from coexisting is the lack of understanding or the lack of wanting to understand other people and their beliefs and differences. Foe example in Palestine during the Ottoman empire there was many different religion including Zionism. No one wanted to understand each other but they all wanted land, none of them were willing to understand each other or live even near each other, therefore they could never live in harmony because they were set in their ways. Another example would be the same thing in India they are unable to coexist because they are unable to understand each other. When certain groups are separated they are not going to want to un separate because that is their normal. Most people do not like change! They don't see that there are other people just like me, they see oh those people are different, and are unable to see past that. We see this all over history. Another example is when people/ religions etc. put themselves above everyone else. Like when the Whites enslaved Black people just because they were different, they couldn't see past those differences. This also happened with Hitler, he believed him and his people were better than everyone else and we all know how that ended. When people can't understand others they are just unable to coexist because they are not willing to. Coexisting can only happen when all parties are willing to set aside their differences and live in harmony

  23. To co-exist with each other we need to have a understanding for each other beliefs. The Palestine's and the Jews want the same thing but they aren't able to get it because they won't put aside there differences. Everyone disagrees with different topics but in the end they put aside there differences to get what they want. If the Palestine's and the Jews put there differences aside they will be able to co exist with each other. It would benefit them both if they worked out there differences and came to a understanding of one another so they could work together.

  24. for coexisting people have to be willing to compromise,they both wanted the land and didnt want to split it.

    1. Is there other evidence you might want to make your argument? See directions above.

  25. to co-exist they would have to understand what each others beliefs and point of views are .

    1. Is there other evidence you might want to make your argument? See directions above.

    2. The issues between the two sides that could not be co existed was the ideology and beliefs. to coexist you would have to under each other and understand the beliefs of one another. Both of the sides wanted unequal amount of power and control over land. They had different religions so by them wanting to share land it would be very complicated for them to do so.

  26. Co-existing requires a mutual agreement to accept one another's beliefs, and practices. In India and Palestine, there are two separate religious groups. This, with a little help from the British, causes a major division between the two communities. They are unable to co-exist anymore. After the initial dispute, the full division by the Jews created a more hostile and a more difficult way to solve the issue. Both parties were unwilling and somewhat unable to even try and settle their disagreement.

    1. Again, Blogspot logged me out. This is my comment. So sorry

  27. These people could not co-exist because they all wanted it for themselves. These people did not understand other people's belief, or religion. Another reason is that this was a time of nationalism. Everyone wanted a state at the time for their nation. The Jews and the Palestines both wanted power and land, but their differences stood in the way of some kind of a compromise. They weren't willing to share the land equally. Because these nations were not fully willing to co-exist, they couldn't

  28. The issues between the two sides that could not be co existed was the ideology and beliefs. to coexist you would have to under each other and understand the beliefs of one another. Both of the sides wanted unequal amount of power and control over land. They had different religions so by them wanting to share land it would be very complicated for them to do so.

  29. Divide et impera - divide and rule : split the opposition so that it ceases to threaten your own power. (Merriam dictionary)
    A lack of strategic planning post World War 2 marred Britain’s ability to maintain rule over two of its states, Palestine and India. Palestine was divided into an Arab state and Jewish state by the UN General Assembly in 1947, and India and Pakistan won their independence in 1947 through the Indian Independence Act. These newly formed states/nations were partitioned by other governing bodies, binding residing citizens to the law of the land.

    Britain’s rule over Palestine lasted from 1917-1948. Britain issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917.  This declaration supported the creation of a Jewish national home in Palestine, without violating the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities. Britain planned to establish self-governing institutions in Palestine; however, they were met with resistance by both the Arabs and the Jews. Sporadic riots broke out between 1920-29 claiming immigration issues, displacing families, and religious encroachment. Jewish immigration continued to grow and Britain responded with the Passfield White Paper of 1930. This document  limited Jewish immigration to Palestine, closing its gates during WW2, leading Jews to organize illegal immigration to Palestine. Post Holocaust Europe, approximately 250,000 people were held in displaced camps. Britain promised to reverse the White Paper and support a Jewish state in Palestine, but did not. Violence erupted in Palestine, and dissident groups tried to drive the British out of Palestine. The US and other countries pressured Britain to resolve this conflict and allow immigration. Britain gave way to the UN to resolve the conflict, adopting the 1947 partition Arab/Jewish state resolution.

    Britain’s reign over India lasted from 1858 – 1947. Britain’s interest in India was to take advantage of its trade industry. During its 200 year reign, the British were the ruling body although they only made up a small fraction of the population. Indians were denied basic rights including gauging for goods and services, forced labor, forced migration and forced English culture and language. In 1919, Mahatma Gandhi became the symbol of Indian independence. He took the leadership of the Indian National Congress and promoted non-violence and non-cooperation to invoke change. His civil disobedience inspired Indians to follow his lead in forcing Britain into more lawful proposals and agreements. During this time Hindus made up about 80% of the political system and 25% British Muslim. The British Muslim community was concerned it would lose its protection with Britain as the Hindu population pushed for independence. After Britain brought India into WW2 in 1939 without discussion, protests began and a mass movement against British rule arose called the Quit India movement. After the war, Britain could not financially sustain India’s economy. This eventually led to the partition of India, dividing into two separate states – Muslim Pakistan and Hindu and Sikh India.

    With the adoption of a partition in Palestine to form an Arab state and a Jewish state, and a partition adopted to form the states of India and Pakistan, it soon became evident that the divisions would cause unrest among the people. In Palestine the borders were complicated and geographically uneven causing both communities to clash. With the UN unwilling to step in to mediate both parties ultimately engage in a civil war.
    The British believed in the adage, ‘Divide and rule.” Since the Revolt of 1857 when the Hindus and the Muslims fought side by side against the British in their first attempt at independence, the British stirred up an undesirable perception among the communities. This caused division between the two sides, and secured Britain’s reign until WW2. Post WW2, Britain drew up the partition in record time without consult, and two states were adopted. This led to the disorder and chaos among the people of India and Pakistan.

    1. Post WW2 Britain lacked strategic and financial resources to support its states of Palestine and India. One led to the Arab revolt against Jewish immigration; the other led to India and Pakistan’s independence from Britain. Because of Britain’s lack of resources and disdain for its colonies, once partitioned members of these newly formed communities were often at odds with neighboring communities of different backgrounds for many reasons. These reasons often included differences in culture, religion, and economic resources. Without proper temperance, this led to community clashes and civil unrest.

  30. This issue was not understanding each other’s beliefs and religions.

    1. Is there other evidence you might want to make your argument? See directions above.

  31. Coinciding is so troublesome in light of the fact that individuals can't see each other's convictions and contrasts. The primary issues are religion and philosophy, the two religions are two totally different and they can't work it out. The Jews need to have the option to work and live security yet they haven't had the option to discover a spot to exist ordinarily. Individuals with follow their pioneer as far as possible so on the off chance that they are advised to detest others they will, which makes the two sides adhered always being unable to get away. Everybody needs land for their kin to work an ordinary life however after the domain's were part after the war they couldn't modify.

  32. What keeps people from coexisting is what their beliefs are and what they agree or disagree on. Meaning they both wanted the land for their benefits but they had to agree on sharing it. By benefiting from the land I mean the jewish wanted the land to protect themselves from anti-semitism. Palestine wanted the land because they didn’t want their space shared with the jews. Fortunately they came up with a 60%, 40% percent scale of the Jews being 60 and Palestine being 40 which I doubt they were happy about. I’m not an atheist but I’m not dramatic about my religion, like I wouldn’t bring it up to someone if I were to meet them.

  33. What shields individuals from coinciding is the thing that their convictions are and what they concur or differ on. Which means the two of them needed the land for their advantages yet they needed to concur on sharing it. By profiting by the land I mean the jewish needed the land to shield themselves from hostile to semitism. Palestine needed the land since they didn't need their space imparted to the jews. I'm not an agnostic but rather I'm not emotional about my religion, similar to I wouldn't bring it up to somebody if I somehow happened to meet them.

  34. Normally when once cant coexist its to due to religion or specific belief's where they do not agree. However in some cases they make arrangements so they can both live on the land because they are both benefiting from it, like it keeps them safe. For example the Christians, Jews, and Muslims weren't going to give up Jerusalem because it was Israel's capital and it was considered a holy land for all of them.

  35. The difference in religious beliefs and beliefs in general is what I believe makes it hard for them to live with each other. Religion isn't as serious today as it was in the past but back then, no one would even want to look at someone who didn't worship the same person they did or the same people they did. Not being on the same page about many things causes disagreements and I believe that is what makes these people co-exist. When one person thinks one thing and someone else thinks another that's when people tend to get into fights because they don't think the same. I believe if people don't always think the same thing or believe the same thing, there is going to be some kind of issue and some kind of disagreement rather it's big or small that is going to make people hard to be/live around.

  36. The thing that did allow people to co-exist at the time is the difference in beliefs. For starters The Palestinians and Jews have very different religions and different thoughts on who should have the land. The Palestinians wanted to maintain their land because it was being flooded with Jews. The jews had to create a safe boundary/barrier to keep away anti-semitism. Though they both have land, both countries want to expand which could cause conflict. In my opinion I don't believe countries should be at odds with each other over religion, and instead should focus on creating peace through their similarities

  37. People can't co-exist together sometimes because they sometimes have different forms of government or religions, which means they basically don't follow the same rules. During WWI/WWII, nations battled each other to spread their form of government/religion across the world. Hitler for example; wanted to stop the spread of communism and killed Jews just because he didn't agree with it. He wanted to spread socialism over the world, because he thought it was right.

  38. I think the religion between the Jews and the Palestinians was the dividing block for why they couldn't co-exist with each other. The Palestinians wanted the Jews to have their own space so they didn't have to feel like their religion was being threatened by conversion and vice versa. They both wanted to grow their own land without anything being in the way and that was the conflict. If they put their differences aside and focused on how to expand without their being a problem it would have been fine that the Jews were there.


  39. Both the Palestinians and the Zionists believe that Pastenine belongs to them. The Zionists believed that this area was a state for Jews rather than a Jewish state. The Palestinians believed that this land belonged to them because they were there before the Jewish people started to move in. I think there has to be a compromise between both sides. I think the land should be split evenly between the two and there should obviously be access to clean water and other resources. I know that splitting this land can be difficult because of the religious landmarks that are located there, but I recommend making it it’s own state similar to the Vatican within Italy I think that would be great.

  40. I think the reason people couldn’t co-exist is because of continuous lack of human satisfaction whether that is coming from greed or specific beliefs. Both the Jews and Palestinians had different beliefs and because they didn’t necessarily understand each other’s they assumed theirs was correct because it was all they know. Like Britain’s greed for India’s land and trade/resources created conflict between the two. Even if they had something great their automatic next step is to want something more. So I think lack of human satisfaction , greed, and difference in beliefs made it hard for them to co-exist.

  41. Co-Existing requires an understanding of each other and other's different beliefs and ideology. The Jews and Palestinians have different views about who should live and profit off the land. The jews wanted to live there to protect themselves from antisemitism, so they claimed territory and built a barrier around it. the biggest problem between the two is that they both wanted to expand territory but the Palestinians found that hard because of the jews invading. I feel like the biggest problem for the two was a difference in religion, and how they didn't understand or respect one another.

  42. Both India and Pakistan are members of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and its South Asian Free Trade Area. Pakistan used to host a pavilion at the annual India International Trade Fair which drew huge crowds.

  43. The lack of understanding or desire to understand other people and their views and differences is what prevents people from coexisting. There were many different religions in Palestine during the Ottoman Empire including Zionism. Nobody wanted to understand each other but they all wanted property, none of them wanted to understand each other or even stay next to each other.The Palestinians tried to preserve their ground, because Jews were invading it. I do not agree that countries should be at odds with one another over religion, but should rather concentrate on building peace through their similarities To keep away anti-semitism, the Jews had to establish a secure wall . Although they both have ground, they both want to expand which could lead to conflict.

  44. In order for people to co-exist with one another, they have to be willing to co-operate and understand each other, as well as being able to compromise when it comes down to certain situations. The problem between Israel and Palestine is their struggle competing for land due to their opposing beliefs. Throughout the years, Israel and Palestinians have tried co-existing, but it lead to no avail. Especially now, tensions have still been constant between the two, with Palestinians struggling to gain the upper-hand, and often believing Israel to be intruders of their land. I hope the two regions can reach a consensus, but situations like these show that in order to co-exist with people, you must be able to understand them and be able to compromise with them.

  45. their opinions because over there if you have an opinion on anything they just think you are delusional

    1. Is there other evidence you might want to make your argument? See directions above.

  46. Co-existing is so difficult because people are unable to truly understand eachothes beliefs and differences. Two main issues are religion and ideology. Because two religions are very different it causes them to not understand each other. Jews want to work and live safely but they haven’t been able to find a place to do so. The people will follow their leader, so if they are told to hate others they will, which doesn’t make it easier for both sides that are stuck. Everyone wanted land for their people and to work, and have a normal life but once the territory’s were separated after the war they were not able to rebuild.

    1. This is Raymia’s response^^^

  47. I believe what stopped Israel and Palestine from co existing had to do with belief and ideology. They both fought over land because they had different beliefs then one another, and couldn't come to an agreement because of it. It caused conflict between both sides, when it also didn't help that people will blindly follow their leader and agree with them whether they're right or not. I can understand where they're coming from, though. Yes, it is ridiculous but being conditioned (?)/ raised to believe things should be a certain way, and then to have others put a completely new way of handling onto you, it would be hard to accept. But it doesn't make it any less frustrating since many things like this happens time and time again.

  48. What’s keeping people from co Existing is understanding people beliefs and religion. Like for example the planestine wanted a different space from Jewish people. The holy city is divided by Jewish people muslims and christians. Also the partition splitting people in moto there nations bases on the there religious beliefs.

  49. The problem is some people cant settle in peace with the fact that people have different religion and belief and customs than others and believe that there way is the only right way. Palastine wanted a seperate place then the jewish splitting people apart

  50. The main and only reason why places like these to co-exist, is because they are unable to agree and may not be compatible with each other. You can try extremely hard to force a co-existence between two nations to be together and work together, but the problem will just grow in between them as this forced relationship goes on. They can have different views on different situations and all of those small disagreements can build up over time and eventually burst into a war or even worse. If two places refuse to co-exists with one another, than let them and just walk away from the situation to avoid bigger issues from rising up in between the two nations.

  51. Places like Palestine have co-existing regions only because of the tension between religion and wanting land. 10 different population wanted their own state. The British were over promising in giving people their own land, such as making deals with both the French and Meccan generals and leaders to have their own Arab and French territories. As a result of this, the British decided to rule over Palestine until they Palestinians were ready to rule for themselves, and separated all of the co-existing religions (Christians, Jewish, Muslims) which made it hard for them to co-exist after that.

  52. The British made separate institutions for religions and as a result of their actions made it difficult for Palestine, Christian and Muslims to cooperate with each other. The British did this in order to divide and rule. India,Pakistan and Palestine had a hard time with each others beliefs and ideologies which is the reason they both fought over land. Their beliefs and differences with one another made it difficult for them to come to an agreement.The thing which stopped them from co existing is understanding each other as a people and understanding each others beliefs and religion.

  53. It’s the different beliefs and separations. There are many different religions and if you don’t follow what they want you to then they don’t want you there.

  54. What keeps people from co-existing is their different beliefs. Jews and Palestinians don't share this mutual understanding of each others cultures, and it separates them mentally.

  55. The history of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict began with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. This conflict came from the intercommunal violence in Mandatory Palestine between Israelis and Arabs from 1920 and erupted into full-scale hostilities in the 1947–48 civil war. The Jews and Palestinians are two different understanding of each others cultures, and it separates them differently.

  56. I think what it was that kept these people from co-existing was their different beliefs. They all believed in different forms of afterlife and higher powers. They all had different cultures that they were used to, and they just needed to have a mutual understanding with each other if they were going to stop fighting. I just think that they all just did not understand each other at the time, because once you do and experience different cultures it gives you a different point of view that you can understand.

  57. The difference between religious beliefs and beliefs is that a religious belief comes from the church. Any other belief instead of the church's belief is defined as ' Wrong'. Although people are entitled to their opinions people with different beliefs from the church are disagreeing with God. The Jews and Palestinians don't have a mutual understanding which causes the to fight. The just didn't take the time to understand each other which was a huge problem.

  58. Differences keep people from being able to coexist. No matter what, people will always have differences and there's no way to keep that from happening or change it. However, what we can change is the way people view and accept/reject these differences. Beliefs in religion or politics can separate people, but they don't have to cause fights.

  59. They didn’t have respect for each other or respect for each other’s beliefs and to co exist you at least have to have that. Because no one will ever have the same exact belief but you do t need that to co exist you just have to respect the other person and that belief

  60. Why can't these places just coexist? My thoughts are the differences in religion. But I feel as if the disparity in religion should not be the reason someone talks down on another. However it does happen and others have to respect their choice in religious beliefs. With that some build up anger and a rage of need to use of violence. Jews and Palestinians may not agree with each other and even hate each one another but that should never be the reason to kill. We need to remind one another that we bleed the same blood no matter what where all human beings.

  61. Having different religious beliefs and practices kept people from being able to coexist. If each religion doesn't practice the same exact steps when praising or respecting their religion, it just wouldn't work. If they all pray in different ways and different places people wouldn't be able to have the same views. Using different books to cherish one's religion would be another way to seek differences. I think they should've been able to coexist without having to seek some wrongdoing all because of religion.

  62. People didn’t have a great enough understanding of things and other people’s practices so this caused a lot of issues. which as you can see the problem is evident people just need to move their pride out of the way and gain some sort of respect or of other people and their religious practices, They may still have the right to their opinion. I believe they should be able to coexist if they find some sort of commonality.

  63. The reason that is keeping the people from co existing is their lack of understand other's religions ans practices. If you didn't follow their beliefs or do what they do they wouldn't want you there. Like for example the planestine wanted a different space from Jewish people.

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  64. The most convincing inspiration for the Pakistan, Palestine ans Islam scorn was to do with topography. The Jewish state was more by water, while Arab state was commonly stuck in the inside with little gets the chance to water. The Jews would have had more supplies for food and trade. The Arab would need to go progressively far off detachments to get comparable supplies. Clearly with the whole of that they would lean toward not to live move toward each other. They each need something fundamentally the same as anyway would incline toward not to grant it to the following.

  65. I think they cant co-exist because of religion but mostly over geography. Watching the video it says their were many wars between the Islamic and Pakistani people over land and territory. The Islamic people would move Jews in in territory that wasn't even theirs. In the beginning the British were wrong because did they really think it wasn't going to be a problem promising land to more then one person. Also The Jewish state was more by water, while Arab state was commonly stuck in the inside with little gets the chance to water limiting their resources which would also cause conflict. It always seemed like on always wanted what the other had. They also really didn't understand or at least try to understand each others religion on beliefs. I fell like commutation and a understating of each other this could be ovoid.

  66. I think that they can’t coexist due to geography. The geography looks so bunched up and rushed that nobody would want to live there. The territories don’t seem reasonable at all. Some territories have greater advantages than others. I personally think that they shouldn’t be separated because the longer they are separated from one another the more they will hate each other. In short, if they all just lived together they wouldn’t have to worry about geographical problems.

  67. People have trouble coexisting because they lack understanding and the ability to compromise. The reasons vary. It could be religious, geographic or economic reasons. The Turkish-Armenia War was fought in the 1920s because of land and ethnicity. They still have trouble communicating today. Northern and Southern Ireland fight because of religious beliefs. Israel and Palestine have similar problems. Economics plays a part in these conflicts as well. The person who can find a peaceful solution to this will win the Nobel Peace Prize.

  68. Co-existing means to exist in mutual tolerance despite different ideologies or interests. The Jews and Palestinians had different views about territory and who shall profit off of it. They also didn't understand one another's religions which didn't help them formed a peaceful bond. The biggest reason why the Jews and Palestinians couldn’t live together was because both religions wanted to expand they territory which led them to a partition.

  69. Co- existing is prevented by people having their own idea. Ideas like religion economy and freedom. Palestine wanted a separate place then the Jewish splitting apart.

  70. I think that they could not co-exist primarily for the reasons of belief and land. There was a general lack of understanding between the two groups, and that can easily lead to ethnocentrism. Despite the similarity between the religions, it was much easier to see the differences, especially because of societal expectations and past conflicts. Furthermore, both the groups wanted the ability to expand their land when needed, whether for resources or space. They also probably were unhappy with the division of the land, because one had access to more water, or good resources, or trade routes.

  71. People can’t coexist because the government and international institutions like the UN forced people into places (and out of their homes) without their interest or consent, and used fear to do so. Oppressed people don’t want to be forced to do anything, so why would they want to coexist with their oppressors? The British Mandate was not fair, because the British could not promise that land to Jewish people. Segregation has nothing to do with geography except the oppressed always lose their land or get the worst of what was theirs. This idea of different ethnicities/races/religions not living peacefully together because of their differences, isn’t true. It’s because of each group’s position of power, and how the oppressors have stolen land, and people’s rights.
