April 21, 2020: China under Mao

If you were to tell someone what you saw and then what this poster meant, what would you say? Who are these people and how do they appear to be doing? What might they think of the figure in the middle?  Does the palette that the artist chose have significance? How important might the text be? 

This is a poster that was made specifically to get Chinese people to think a certain way. The text, "Unite for Greater Victory" and the image of people from all walks of Chinese life (farmers, military, factory workers) all holding the little red books and surrounding Chairman Mao and looking fit and proud within the Communist part speaks to the Goals of the age of Mao. The Chairman was a first rate propagandist. 

We know from previous unites that Mao was one of the early founders of the Chinese Communist Party in the 1920's and fought against the Nationals in the Interwar Years. In 1934-35 Mao and his comrades made the Long March across China gaining the support of the peasants along the way. During the Japanese invasion of China the Communist and Nationalists begrudgingly worked together to defeat their common foe. Once the war ended with the Japanese defeat, the tension between the two groups blew up into a full blown civil war. By October of 1949 the Communists had defeated the Nationalists and formed the People's Republic of China. 

John Green always explains this better than I can:

Two events that are important in understanding Mao are the Great Leap Forward and the Chinese Cultural Revolution. 

Article from The Guardian (a UK newspaper) by Tom Phillips May 10, 2016

This is a clip from a film entitled Farewell My Concubine, a Chinese film made in 1993. It is an award winning film about two lifelong friends who grow up together as singers in the Beijing Opera amidst the turmoil of 20th Century China. The clip is from a scene when young Red Guard take the traditional opera performers and assault them into spilling secrets about each other. 

I typically show this clip to give students an idea of the kinds of things that young people did in an effort to get rid of all western and traditional aspects of society.

In 1976, Chairman Mao died bringing n end to the Cultural Revolution. When I went to Beijing in 2005 we went to the Tiananmen Square which has the entrance to the Imperial City (former home of the Chinese emperors) on one side and the Maosoleum or Chairmen Mao Memorial Hall on the other side. Even thirty years after his death there were hundreds of people lined up to go and view Mao lying in state. 

Today's prompt: Mao Zedong was a larger than life figure in Chinese society for many years. What will it take for any society to overcome living through decades of rule by a leader whose primary concern is his own desire for complete power but disregards the people of the nation? 
Consider the ways that Chinese society suffered both politically, economically, and culturally.


  1. A society would need to shift completely. I believe they should focus on a new government style and create a better political system. If you had a dictator leadership a switch to a democracy or a system with more power to the people could help solve some of the problems they had with the leaders own personal goals, and could be overcome by a democracy. From the Great leap, in China, many people starved and so, creating a better agriculture plan and secure food trades would be a smart plan. Also, when leaders are primarily focused on personal gain, the culture tends to fall in society. Creating venues and allowing freedom of religion and ideas could help people get back to their roots and embrace their culture.

  2. I think a way they could solve this problem could be that they focus on the leaders distinctive ideas, and they could try to form a new and stronger political system. The government would need to take more charge, and maybe change their system.

  3. The society would have to completely change . They are now going to have to change the main ideas and goals that they want to have. They finally get to change things that they hated following or doing. They now get to make a compermise and change things to what they would want. They get to use their own opinions to create their ideal government. This is definitely going to be different for everyone. Their will be many problems along the way ,but they all need to just remain together. To make it work they are going to have to make sure someone doesn't take too much power. Since they now get to help make decisions they may be able to join together better and create a good place of culture . This will help them ban together to start this new chapter in their society .

  4. They would have to rebuild their economy and make sure the areas of the economy he neglected were given the materials they need. Also the would have to have to put more thought when selecting a leader if they had that option. They would also have to put someone in place to make sure they had a good leader or would have to take action if their leader was insufficient.

  5. The society would have to go agaisnt everything they once believed in. The would have to change completely and learn how to live life in a new way. They have to change the belief system and be open to change to succesfuly recover from this shift they will experience. They will have to be careful when choosing another leader so they don't repeat history over again. The government would also have to change everything they believed so they can maintain a stable economy and lifestyle.

  6. A society would have to completely change, in order to restore happiness and peace. China suffered politically, because when selecting a ruler for a nation, the people should choose someone who they believe will keep their nation strong and successful, and care deeply about the nation over their own desire. China did not do that. The economy at the time was something China suffered from, as well. China should have had a plan to trade goods and services to their own people and other nations, to be able to have more money to provide necessities to the people, not the ruler. China needed to let the people have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, ect. to embrace China's culture. China suffered to do that.

  7. Aside from the fact that the nation would need a whole new leader, this leader would need to be trusted enough to rebuild the nation socially and economically. The nation obviously needs time to recover and let themselves trust the new leader. Socially, poverty and unemployment are huge issues that need to be reevaluated. Economically, the nation needs a new system to bounce back enough to not be in ruins. Furthermore, other things like military and education need to be taken into account. Education under a tyrannical leader can be oppressive and full of propaganda which, under new rule, needs to be stopped.

  8. It would need an astronomical change in not only leaders, attitude, government, and so many more things. It would take a very long time for this to happen, because something like what happened in China scars people for life, and it isn't something that they can just forget in a month or two. The new leader would need to really enforce his/her new ideas to get the ideas of the old leader out of the heads of the people, but do it without force or violence. But slowly, as time passes, I think it would work and people's minds would start to change.

  9. It would require a lot of change in everything involving government. What happened in China effects people for a life time, they can’t live through it and then be comfortable with a major change. The new leader would have to work hard in order to get the people’s trust. They would have to show how their ideas will help everyone instead of just them, and then maybe the majority will listen and support them.

  10. I think they would have to see whats best for their country. They would need to think about what they had, and what they need to change. They would have to just rebuild their economy.

  11. I think it would be the society that would have to change including peace, the government, leaders, etc. This is because of what happened in China all the people suffered and they can not live with this. I think a new leader would help because for a new leader they would make sure they gain people trust and work hard to help everyone. Another thing I think it’s more important is the government, instead of dictatorship change it to a democracy to make the government more fair.

  12. They would have to change the government system which would effect their way of living, meaning they would have to start over. When going through those changes they would have to think about the type of leader that they would want and the what the options they would have after it. The leader that would be chosen would have to think of a government system that would be placed, that would help both the people and themselves.

  13. The society would have to completely change its behavior and find a new way of government. They need to seek a healthier, more peaceful way of governing to benefit everyone.

  14. In order for a society to recover from a selfish and oppressive ruler, the people would foremost need to adopt a new form of government. Creating some type of constitution to insure that the people's natural rights would be respected should be a top priority. Economically, the people would need to come together and work very hard towards the common goal of getting back up on their feet. Now would be a good time to seek finical aid through allies or trade goods. Culturally, the country would have to rebrand what they stand for, no longer being a place of tyranny, but of prosperity and pride. Needless to say, recovering from a selfish ruler like Mao Zedong would take lots of time and dedication.

  15. There would have to be rapid and immediate change in the way things were done. A new governmental system would have to be implemented, and it would have to act quickly to change the direction China was heading. Like the Soviet Union and their movement of 'destalinization', measures to erase the heavy influence of the dictator should be put in place. The new leader would have to work hard to regain it's peoples trust. Implementing measures to shore up the economy and end the famine would help, so would protecting the rights to free speech and assembly that were mostly quashed during Mao's reign

  16. The people will need to learn how to make a strong working government. They have been used to a dictator who only thought of himself. However, they can finally speak freely. Almost everything in their life will have to change in some sort of way, but it will be a benefit for all. Once they do get a leader he will have to gain the trust of others and prove he can keep everyone safe. They would be very clueless for a while, but in the end they would come together to form their new government and new life.

  17. For any society to recover from a totalitarian dictator in which the people were completely disregarded, it will take a clean slate, essentially. Brand new ideas of political power, new ideas about what an economy needs or doesn't need ro be successful, and how to move forward while not losing one's cultural identity. The people of China will need to come together and be clear about what they really need, without the bias and fear of their previous leader. A leader who will act in their interests, listen to them, and ideally one who understands and/or has experienced their lifestyle and history. In China's case, a government that not only allows people to vote, but has multiple parties for citizens to choose from. A democratic republic if you will. Economically, a society should be ready to remind themselves of what they do best, and what they are willing to do. Mao turned the economy on its head, as he pushed for radical changes, trying to copy the Soviets. That didn't work for China, an agricultural state. In order to recover, a society needs to be knowledgeable about their economy, know their needs and wants, and vote for someone who can get it done. Overall, a society needs to stop, drop and think, without a sphere of negative influence preventing them from starting over.

  18. They will need a drive to do so. Many people would have become complaisant to the rule and learned to live with the oppression. The people need something to ignite the fuel for change. They also need a strong leader to direct the change in government. Without it they'll be nothing but a nation with PTSD.

  19. In order for a nation to recover from an event like this, they would have to have a complete cultural shift. They would have to change everything that was hurting their society and economy, and rebuild it back up from where they started.

  20. To overcome a tyranny, a nation must unite together. One person isn't going to be able to change completely. Power in numbers. They would have to overthrow the ruler and have a complete shift in mindset. They would need to establish a new form of government and rules. They would need to develop rights and stand up for themselves.

  21. The whole country would be in panic. There would be a lot of crime since the leader would not care about his country and the economy would be in the dirt.

  22. they have to choose their leaders wisely and focus on their political views.

  23. The leader has to be very strong and someone that’s easily trusted, because the people need a good leader. The best way to fix the problem is to change the type of government. They also have to learn to work with each other because they all are going through changes in their lives. People must stand up for themselves to get their government together again.

  24. A society manipulated for years by a leader who was respected by the people but did not care for his people. The leader passed away leaving behind an entire nation that was brainwashed. This was the case of a former communist leader for the People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong, who was seen as a larger than life figure. After Mao Zedong’s passing, it was time for a change. Change does not happen instantly in this case; it takes time and progressions.

    Mao Zedong was a communist leader for the Republic of China. He was known for successfully using propaganda in his rise to power. Able to manipulate people to believe that he was a greater than life figure. He used both strategies of providing hope for the future and fear for the present. He made a multitude of promises. This includes, giving women the right to vote, freedoms of speech, publication, assembly, association, correspondence, dominance, etc. He would then use fear of the present by threatening lives with armed forces and contradicting many of his promises. In fact, Mao persecuted many, suppressed entire groups of people, including educators, writers and artists. Mao’s policies caused hunger and starvation for millions and many died at the hand of his security forces. Those who did not fall in line found themselves in forced labor camps or worse.

    Following Mao Zedong’s passing the people of the Republic of China were left to pick up the puzzle pieces for their future. The “gang of four,” Zhang Chun-qiao, Qiang Qing, Yao Wen-yuan and Wang Hung-wen, were ousted from all roles of power. This left the nation with no leader and no symbol for a period of time. As the nation’s economy plummeted, the chaos continued. When a new leadership rose to power many fought for how they want the new system of government to operate, putting them close to what some describe as a civil war. Many wanting a change and many wanting to continue with Mao’s legacy. Essentially the only book allowed was Mao’s “little red book,” a collection of Mao’s quotes. Many other books were outlawed and burned.

    1. It takes time to rebuild an entire nation. There will be disagreements and chaos. It won’t change overnight with such a grand shift. It will take years to become stable. First, there will need to be a choice of what system of government to put in place. Continue with Mao’s policies or make a new system. Many people will have radical ideas spanning the entire spectrum. Some might want an opening to the outside and democracy, others might want to continue total control.

      Some countries have “solved” this by continuing the cult status of the figure and placing family or close advisors into leadership positions. Examples of this are Cuba and North Korea. Other countries turn into complete chaos, even civil war. In many cases the military takes over. Argentina after Evita Peron’s death would be an example for this. While Evita Perón was the President’s wife, she was his biggest political asset.

      It takes time for a country to recover from the death of a charismatic and larger than life figure. Mao Zedong was a communist leader for the Republic of China. After Mao Zedong’s passing the people of the Republic of China knew it was time to make choices and changes. While the communist party of China moved away from a direct personal cult, his ideas remain enshrined in the constitution and till this day his image is on every Chinese currency bill. Since the death of Mao the party has moved to a system that lets leaders rise through the ranks of the politburo and central committee to become the leader of the country. Until recently that included a Chinese version of term limits. The current president, Xi JinPing has declared himself leader for life and has also enshrined his words in the country’s constitution. While his methods are more subtle, there are many parallels to Mao’s style and goals.

      The primary need for a society to overcome this sort of time in history is time, but there are others: A catalyst to change must be present. This could be outside influences or internally grown leaders. There also must be opportunity to overcome the impact under such leadership, such as the military turning against the prevailing system, or an outside country intervening. It takes people rising up against the system. As long as they are economically comfortable, like people in China today, they tend to not rise up, more or less happily trading freedom for comfort. This is a major difference between Mao’s reign and today.

    2. Im so sorry my answer was too long I had put some of it as a reply.

  25. The general public would need to go against all that they once had faith in. The would need to change totally and figure out how to live in another manner. They need to change the conviction framework and be available to change to successfully recoup from this move they will understanding. They should be cautious while picking another pioneer so they don't rehash history over. The legislature would likewise need to make a huge difference they accepted so they can keep up a steady economy and way of life.

  26. Since they would be used to a very strict and harsh ruler, the society would have to go through many changes. The society would have probably switched government systems. This kind of change can take a long time to get used to. The people would have to work together to overcome this. Changing the government can change people's lifestyle, which can be a huge change.

  27. Society would have to completely be rebuilt, and changed. The country would have to focus on finding a leader whose primary goal is to rebuild and change the nation for the better. Once they have established a solid leader, the focus must shift to the way the government operates. Then the people of the county would need to figure out which government style works best for them. After they have established a good government, they would need to focus on rebuilding the economy.

  28. I believe that if every rule or law he ever came up with gets taken away ans no one has to follow any laws be came up with, I think people would be a little more satisfied. If their whole society was reestablished in a manner in which every is equal, fair, and not put together for someone else's selfish ways, people would overcome the issue.

  29. The society would have to completely shift in order to overcome living through the leader's rule. They need to understand that that is not normal and should've never been. They should focus on finding a new leader that cares about the people of their society and does everything with the people in mind. This kind of leader would benefit them economically and even culturally, because he cares about the people of society and not complete power. The leader would share the wealth and shift the economy for the better, and celebrate the societies differences culturally. That should be their normal, not a dictator who only cares about himself. This kind of government will help them overcome the hardships with the previous dictator and get back on the right track.

  30. Their society would have to shift completely. I think they need to fix their government and how they rule. I feel if they let the people have more say, as in a democracy. That would help tremendously. We need to focus more on others and not just yourself. People are not getting food, and it resources they need. We need to fix the economic system and provide more to the people. But now that the people have a say, they need to make sure that not just one person has all the power. If one person has all the power they are going to end up in the same situation as before. Once they do this, their future will be brighter. And this could help fix the past problems and hardships they had.

  31. The nation would need a new government and a new way of surviving even though a new government can mess up the way they survive. I think they should get a government that would care for the citizens of their community.

  32. The society would need a new government that’s thinks about the people. They would also need to look at new and les harsh rules and rules that is for the people well being. They would also need to look for a leader that is for the people instead for himself or just power hungry. Also they need to shift completely and look at suff that hurt there Society and change that now

  33. They would have to come together. As the leader has different ideas I would choose to acknowledge their ideas, but show my point and how I disagree. Not being confrontational but proving facts as well as an opinion. He might not understand where the people are coming from but, if the government also shows a point in the matter it might change how he thinks. Overall the government needs to be more involved and they need to shift the problem from being a distraction to being something that they can work on.

  34. The society would have to look at the mistakes of their leader and fix them with a completely shift the way they were living before. They can start by coming together and making a goal of where they go from where they are at. They should also focus on finding a leader that has the people in his best interest.

  35. Democracy. If the people in that nation come together and agree that something is not right, then their government would eventually give in to what the people are saying. This is how most governments work when there is dictatorship.

  36. The society would have to change everything they know and believe. The nation would have to come together and go against everything they had known before. They would have to change their government and gina a new way to govern their society in a peaceful and positive way.

  37. I think that they need to make a change in their society. They need to work as a team and make smart choices and be more of leaders, take more charge. They need peace.

  38. I think the society that they lived in with mass propaganda for communism is hard to come out of. The society was manipulated into believing what was best for them was what their leader said was best best for them and his motives were all to better his expansion of power. The only thing that the society can do is wait for the manipulation to ware off.

  39. It would take change lot of change because 10-10+ of years of rule and order cant just disappear it would take change and a society that can except change

  40. they would have to change everything, everything thing (government) would have to be rebuilt.

  41. It would take time and effort. The effort would be that the government has to change their whole system. Time doesn't heal wounds, only makes you forget them.

  42. The society would need to come together and support each other. They will need to take back the fear that was put in them by the gov. Also realize how crucial and important it is to have a good leader, and that there can't be a leader without the followers. The people will need to take back the control they lost.

  43. In order to overthrow the government they would need to form together and forcibly remove the one in power. But even then an anarchy could break out and create absolute destruction and chaos.But by placing a new person who is well trusted and experienced you could overthrow the current government. Now its obvious that a government that needs that needs to be overthrown is going to make seem very impossible to do so. However by forming protest and rallies you could overcome that.

  44. Society would have to change its views. They would need to figure out their own independence bacuase they've been so used to being subjects under a narcasistic ruler. The love for Zedong is similar to Trump supporters who still praise him no matter how much he insults people or tweets stupid statements. Zedong lovers have red books and Trump lovers have red hats.


  45. They would obviously need a new leader who cares about society rather than their own personal gain. After this, it would take a lot of time for them to start to trust that new leader. For the society to overcome the past leadership that wasn’t focused on the people at all it would take a lot of hard work and dedication from the new leader. For example, this new leader would need to deal with huge poverty and unemployment issues and many more. The new leader could also try to start some community improvement programs so that the people feel like they’re cared for.

  46. I think the general public that they lived in with mass promulgation for socialism is difficult to come out of. The general public was controlled into accepting what was best for them was what their pioneer said was best for them and his thought processes were all to better his development of intensity. The main thing that the general public can do is trust that the control will product off.

  47. The nation would need a new government and a new way of surviving even though a new government can mess up the way they survive. I think they should get a government that would care for the citizens of their community. And actually listen to the options voiced by the citizens, instead of them being over looked and ignored.

  48. they would be needing a new society and an new government so they can be able to have a better government and be able to have the citizens to trust them

  49. Citizens would need to know how to form a good working government. They became used to a tyrant who cared only of himself. They can at last speak openly, however. About everything in their lives will have to change in some way, but it will be to everyone's advantage. When they have a leader, he'll need to win others' confidence and show that he will keep us secure.

  50. I think it would take any society a lot of time and change in the way of living to overcome decades of being ruled by a leader with a corrupt way of thinking and unfair morals. A lot of change would need to be put towards the actions of the new government and people’s mindset towards the government. There should be mutual respect for the people’s needs and they should also feel like they can trust that their government will make wise decisions.

  51. It will take an incredible amount of time to create a better society just like how long it will take for us to get out of debt

  52. A lot of time would need to be spent reforming society to fit their needs. Many changes would need to be implemented to help the nation cope with decades of tyranny. Without this, the nation could crumble and many people will suffer.

  53. I believe the people would need to be connected as a community. Their leader was only one person and he had people following him that were under the government. But if all the citizens were on the same page they could rise above his rule or come up with ways collectively to deal with and bear his rule.

  54. I think that they should rethink the way they run things, include one another in discussions. Recovering from decades of a leader that only cared about himself can have so many long term effects, it's important that decisions are made based on the opinions of the people, and the safety for everyone.

  55. It would take a new leader to come in and change everything. Then another leader comes along and keeps the changes the former leader has made. Then, slowly and slowly, the old leader’s impact will fade away.

  56. Being use to a very strict and harsh ruler, the society would go through many changes. The society would have to probably switch government systems. Doing this switch can take a long time to get used to. The people would have to learn to grow and work together. Changing the government can also change how people live, which can be a big change.

  57. April 21
    Society would need to change to form a better political set up for the better. It would take time, but with a dictator that ruled for his interests they would need to find the right people to put their trust in.

  58. Enforcing a stronger political system, forming the societal laws based on peoples struggles

  59. If society was coming out of the years of living under someone with that kind of selfish rule, than they would need to completely change and reconstruct their government to be more for the people than for the person in charge. However, if the people still had no power under the next ruler than their struggles would’ve just become more unbearable and the whole structure of society would crumble all because of one ruler and their selfish actions. So in hopes of bringing in a new ruler would change their fate is a great way of thinking. They would just need to be prepared for the long journey ahead of reconstruction.

  60. In order for this type of problem to be resolved, the people who make up the country would have to revolt against everything they had known before, so that their own power within the people would be able to flourish without a dictator who used them to fuel his own power. The government would have to be changed so that they could have their own opinions, and with that the nation becomes more unified and willing to be a part so they can be heard.

  61. I think this society should focus on a new government style, create a better political system for their society. This is an event that will offer greater effect and improve the quality of life for these people for the rest of their life moving forward.I also think the steps towards forming a democracy or implementing steps towards a system that gives more power to the people could help solve some of the problems they suffer from, last but not least changing some of the different laws that suppress them could also help this society overcome living through decades of suppressive leadership.

  62. Society would need to focus of changing their entire government. I think they would need a democracy. Because they have a leader who only desires his own satisfaction, they should have it where the people can vote for what they want and if they get something bad then that’s what they voted for but they would probably get what they want.

  63. To overcome living through decades of rule by a leader whose primary concern is his own desire for complete power, society would need to change up their form of government to feel more secure, safe, and protected. They would also need time to heal from the past.

  64. The Cultural Revolution was launched in China in 1966 by Communist leader Mao Zedong in order to reassert his authority over the Chinese government. Believing that current Communist leaders were taking the party, and China itself, in the wrong direction, Mao called on the nation’s youth to purge the “impure” elements of Chinese society and revive the revolutionary spirit that had led to victory in the civil war 20 years earlier and the formation of the People’s Republic of China. The Cultural Revolution continued in various phases until Mao’s death in 1976, and its tormented and violent legacy would resonate in Chinese politics and society for decades to come. Some 1.5 million people were killed during the Cultural Revolution, and millions of others suffered imprisonment, seizure of property, torture or general humiliation. The Cultural Revolution’s short-term effects may have been felt mainly in China’s cities, but its long-term effects would impact the entire country for decades to come. Mao’s large-scale attack on the party and system he had created would eventually produce a result opposite to what he intended, leading many Chinese to lose faith in their government altogether.

    1. This is all true and very well written. However, it does not answer the question being asked. Please see the question above and repost.

    2. I believe they should focus on a new government. I mean if they suffered politically, economically, and culturally. They need a new person to rule their place or it will just turn into a diaster.

  65. In order to overcome a leader who only had selfish wants and higher power, the society has to change their form of government to feel safe, secure, and not have a leader who has no care in how society will survive.

  66. Society would have to shift certain things about how they live and how the nation carries themselves to better the nation's care for civilian life and government and all.

  67. Society would have to change and find a new government. They would need a government who cares about the peoples well being.

  68. In order for society to overcome the decades of having a terrible leader and trust their government again they need a more supportive and thoughtful leader one who doesn't just think of themselves and who puts all thought into protecting their people making sure everything is stable and under control.

  69. To overcome a tyrant or ruler who simply wants power, society would have to bond together to become one force that would overthrow the ruler who was being unjust. To preserve the natural rights of yourself, you would have to agree with somebody else that something needs to be done. Two is better than one.

  70. It would be very difficult to get over the lost of a leader even if he was terrible this means change, either for the better or the worst. It now being especially difficult the build up of society and things changing. What i believe would be the best way to better society is focusing on a new government and coming to an agreement. Finding someone who was once one of them, a leader that makes people feel safe and protected.

  71. The society would need to shift in order to get over the decades that the leader carries with his own power to change the government. They need to worry about peoples needs with his overrulement.

  72. The entire nation would be in alarm. There would be a great deal of wrongdoing since the pioneer would not think about his nation and the economy would be in the soil.

  73. Well they need a total change. The would have to just regard and just forgot what their use to or know. form a whole new government maybe a democracy. Establish a constitution for the people so they can have a voice. they should focus on the problems and how to fix them. They should teach people to be people not puppets. They should focus on what they need to fix and find out who they are as a country and as people.

  74. The people wouldn't be able to change the leaders wants very easily so they would have to either try and convince him a better reason to rule or would have to try and change his way of thinking. They would need him to realize that the people are just as important.

  75. In order to overcome decades of abuse and corruption a revolution of thought would need to happen first. People would have to say enough is enough. The people would need power in the form of education and economics. Maybe the government could change peacefully, through elections. It might take war. A revolution can take many forms.

  76. It would take a change in not only leaders but government. A democracy would be their best bet because then they would have a voice and the government wouldn't have as much power. These are what needs to happen for any society to overcome living through decades of rule by a leader whose primary concern is his own desire for complete power but disregards the people of the nation.

  77. If they were able to adjust to the old leaders rules then they could possibly create a new government and create new rules and adjust to them. But it will take time to make new rules and to adjust to them.

  78. I feel like the Chinese people would have to work together to establish a working society. Everyone would have developed their own way of coping and surviving, so it may be difficult for them to communicate. They would probably have to completely alter their views and goals. It would also only work if they had a strong leader that they trusted to remake the country. The Chinese people would have to figure out priorities and rebuild neglected areas. It would take a lot of teamwork and strength.

  79. They have to figure out why people rallied around Mao Zedong in the first place. There are reasons why he was able to become such an important figure (beyond intimidation), so that society must solve those problems to win the heart of the people. I think many Americans believe Mao was self-centered but it’s much more complicated than that.
