April 24, 2020: We made it to Midterm!

The past 5 weeks have been strange and difficult for everyone!  Historically speaking this will truly be something that we will all look back on some day and remember how things were for us. We have seen the best in people and the worst. We have seen people who typically get no credit or kudos for their work become essential-worker super heroes.

Today's prompt: What will you remember as the most heroic thing that you have heard about in the last five weeks? Tell me two things that you can do to help with this crisis. 


  1. The most heroic thing that i have heard about in the last five weeks is the amount of time and effort that the first responders have been putting in to help during this crisis They risk their lives to save others and that is very heroic. There aren’t many things we can do to help during this crisis but a few are donate a few dollars or some food to first responders to help them out in any way possible. Many companies, charities, and restaurants are giving opportunities to donate and help our first responders.

  2. The most heroic thing i have heard is the way people who work in hospitals are risking their lives to help treat people with the virus and prevent it. a lot of these people have families they have to go home to every night and risk it all to help others. Honestly the only thing i know i can do is social distance and wash my hands constantly. by doing those things we can prevent the virus from spreading much quicker.

  3. The most heroic things I've heard this week is everyone in the health fields working hard, not really getting enough sleep, not seeing their families, risking their safety to fight this very dangerous virus. It's show that there is good in humanity, and that they will continue working auntie we get corona under control and flatten the curve. Two things citizens can do to help with the crisis, is social distancing.. which is so important so that many people won't continue to get sick from being around multiple people. And also trying to donate to many charities that provide extra things like mask, ventilators, and ect. Which is so important when it comes to defending ourselves against this virus.

  4. The most heroic thing I’ve heard in the past 5 weeks is that the medical staff are risking infection to help the infected. They are risking everything for some people they don’t know, but do know that they are human beings that need to be saved. They are some of the most heroic people in these terrible times.

  5. I believe the most heroic thing is the medical teams working day and night to fight this virus. They are in an unsafe position, yet they still are risking their lives for us. Things that I can do to help is make masks to be distributed and stay home. Staying in quarantine during this time is crucial for the fall of the spread of the disease.

  6. The most heroic things during this time is that my dad continues to go to work at the hospital everyday and is always available to help his patients. The best thing you can do to help stop the spread is to stay home and away from others. You can also help by doing kind things for medical staff.

  7. The most heroic thing I've heard during this time are the first reponders. They've been out helping so many during this epidemic. There isn't much that we can do but we are able to stay inside or keep our distance to not let numbers of the infected increase.

  8. I believe the most heroic thing I've heard in the past is the hard work of all the essential workers, who are on the front lines of this pandemic. Nurses, Doctors, ER Staff, all medical workers in general. These people go to work everyday and risk infecting themselves and their families just to help those suffering the most from this virus. Also, everyone who works in grocery or food production, still providing the supplies and food people need to get through this. Educators who have continued to bring learning to children despite the pandemic also should be celebrated. The most be can do for those people on the front lines are to stay home, and I believe to stay aware. Knowing the real risks and dangers we must face is important to reopening our country.

  9. The heroic thing I have heard about in the past week is the fact that medical workers are to still working as hard as possible to fight the virus. They are all risking their lives at contaminated hospitals to help save people’s lives. They are putting their life on the line to safe the lives of other people. One thing I can to is to stay home as much as possible. Another thigg BF I can do is wear a mask if you go outside your house and wash your hands a lot. We have to listen was the medical workers and government people are telling us and really take this virus seriously.

  10. The most heroic thing I recall of these past five weeks was the story of a group of Pennsylvania plant workers who spent 28 days living at work. They lived at work to create material for personal protection equipment. The 40 volunteers were busy creating polypropylene, a material used to make N95 masks, and hospital gowns. Two things I can do to help during the virus would be to stay at home, and remind others that social distancing is for everyone's benefit. The best way to make sure that you and others don't get the virus is to not be exposed to it in the first place, i.e. staying home unless you really need something. Secondly, emotional support is very important during quarantine, as everyone is feeling differently, and it's not easy for anyone. Reminding loved ones of the importance of social distancing is very important. The more we stay at home, the sooner the virus will go away. Even though we may have tendencies to order things online or to go out, we must be mindful of the delivery workers who are putting out essentials to the community, and be aware that though we can't see or hear the virus, it's out there. Making sure the ones around us are knowledgeable, and following the CDC guidelines of social distancing and protection are ways I can help.

  11. The most heroic thing I've heard about in the past five weeks is the fact that hospitals are still up and running with just as many determined, hard working men and women as before. It is truly incredible that so many people are risking their lives to help others. Something I can do to help with this crisis is to continue to social distance. It doesn't seem like one person could make such a difference but with a virus that grows this rapidly and exponentially, they really can. Another thing I can do is, if I do need to go out in public for any reason, to make sure I'm maintaining distance from others and not touching things that I don't need to (hand railings, food, etc).

  12. The most heroic thing I have heard about in the last five weeks was that there are people still going to work at hospitals to help people with corona virus. They are risking their lives to save others.

  13. I believe the most heroic thing I’ve heard in the past weeks are that doctors are working hard to fight this virus and working hard to find a vaccine for this. They want to save everyone and help us in the whole entire world from this virus even if they would risk their lives with this. One thing I can do is make sure that we are being in quarantine and social distancing. This means stay home because if we all stay home the virus won’t grow and spread and it might even be erased. Another thing is make sure people keep their hands to themselves and don’t touch their face because this is how people can easily get the virus because when they touch things for example a bench germs can spread to them easily. Touching your face or putting things in you’re mouth is another way to get germs because what if I got germs on my hands and touch my face I can easily get infected. When I got germs on my hands I should wash my hands for at least 20 seconds. This is for people to be safe and have protection and not risk any dangers. I hope everybody stays safe.

  14. The most heroic thing I have heard about in the past five weeks is the essential hospital and medical workers who continue to go into work on shifts that last days. They are risking their lives in order to try and save others. Something I can do to help is continue to quarantine in my house in order to stay out of contact with others. Another thing I can do is not touching my face and washing my hands frequently.

  15. The most heroic thing I've heard is how many people want to help others. Even the people I know surprise me with their efforts. For example, my aunt went up to ncy to help with the virus (she's a nurse).

  16. The most heroic thing that I have heard in the past five weeks is about all of the doctors and nurses who are working to help cure patients who have the virus. These doctors are putting themselves at risk to help cure the patients. The most important thing that I can do is to stay at home and social distance. If we don't social distance we are making the disease continue to spread and linger longer.

  17. The doctors and nurses risking their life to help everyone. Staying inside and not interacting with others

  18. The most heroic thing is how the community is coming together in these times. Whether it be the medical personnel, people staying in, even Meijer supporting local restaurants. What I'm doing is mostly staying in and if I do go out I wear a mask and gloves.

  19. the most heroic thing was even tho that the world is going crazy because of this virus, the government is still remaining calm and they are cooperating with the citizens and being able to help them go though it together

  20. The most heroic thing I've heard is the communities working with each other and still trying not to let the corona over come and stop us from being able to enjoy ourselves.Things I can do to contribute positively with in these tough times is stay inside ,when I do go out keep my six feet and continue to wear my mask and gloves.

  21. People working in hospitals and all the first responders risking their lives to help everyone else is the most heroic thing I have heard about in the past five weeks. A couple things I can do to help with this crisis is to keep social distancing, and telling other people to do the same.

  22. One of the most heroic things I have heard about is a little boy using his savings to buy healthcare supplies, groceries, and more to deliver to elderly people in his community. Some things I can do to help with this crisis are follow the social distancing rules, wear PPE, and donate to charities.

  23. The most heroic thing I've heard about in the last 5 weeks is all the people on the front lines risking their lives and health for us. My mom is actually a nurse and I worry about her everyday. I can help the crisis by staying inside and continuing to wash my hands and where masks if I had to leave the house.

  24. One of the most heroic things i heard about was a little boy who made 3D printed gadgets that allow nurse's to wear their masks without it causing pain to the back of their ears. And the two most helpful things that I can do is social distance myself from others and stay home to help prevent Covid 19 from spreading.

  25. The most heroic thing I have heard was all the doctors and nurses who continue to serve even though they could end up getting Covid-19 and die, but they do it all for the sake of us. The two things I can do to help is to stay inside my home, and if I do need to go outside I will wear a mask.

  26. the most heroic things i ave heard about was people donating millions of dollars to help out nurses and labs. something i can do is continue to isolate my self away from people and stand 6 feet away in public.

  27. The most heroic thing I've heard so far is the amount of hours healthcare workers are putting in to fight this virus, all the sacrifices they are making. Two things I can do to help flatten the curve are stay home and only leave for necessities. When I do leave, wear a mask!

  28. The most heroic thing I have heard this week was the amount of hours and hardwork it takes to fight this virus. Having someone that is fighting to keep people alive and healthy first hand really makes you stay alert. I always keep my dad in our prayers while he is at the hospital. And we keep our caution and distance when he gets home from work and stuff. And I have learned to not take anything for granted, and live the small things.

  29. I think the most heroic thing I have heard about the last five weeks is how communities are helping others who have lost jobs pay for bills and overall be supportive. Three things I can do to help are: 1. continue social distancing, 2. Wash my hands and wear a mask whenever I go outside 3. Not visit friends or family just in case I could be spreading the virus.

  30. The two most heroic things that have come to mind in these last five weeks would have to be when I heard cps was giving dinners to kid's families who couldn't afford to since some parents aren't able to work and Ms.Rotter asking if we needed anything because o the pandemic and making our classwork fun while we are home. My mom came to me and said she had an idea of making masks so that's one thing I could do and I can not visit any places that I desperately want to go because I'm stuck at home for so long.

  31. The most heroic thing I have heard, throughout the past five weeks, is the hard work hospital workers are putting in. They are working day and night. They are wearing gear that isn't comfortable. Over all, they are risking their own lives, to save others. They are helping the entire world, which is so heroic. To help the crisis, I make sure I'm at least 6 feet away from someone, when outside. I also want to start making masks to help this crisis.

  32. The most heroic thing I have first hand is what my aunt is doing. She used to be an epidemiologist for CDC. She quit her job and moved her a year or so ago because she had a 1st grader and a kindergartener with diabetes. She has to homeschool them both during this time. But no matter how much she has to do, she is currently trying to go back to working specifically work on the Corona Virus and help the world.

  33. I think people in the hospitals working is the very heroic. These nurses and doctors are putting their life in jeopardy to help other people. I can help this crisis by staying healthy and washing my hands, wearing mask, and social distancing.

  34. The most Heroic thing I've hear this week was, people at hospitals having so many factors going against them but their still fighting hard against COVID-19, Example people like my aunt, they work in the medical field so their going to the hospital to work in a non COVID related area so the people there can work in the COVID area. Two things I can do to help are, stay home and keep clean, and two when going out wear a proper face mask that not only protects yourself but others from you.

  35. The most heroic thing I've heard of is that there are hospital workers that are still working to help people with this sickness

  36. The most heroic thing I have heard in these past 5 weeks is The medical people who are risking their safety to help others. Some medical staff workers are forced to stay away from their family for a certain amount of time because they could have been exposed to the virus in the hospital. To help with the crisis the only thing we can really do as citizens is social distance. This seems very small, but it is very affective. Also, when going to a public place for groceries or something it is important to not touch your face.

  37. The most heroic thing from the last 5 weeks was my mom's job being reassigned so she could go work in a hospital to take care of the COVID patients. My sisters and I are staying with my dad while she works. It doesn't bother me much but I know it makes her sad to not have us around.
    We all need to continue to distance ourselves and wash our hands so the virus stays under control and we can get our lives back.

  38. The most herioc thing I have caught wind of over the most recent in the last five weeks was that there are individuals despite everything going to work at medical clinics, hospitals etc. to help individuals with coronavirus infection. They are taking a chance with their lives to spare others.

  39. I'm so proud of the responders working to find a cure, and taking care of those who are sick and/or at risk. Two things I can continue to do to help is to stay healthy and remain indoors.

  40. The most heroic thing from the last 5 weeks is all of the essential workers, including some of my closest friends and family, practically putting themselves at risk so that others can get the things they need during these troublesome times. Two things I can do to help is stay at home unless it’s an emergency and if I ever go outside, wear a mask.

  41. I saw two cute but small things people did to help. There was a man who was delivering a package but on the door there was a note that the young girl living there had an auto immune disease or something so he sanitized the whole package and left a note telling them. Another small but impactful thing was a man going grocery shopping for an elderly couple sitting in the car crying because they were scared to go in the store because they were both at high risk. Two things I could do to help is check up on people and making sure they are healthy and staying home.

  42. Well the most heroic things I have heard over the past 5 weeks is that our médical workers are going into work everyday and risking their lives and most of them can’t go back home because they don’t won’t to risk there kids or husband getting it. I found that truly heroic in my opinion two things I can do by helping is staying at home while we are on lockdown and even when we are off if I feel a little sick I will stay home. Also washing and sanitizing my hand every moment I get.

  43. The Covid-19 virus has allowed us to see the worst and best in everyone. The most heroic thing I have heard is a man named Cliff Strand Jr., he continues to help those in need with his current job with the White Pony Express. To help during this pandemic there are a couple of things we can do. First, we can donate to nonprofit organizations. Second, listen to what officials have to say and follow their safety guidelines that are being instructed.

    One heroic man and team are helping during this pandemic by serving on the front lines by delivering food every day. White Pony Express is nonprofit organization based in California, there mission is, “To help eliminate hunger and poverty by delivering the abundance all around us to those in need-with love.” Six years ago Cliff Strand Jr. was found under a bridge by a nonprofit organization known as the White Pony Express. He was found helpless prepared to die. A man who worked and found Cliff Strand Jr. for the nonprofit helped him get back on his feet. He feels overly blessed and now works for this nonprofit organization to give back to his community. When this outbreak happened he knew he had a job to do and refused to stay home instead ready to help on the frontlines for those in need. The White Pony express delivers 17,000 pounds of food every day to those working the frontlines. The organization set up a food delivery at a Church in Antioch, California expecting to service 200 families, instead they were able to provide for 632 families.

    You can help by donating to nonprofit organization. Although White Pony Express is running a successful organization they are still looking to do more. With that they need to keep there employees and volunteers safe. “We know people need this food so much," she said. "We’re trying hard to increase our capability to deliver the food available to us. We need another box van, and we’re looking for additional space where we can process all this food while we’re ‘social distancing.’ It’s a challenge, and we welcome any help we can get. But we believe in the mission.” You can also help organizations within our community. Reach out lakota is a nonprofit organization is “give a helping hand up to those living in West Chester/Liberty Township by putting help and hope into the hands of our community.” They are always looking for anything you have stored in your home. Listed on their website is a list of urgent needs they are looking for. One canned product can make difference. Caring place is located in Cincinnati Ohio there mission is, “provide for the basic human needs of all people in our community in a welcoming, respectful and caring way.”

    It also important to keep safe and follow what authorities are saying. Though it may getting boring at times social distancing is vital to slowing this virus down. By increasing space between us gives the virus a harder time from spread. This will flatten the curve, meaning less people will die in short periods of time to making sure their will be enough resources to provide those who contract the disease. Staying home as much as possible also allows the curve to flatten. Many with Covid-19 don’t know that have the disease and are symptomless this is why it’s important in this pandemic we spread ourselves out. If don’t follow these measures more could contract the disease in a shorter period of time causing resources to decline.

    In conclusion, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought out the good, the bad, and the ugly in people. The White Pony Express and one employ who cares deeply for this company are out working the frontlines every day to provide food for those who need it. There are two easy ways to help. You can donate to nonprofit organizations and be sure to follow the guidelines authorities instruct us to do stay safe and healthy.

  44. The most heroic thing, sorry to say it again, has to be these frontline workers risking their lives to help people in need. One thing that we can do to help with this crisis is STAY HOME!!! This can help from getting the virus and spreading it. The second thing is if you absolutely have to go out wear a mask and gloves and STAY CLEAN!! These two things are very necessary in order to help with this pandemic.

  45. The most heroic thing I've heard in the past five weeks is how healthcare workers are dropping everything and going to New York to help the sick. Two ways you can help with the crisis is to social distance, and wash your hands thoroughly.


  46. I just recently heard that Christian Siriano and his team who usually design and make couture gowns and custom designs for celebrities have started to make masks. My sister and I have actually learned to make masks and made some for our family members who are high risk and essential workers. Two things I can do to help with this crisis is to stay at home and encourage others to do the same.

  47. The most heroic thing I’ve heard are nurses and doctors risking there lives to help those who are sick and have the virus. The governors who work tirelessly to make sure their state is safe and the people in it are well. I think it is amazing t see such brave people during this time risking their own lives for someone else. I do appreciate those who are in the medical field, and governors who are helping stop the spread of the virus. I know I can help by staying inside, washing my hands, and wearing a mask when needed. I know I can check on my family and friends during this time to make sure they are okay. Also to encourage others to do the same.

  48. The most heroic thing that I heard this week was that people were working on solutions to the virus and pandemic. Two things that i can do to help during this pandemic is self - distance and be very sanitary.

  49. The most heroic thing I have heard is, nurses and doctors that taking care of the patients that have been diagnose with Covid-19, without the proper equipment. For example they are working without the proper amount of face masks, gloves, ventilators, face shields, medicines, and testing kits for Covid-19. For example my uncle is a doctor in Chicago and he was told to spray a disinfectant on a mask and pass it off to the next shift. His cousin made him fabric masks and they found some medical grade masks in a Chinese shop in Chicago. This is really unsanitary, we have reused our masks when we go out and sometimes they are moist if they are re-used. I cannot imagine using someone else's mask and working in a hospital trying to take care of people. Two things I can do to help this pandemic is one to wear a mask and gloves when I go outside or in stores. The second thing I can do is to keep my distance of six feet from others whether they are wearing a mask or not. We also need to keep out hands clean by washing them frequently or using hand sanitizer often. If you are outside of your home it is helpful to have a can of Lysol, disinfectant wipes, and/or hand sanitizer. My mom has to go to the doctor for her eyes at the hospital a couple times a month and she takes a can of Lysol to spray the seats in the waiting room before she sits down. We also need to listen to the scientists, drinking bleach is not a good idea.

  50. The most heroic thing I have heard in the past 5 weeks is the nurses working overtime to help stop this virus. Two things we can do to stop this is wear masks to prevent breathing and coughing in each other. Also If we stay in our own bubbles when we go out in public and not get too close to people.

  51. The most heroic thing I have heard and seen on the news are the people who are putting their lives on the line to battle COVID-19. I could not be more grateful that we have good people in the world who are not afraid to risk their to save people who they have no connection to. One thing that I know I can do to help is stay inside of my house and social distance as much as possible whenever I go out because it is prove that the more we social distance and go out less, the lesser chances we have of the virus spreading. The second thing that I can do is to wash my hands frequently. Keeping my hands clean washes the germs away so whenever I have to go out or even whenever you go out, make sure that you are cleaning off your hands.

  52. The most heroic thing ive been notified of is the doctors and nurses working on the front lines everyday, I help by staying home to limit spread of the virus

  53. The most Heroic thing I've are the stories about doctors or nurses who are risking their safety and time with their families to treat people and also the scientist who are working rigorously to find a cure for the deadly virus. which I help them by staying home and following safety precautions everyday

  54. How everyone has been put their own needs/wants to the side to say inside. I can help by wearing a mask when I leave my house and practice social distancing.


  55. The most heroic thing I’ve heard of is all the essential workers such as cashiers, nurses, and doctors risking their lives to help other people. It’s so brave, and they deserve so much more respect than they get. We can help by practicing social distancing, and respecting these workers for doing what they do.

  56. The most heroic things I've heard in the past five weeks about this pandemic is about people still going to work. With all the risks of getting infected by this deadly virus I believe that it is brave and heroic for people of all ages to continue to go to work and make their money. Especially doctors and nurses; while they are treating people who are infected they are putting themselves at terrible risks to help others and I think that is heroic. I also believe it is heroic for the government to give a stimulus check. I think that is very considerate and heroic because for those who aren't allowed to go to work and didn’t have a way to make money during quarantine to be able to get money from the government.

  57. Jacksepticeye , David Dobrik, and Mr.Beast really helped gain money for the cause and they raised millions of dollars and gave away millions.

  58. Everyone who is an essential worker, and on the front-line deserve to be called heroes. They are working day and night and putting themselves, and their families in danger just so the world turns out to better altogether through this pandemic. It is not only safe to say, but correct to say that all workers of any kind working are heroic in even helping a little bit to make sure things get back to normal again.

  59. The most heroic thing that I have heard in the past five weeks is the courageous acts of all the doctor, nurses and first responders who have all risk their lives to save others this is by far the most heroic thing that anyone can do during this time of crisis. People are dying so quickly, there are so many bodies that we don't have the man power or means to barrier them. And still doctors, nurses and first responders continue risking their lives to help so many people in need. I feel that the best contribution I can make to society is to stay home in an effort to stop the spread of this virus. Also the second contribution I can make is to practice social distancing, wear my mask and glove and use disinfectant when I have to be out in public. Doing these simple acts in a time of crisis is and will continue to be very helpful.

  60. Most heroic thing I've seen done is all essential workers coming together to help end this pandemic faster. Also, the people who are staying home or going out with a mask. I think it helps create a cleaner environment for everyone.

  61. The most heroic thing was my mom making special T shirts for the corona virus! She made a bunch of different designs for t shirts and has been on the news and has sold over &2000 dollars worth of shirts already. She is giving all profit to the first responders of corona virus.

  62. I think people working in hospitals are heroic because they are risking their health. I can help my mom and dad so that they don’t have to do everything and I can help other people to not get the virus by not touching my face when I am around other people.

  63. The most heroic thing I think is the people who are working in hospitals and helping/treating people who are sick, while risking their own health to help everyone else.

  64. The two most heroic things i've heard is that the people who have been working in the hospitals and the first responders risking their lives to keep us safe. I also think that the people who are working in shops and grocery stores are heroic because they are also risking their lives to give us food.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Like a lot of people, I think that the work of doctors and nurses during this time of crisis is really heroic. Many are rushed into hospitals everyday, so I'm glad to hear of the persistence of the nurses and doctors, even with the daily risk of contracting the possibly deadly virus. The only things I can continue to do now is stay in my home and stay washing my hands.

  67. Health workers dealing with Covid-19 protesters and folks with the virus that's pretty heroic to me that is really the textbook definition of bravery

  68. I heard that the medical Field are risking their lives for others which is very heroic. All we can do is listen to the government about staying home and wait it out.

  69. The most heroic thing I have heard in the past five weeks would be people donation and making mask for people. Something I can do to help is make masks as well and practice social distancing.

  70. The most heroic thing I have witness in the past five weeks is my great aunt making masks for her entire family and the hospital workers that she knows of. She make over 300 masks from her own home and fabric and gave them out for free.
    To help with the crisis, I would like to keep up with the household chores so less stress is on my mom and also spread positive messages on social media.

  71. The most heroic thing I will remember is that a doctor gave his life to let a new patient get treated for Corona instead of being treated himself. The only thing I can really do is stay home and constantly wash my hands.

  72. The most heroic things i found out these three weeks is that doctors and nurses are putting their lives at risk helping us. A lot of people are helping us with grocery and mails and so much others. The only things i can do is stand within 6 feet and stay quarditied.

  73. I feel like one of the most heroic thing I have witnessed are the scientist that expose them self to the virus just to be able to find a cure.

  74. My mom is a nurse so she was placed to help test and treat people that are sick and possibly have the virus so I would have to say the most heroic thing I've seen in the last five weeks is the people risking their lives and going out everyday for other people in need knowing that they could also suffer. Something I could do to help is follow procedure and help not spread the virus, which is what I've been doing during this break.

  75. The most heroic thing I have heard in the last 5 weeks is that the nurses are turning to take care of their patients and risking their lives who also have children. What I would like to change in this crisis is not spreading wearing mask and also trying not to wear gloves while using everything because it could cause contamination.

  76. The most chivalrous thing I've heard during this time are the principal reponders. They've been out aiding such huge numbers of during this plague. There isn't a lot of that we can do yet we can remain inside or stay away to not let quantities of the contaminated increment.

  77. Well i hear the most heroic things everyday having my mom as a first responder. She comes in telling me how everybody is scared to take care people with corna virus so she steps up and takes them. I feel as that is real heroic and that she is a secret super hero. Three thing i can do to help the situation is not add to it, Meaning keep my butt in the house. Stay posted on health post to keep my friends,family,and community healthy. I also have been walking the old peoples dogs in my neighborhood because they don't really wanna go outside with all this going on.

  78. The most heroic people are the healthcare workers and first responders. They show up for work everyday not knowing what they will face. They don't have enough PPE to protect themselves. A lot of them are living away from their families or isolating themselves in their homes. This is true sacrifice and heroism.

  79. People are helping the elders and others that can’t leave there homes by getting them food and there other essentials. And all the fist responders and others that are helping during this pandemic. Two things I can do is to stay inside and social distance and to wash my hands a lot.

  80. The most heroic thing would have to be the people working in the hospitals and having anything to do with being around corona they are so brave and are risking their life’s for people they don’t even know and i love that.

  81. The most heroic thing that I’ve seen is the sheer determination of the medical workers. They’ve worked so hard, spent so many hours saving our lives. People have come out of retirement, risking their lives to save patients. Another amazing thing that I will always remember is the strength of everyday people. The little things especially, such as the parades from cars, the rainbows in the windows, and the TV programs supporting doctors and nurses.

  82. The most heroic things I’ve seen are mutual aid projects that help take care of people most affected by COVID-19. Neighbors are helping neighbors with food, money, and services. One thing we can do is send donations directly to Black trans people. Another thing we can do is get involved in mutual aid projects too.
