April 9, 2020: Iron Curtain Speech & Post WWII

                                                                                           Leslie Illingworth, March 6, 1946

One of the biggest misconceptions that students have every year at this time is that Stalin built a massive iron wall across Europe after the war. That did not happen. The confusion comes from a metaphor that Winston Churchill presented in a speech that he gave entitled "The Sinews of Peace".

"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia; all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and in some cases increasing measure of control from Moscow."

                                                                                                            Winston Churchill, March 5, 1946

This prezi by Josh Krause gives an overview of the speech and the response by Josef Stalin.

Prezi: Sinews of Peace and Soviet Response

This is part of a map and timeline assignment that we have done in the past to get a clear understanding pf how the early Cold War starts to play out in Europe in the years following WWII. 

Today's prompt: Given what each side had been through in the first half of the 20th century (think WWI, Revolutions, WWII), which side do you think had the greater cause to be concerned about the activities of the other side - Soviets or Americans? Use specific evidence to make your case.

Respond below where it says "Enter a comment", then click publish.


  1. I think the Soviets had greater cause to be concerned because the Americans have formed an alliance (NATO) to provide military defense against the Soviets to preserve democracy, Americans also have powerful weapons, like atomic bombs which is addressed in Stalin's speech. Winston Churchill seemed to have more powerful words according to the Prezi. His one speech recognized the Iron curtain, the way the west began to feel about the Soviet Union, and informed us that communism is appalling acts to the free world. In this speech he even calls for the NATO and his call is answered in 1949. He gave one speech and all of these things came through clearly and his calls were answered.

  2. Soviets because, Europe was an ally of the USA and could've launched an attack on the Soviets out of nowhere. America also had powerful weapons and had many nuclear weapons, and they could have killed millions of Soviets.

  3. The Soviet Union has been through the most casualties since all of the past wars took place in Europe. They were even in debt because of the war while the U.S comes late because these wars are European affairs, but in the end dominates the other side. Even though the Soviets have no other government to turn to and communism is working out for them, the U.S is still shaky on the subject. They don't like government other than democracy.

  4. I think that the Soviets had the greater cause to be concerned. They saw that the United States had the atomic bomb that caused a lot of damage in Japan, and with all the tension, there was a possibility of the United States using it on the Soviet Union, and the USSR knew that. Also, the United States had formed a military alliance with much of Europe, which also posed a threat to the Soviet Union. And, with Churchill's speech, he openly opposed the Soviet Union and all things Communist.

  5. I believe the Soviets should have a greater concern. The Soviets have had the most deaths in all previous wars, they know they have power, but lots of their men are gone and the military is slightly less stable. Also, America had Atomic weapons which caused a big scare for the Soviets. This gave them a reason to be scared, because of how destructive these weapons are created to be. The Soviets had also fought Germany in all the wars and with America, trying to help Germany, it could have looked as if America was using Germany to invade once again. And finally, in Stalin's response speech to Churchill he says, "One can ask therefore, what can be surprising in the fact that the Soviet Union, in a desire to ensure its security for the future, tries to achieve that these countries should have governments whose relations to the Soviet Union are loyal?" This shows how the Soviets really did feel unsafe with their surroundings and even though this was in a speech to try and persuade, I believe he is saying it as the truth. The Soviets truly should have had a bigger concern about America.

  6. I think in this case the Soviets had the greater cause to be concerned because the Americans had some really powerful weapons such as an atomic bomb. That bomb had caused very big problems in the past with Japan. The soviets might not be prepared for a weapon like that. in Churchill's speech he was saying he called for stronger alliances against Soviet Expansion.

  7. The Soviets most likely had more reason to be worried. This is because they were already experiencing famine and weakness due to the Bolshevik revolution, not to mention that the Soviets were greatly weakened after WWII, taking worse blows than the U.S. by far. Winston Churchill fired up a lot of Americans during his speech, describing the Soviet Union as aggressive and wicked. NATO was formed as well, which was a western alliance specifically created to provide military defense against Soviet threats. America had also already been working on an atomic bomb, which was seen as a great threat to the Soviet Union. Overall, America had more countries and advanced technology on their side.

  8. The Soviets would have been more concerned because the Americans were progressing in making of the bomb, and they had recently formed an alliance. The Soviets were surrounded by the rest of Europe, which many were on the US side. They could have rushed and pushed in the soviets or attacked.

  9. I think the Soviets had a greater cause to be concerned. The soviets lost a large percentage of their population after WWI, WWII, and Revolutions. The Soviets came a long way in their military power over time but they weren't as advanced as the U.S. The U.S used atomic bombs against Japan that destroyed major cities and caused so much damage the Soviets had a reason the be concerned.

  10. I think the soviets had the greater cause to be concern because there was an atomic bomb targeted to Europe including Soviet Union and caused so many causes and deaths in japan. Soviets already knew that the bomb was targeted to them and could kill everyone and the whole USSR. The Americans also formed an alliance called the NATO with most of Europe which made soviets more concerned because they knew this was a threat to them. There was a speech from Churchill that he opposes everything that is communism related and the Soviet Union. There was another speech where Stalin knew that Churchill only believe that a particular race is superior to others and Stalin knows that Churchill is being racist who doesn’t care about the other races. In Churchill’s one speech he found out that Soviet Union had been seen as an helpful ally who played a major role ending German threat in Europe. This speech changed the way how westerns begin to view the Soviet Union.

  11. I believe that the soviets would have been more concerned. This is because they have been through a lot in the last couple years and their government and military were not very stable. Now that they know that America could invade them any minute they get scared cause they know their military won’t be able to face America’s. Also in the past wars the soviets has lost the most people meaning they have a bad track record so the same thing could happen again. Another thing is that the soviets new the Americans had dangerous weapons such as Atomic bombs. The soviets were trying to make their own but it was kind of a long process to make them. Therefore it gave the Soviets a reason to be worried because at any moment and atomic bomb could be dropped on them and they would be done for. This is why I think that the Soviets she be more concerned.

  12. The Soviets had more of a reason to fear America, then America did of them. After WW1, the US emerged as the world super power, having come out of the Great Depression with a major post war bomb, and a rejuvenated populace. The USSR on the other hand has lost the most people in the war, and their country was totally torn and beaten. The US had proved to the Soviets their strength during the war, when they dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, showing the advances in technology they had made. And after the Korean War, Nato was formed. Nato played a big role in the effort to oppose soviet power. While our fear of the Soviets laid mostly in ideological and governmental terms, Soviets fear, while also ideological, also stemmed from the emminate power the US held over the world, and importantly the USSR. Seeing the technology and prosperity the Americans held, it seems almost justifiable the fear the Soviets had about our country, though it does not justify any actions they took against us, or we took against them.

  13. I think the soviets should have been more concerned. Because they didn’t have a stable military, and they were worried because they knew America could attack at any moment and they were not gonna be ready, bc their government and military was very poor. They lost a lot of people in the past, which means it could happen again. The Americans had atomic bombs ready and stored away for battle. Unlike the soviets who were attempting to make them. Which just made things worse. Because their bombs were not ready. There for the soviets had a lot to be concerned about. They were not ready for battle. And if America attacked, they would lose.

  14. I think the Soviets had more reason to be worried because in previous wars they had way more causalities and less stable soldiers. The Americans also had way more weapons that were way more destructive than what the Soviets had. They also had more alliances. Overall the Americans had a stronger military and government than the Soviets, and the Soviets knew that which is why they were scared.

  15. The soviets because the Americans had the atomic bomb and they were forming alliances with other nations

  16. I believe that the Soviets had a greater reason to be concerned. The Americans had a stable military, unlike the Soviets, who suffered the worst lost at the end of WW2. America also had their advanced technology (atomic bombs), that the Soviets were well aware could destroy their nation. They have seen it happen to Japan, and were scared that it could happen to them. Also, America had an alliance with most of Europe (NATO), for military defense purposes.

  17. The soviets had a better understanding to me of why they should be worried. The Americans had more power obviously. The Americans had weapons and also had alliances.

  18. I believe the Soviets had a greater cause to be worried. After WW2 Soviets did nothing against US, yet all of a sudden, Churchill made a speech on why Soviets needed to be stopped. While soviets were mostly on their own, US had gathered all Western Countries to form an alliance. Also US had many deadly weapons such as the atomic bomb.

  19. The Soviets probably had more to worry about, since most of Europe was in alliance with the US. The US was also a very powerful nation and had lots of deadly weapons, allies, and a strong military

  20. I believe that the Soviet shad more reason to worry over the Americans. Their country was already weakened by the Bolshevik revolution and by WW2. After WW2 especially, the Soviets' country had many more casualties than the US. Furthermore, Winston Churchill boosted the morale Americans during his speech, making the Soviet Union out to be evil and out to hurt Americans. Along with the newly boosted morale, NATO, a western alliance providing military defense against Soviet threats, was created. NATO was specifically for fighting the Soviet's. America had also been working on more nuclear weapons to fight against the Soviets and were much more technologically advanced.

  21. I think the The soviets had to be more worried because the USA made an alliance with the europion nations. An with the USA making the first nuke and having made allies with other nations around the USSR they should be afraid.

  22. The soviets, fearing americans because of our success power and past, more allies and all together more powerful

  23. Definitely Soviet's because they were already getting out of the damage from ww2. America was booming because everyone was buying supplies from them in ww2. And America didn't have any hardships back in America other than the pearl harbor bombing from japan. All of the rest of the fighting took place away from america. Soviets however had fighting all across their border line. They kept losing and gaining land from Germany. Also Soviets were already having crisis before ww2, with their economics. So Soviets definitely had to be on the the lookout for any nations doing anything. Which is why I don't understand why Stalin would try and spread communism.

  24. I believe the soviets, because the Americans had made many alliances. Plus, the soviets took a hard hit during and after the wars. The US was beginning to be bold about the power they had by dropping the bomb in japan. They were showing the rest of the world to not mess with them. If the soviets were to attack they would be hurt once more from the US's power and there many alliances whom also hated the soviets.

  25. I think the Soviets should have a greater concern because the Americans had strong weapons like the atomic bomb and that itself caused big problems back then in Japan.

  26. The Soviets has a greater concern, because they had been going through tough times after the last war. The Soviet’s were not as advanced as the US in war technology meaning they would have a tougher time winning the war. The US had not been fighting in the war for as long as the Soviets had been so they were able to rebuild their nation very quickly and their people didn’t struggle with famine or loss of people or money as the Soviets.

  27. Soviets had a greater cause because, Europe couldve launched an attack on the soviets cause they were allies of the USA.

  28. The Soviets had a greater concern. During the first two world wars the Soviets took huge blows, while the U.S. showed to be dominant. The U.S. victory over Japan comes to mind. After the U.S. showcase of their power, the Soviets had every right to be concerned about what the U.S. was doing.


  29. I think the Soviets should be more concerned. I believe this because the Soviets were extremely weakened by WW2 including their military and loss of soldiers. The Soviets were struggling while America has made huge technological advances including creating atomic bombs that could potentially be targeted at the Soviets. America had a strong military but also had great alliances including signing NATO.

  30. I believe that the Soviets had a greater reason to be concerned. The Americans had a more stable military, and the Soviets just suffered a great loss from WWII. The Americans were also allies with a lot of Europe (NATO) for military defense. America's technology was also better developed. America had atomic bombs that the Soviets knew could destroy their nation like it did Japan.

  31. I think the soviets had a greater cause to be concerned about the activities of the other side because America had a good military with atomic bombs that were very dangerous to the soviets. America was just more prepared against the soviets.

  32. I think the soviets because they Americans had a great deal of weapons that could really destroy the soviet union.

  33. The Soviets had more reason to be concerned on account of their history of insecurity. From the death tolls in both world wars, the many Russian revolutions, and the transfers of power, from Nicholaus II to Stalin to Khushchev, the Soviets are known for instability. Post World War II, the establishment of the Warsaw Pact, and the creation of Soviet allied buffer countries was used as a security measure. The Soviets were scared. They didn't want the west to take down their Communist regimes, so they tried to defend themselves without sending more soldiers to die and more money to be lost. Additionally, the American nuclear arsenal was doing well, and with Mutually Assured Destruction, the Soviets had no interest in fighting directly. America had its allies in Nato, it had emerged victorious in both World Wars (though arriving late to the first), and overall had a strong state backed by the support of its people. The Soviets had not been nearly as lucky.

  34. I think that the soviets had more reasoning to be more concerned that the Americans. The soviets did not have a stable military and had gone through so much lost and defeat over the past years. The Americans had a stable military and were more prepared for disasters than the Soviets were. The Americans also had more allies overall than the soviets had which put the soviets at an even bigger disavantage.

  35. The Soviets had more of a reason to be concerned than the Americans. With the Bolshevik revolution and World War II (especially WWII), Russia was a little behind and not as technologically advanced as America. Having a little bit more morale, America also came together with other European countries to form NATO. This caused more concern to the Russians.

  36. The Soviets for sure have more reason to be concerned about America because Russia had the Bolshevik revolution which was a lot in itself now on top of that they had to fight in WWII and wasn't as up to speed in technology as America was. I feel like American citizens had a more stable trust in their government and Russian citizens didn't.

  37. I think the Soviets, because they were obviously concerned since Europe were allies to America and they could attack whenever they wanted. I also think that the USA had an advantage in the weapon category.

  38. The soviets because they should more of a reason to worry about America. The soviets should worry because most of Europe was in alliance with America. Since america had better technology they had atomic bombs. The soviets had to worry because if America was to drop an atomic bomb that would be the end.

  39. The Soviets had more of a reason to be worried, as America had deadly weapons such as atomic bombs and they were also forming allies with other nations (NATO). They were stronger and bolder, and the Soviets were less stable in their military.

  40. Both the Soviet Union and the United States had the right to fear one another. The Soviets fearing the west would take over and destroy communism. The Americans fearing the threat of communism would hurt their capitalist system. Both had plenty to fear.

    The Soviet Union had much to fear. The Soviet Union was attacked and invaded during World War II. NATO included Germany who had invaded the Soviet Union as a member, causing understandable fear. To protect themselves the Soviet Union established relationships and encouraged political change in Eastern Europe to mirror the Soviet system, which was a dictatorship. They lost more of their soldiers during the war than most countries. Post war they still felt threatened by Germany due to the costs of both world wars. The inclusion of Germany in NATO worried Stalin. This was made worse by the United States having an atomic bomb which the Soviet Union did not possess. Stalin also felt the west was trying to overtake the world. Stalin states, “The English racial theory brings Mr. Churchill and his friends to the conclusion that nations speaking the English language, being the only valuable nations, should rule over the remaining nations of the world…” Stalin compared Churchill to Hitler, believing that Churchill thinks one race is superior and better. While Churchill made public his hatred towards communism, western nations made an alliance against the Soviet Union. The west is a threat to communism and values that follow. In addition, the United States made alliances with the middle east to support oil trade with one another and a promise of protecting the middle east from communism.

    The United States was afraid of the spread of communism. This could hurt them economically, putting them behind with global trade. As the Soviet Union was growing in power and their military was building up this became a concern. The United States made an alliance with other western European countries, forming NATO, to protect capitalism and/or similar governments. While NATO officially did not have an enemy, it was clear that its major concern was the Warsaw Pact. Article 5 of the NATO agreement simply states that “…an attack on one country is an attack on all.”

    Americans had plenty to worry about during the cold war, but so did the Soviet Union, because they actually had a border with NATO, while the USA had the Atlantic ocean to protect itself from attack by the Soviet Union. Coming out of the world war more Soviet citizens and Soviet soldiers died. They had fought longer than the United States putting a toll on their economy and killing many of their people. They thought that they still had to deal with outside threats post war. A major threat being the United States formed more military alliance in Europe, putting US military on the same continent. Churchill publicly announcing in his iron curtain speech that he opposes Stalin’s safety belt of eastern European countries. The clashes of both systems spread all over the globe, resulting in some very real wars, such as the Vietnam war.

    To conclude, the Soviets and Americans had a lot to worry about. The Soviets fearing the west would take over Europe and hurt communism. The Americans fearing the threat of communism would hurt their capitalist system. The biggest threat of that time was really an accidental war triggered by fear.

  41. I think the Soviet’s because of how well they created a alliance. The Americans had a more stable weapons than what the soviets had.

  42. I think the Soviets Union had the most to be worried and concerned about. America had made an alliance with a lot of Europe, which was obviously threatening to the Soviet union and their communism. And not to mention Churchill made it no secret that he did not like the Soviets. America also began using Atomic Bombs on other countries, which also concerned Them and made them feel threatened.

  43. I think the soviets should be concern because in WW2 they lost thousands of military member's and they are the most weakened. America has the most stable military then the soviets and stronger also I don't think that the soviets would have the newest weapons then Americans. I think america has the most destructive wepons then the soviets

  44. The soviets had more of a right because they seem to always get the short end of the stick. Also America and Europe had been in an alliance that was very strong. Europe was threatening the soviets and before that they were double crossed by the Nazis and much more.

  45. I believe that the Soviets were more concerned than Americans. After WW2, America had more alliances with Europe than the Soviets did, and they were weakened from the war. Europe had been in conflict with Soviets and since they had formed an Alliance, they could back up Europe at any time, while the Soviets had no power or alliance

  46. I think soviets had the greater cause to be concerned because in world war 1 they lost 1.8 million soldiers and 2.4 million taken prisoner. The treaty Brest-Litovsk caused them to lose Ukraine, Finland, the Baltic provinces, the Caucasus and Poland which also left them at a disadvantage. America had more dangerous weapons then them and were also ahead of them in technology and economics.

  47. Most likely the soviet Union because the U.S had a greater advantage along with multiple alliances with Europe and a stronger military. The U.S also began using atomic bombs on other countries, which was a good reason why the soviets would feel threatened.

  48. I think the soviets because America had a lot more resources and bombs/ equipment so Soviets felt more threatened

  49. I think the soviets had more reason to be conncerned, because of the U.S atomic bomb and the soviets saw what it did to japan. and with everything going on there was a possibility of it being used on the soviets.

  50. I would the soviets because they didn't pose a problem for the U.S they were lacking in numbers not to mention their weapons were much weaker than the atomic bombs and firearms of the U.S the soviets were under the leadership of Josef Stalin but that wouldn't even make the slightest difference in battle.

  51. I think the soviets had more reason to be concerned because the U.S. first had new weaponry and they weren’t fighting on their own land. The soviets has way more casualties and it made sense. The soviets has already been through more conflict than the U.S.

  52. In my opinion, the soviets had to be more concerned because they didn't as much military power. America also made an alliance with Europe which was threatening Soviets.

  53. I think soviets needed to be more concerned. The US had gained Europe as allies and more weaponry.

  54. The Soviets had more of a reason to be concerned due to their troubles in the past war fighting against Germany. Sure they won, but their defensives had greatly weakened and they had also lost a large fraction of their population fighting against the Germans. In World War 2, America didn't have as large as a part to play against Germany like the Soviets did. We played more of a support role. During the Cold War, the Soviets also had feared America due to how technologically advanced we were, especially after the founding of NASA.

  55. the soviets should be concern because they where a lot of people lost and family lost thousands of military member's in the WW2 and they are the most weakened. And that America didn't have as large as a part to play against Germany like the Soviets did.and America also made an alliance with Europe which was threatening Soviets.

  56. I believe that the Soviets should’ve been way more concerned since the western forces were starting to build up their man power. They had just formed NATO and had gotten more power form other nations that would’ve made them a bigger threat to the Soviets, and since they had suffered a major hit when it came to WW2 they had no idea that they were making huge mistakes all over again. Their people and military had already taken a big hit, and they probably had no chance of surviving another one if they were to continue on the road they had already started down.

  57. I would say the Soviet Union had more to worry about after all, they were the ones trying to distance themselves from the western powers. I also think they should have been paying more attention to the western Nations because They started to develop stronger equipment. The soviets also took a big loss when it came to WW2 so If anything happened to them in their time of need they wouldn't be able to take another hit.

  58. The Soviet Union should’ve been more concerned about the increase of power in the western world. They were more concerned with what they were doing and how they were going to do it. Russia also should’ve been more careful because it took a major hit during the war, so it didn’t have the power to fight off an invading force. They should’ve spent as much time increasing their forces as expanding communism. But they didn’t, they stayed in their part of the non-existent wall and expanded their nation.


  59. The Soviets were probably more concerned about the Americans progress in the making of the bomb, they had also recently formed an alliance. The Soviets, being surrounded by the rest of Europe, meant many were on the US side. They could have moved in on the soviets or attacked.

  60. The Soviets had a lot more reason to worry than the Americans. The Americans had a stable ally relationship with Europe, which is right next to Russia, where the Soviet Union had taken over. Because of the Europeans being next to Russia, they could have attacked at any given time and the Americans had more advanced weaponry to send to the Europeans so they could fight efficiently.

  61. I think the soviets had more reasons to be worried because after the Bolshevik Revolution they were weak and low on resources. the US had NATO and this could have spooked them because it was sort of a protection mechanism against them.

  62. The Soviets because they were facing this alone, and America had alliances when it came to the situation. One minute everything could be fine, the next there could be chaos and so much to pay. So Soviets has the right to be upset, when it came to the security and safety of their country.

  63. The Soviets. Soviets experienced majority of wars and took the most hits. They were essentially alone, American allies surrounded USSR and could attack at anytime. USSR was piecing itself back together while also worrying about a potential attack.

  64. The soviets because they suffered a lot more.They lost a A lot more soldiers and territories They are also weak and are very very very low on resources.America also has a stronger defense against the Soviets because we have a lot more weapons and bombs and we also have a stronger army Then the soviets

  65. I think that the Soviets should've been much progressively worried since the western powers were beginning to develop their labor. They had recently shaped NATO and had gotten more force structure different countries that would've made them a greater danger to the Soviets, and since they had endured a significant hit when it came to WW2 they had no clue that they were committing immense errors once more. Their kin and military had just endured a hotshot, and they most likely got no opportunity of enduring another if they somehow managed to proceed out and about they had just begun down.

  66. I think the Soviets had a greater cause of being concerned because they were being weakened while the western powers were improving. They could be brutally swept out of the game with such powerful defenses surrounding them ready to take them out.

  67. The Soviet side had the greater cause to be concerned about the activities of the US because the US had formed an alliance and the Soviets were very weak after WW2. The US and their alliance were powerful enough to take out the Soviets.

  68. I think the soviets, because they had extreme death rates. The US also had an alliance. The US was also had newer technology.

  69. The U.S was afraid of the ongoing spread of communism and the Soviet union wanted to keep their power and was scared of losing it.

  70. I deem the Soviets had a greater cause to be concerned about those activities because they suffered a great lose during those events. The Soviets population suffered heavily and their odds with America should make them even more concerned. America is already forming allies and they have an atomic bomb that could wipe of the Soviets. And considering Americas weapons were well-equipped, high in quantity and more were being made to dominate them, that gave the Soviets a higher chance of being wiped out. Aside from America, NATO gave the Soviets something to worry about as well. NATO was an alliance formed to dominate and fight against the Soviets. Having many people against the Soviets and having them already making plans to defeat them, gave them a lot to worry about.

  71. I feel the soviets had the greater cause because we really don't hear about the soviets now these days. The soviets suffered, more than america.

  72. The Soviets in all probability had more motivation to be stressed. This is on the grounds that they were at that point encountering starvation and shortcoming because of the Bolshevik upheaval, also that the Soviets were significantly debilitated after WWII, taking more awful blows than the U.S. by a long shot. Winston Churchill started up a great deal of Americans during his discourse, portraying the Soviet Union as forceful and mischievous. NATO was shaped also, which was a western union explicitly made to give military resistance against Soviet dangers. America had additionally as of now been dealing with a nuclear bomb, which was viewed as an extraordinary danger to the Soviet Union. By and large, America had more nations and cutting edge innovation on their side.

  73. the soviets because of the death rates and the demand of the government

  74. The soviets because they got betrayed by everyone they thought was good so if the people around them were plotting something they would be 10 steps ahead

  75. Well I think the soviets were most concerned because The United States had European allies and had very deadly weapons such as the atomic bomb and the soviets already had conflict with the unites states before

  76. The soviets should about the Americans because they have better advanced technology and have been preparing to attack

  77. As I go threw these assignments I can see that the soviet union should have the most fear. Especially after Churchill's speak which basically said that the soviet union was a threat and they make rash and over aggressive decisions. The soviets' started strong but with breaking their allies and getting greedy it gave the united states time to get in the lead and pull though on the cold war also the soviets' economically doesn't look so goo their are a lot of damage and not enough food. HIs speech didn't really help his cause more of highlighted their bad decisions.

  78. I think the soviets had a greater cause to be worried and concerned because The united states had way more advanced and deadly weapons that were way more harmful than the ones the soviets had.

  79. The Soviets had greater reason to be worried about the Americans because we had more advanced technology we could use against them. The US had recently formed NATO and gained trust from other countries which would be of concern to the soviets because they now didn't have many countries to turn to if they needed help. The Soviets were also just getting put back together after they had a revolution. Overall it wasn't looking so great for them because of how much the US already took over.

  80. Soviets should be the most worried because the Americans had an advance in weapons and technology and were a great threat to the Soviets. America also had greater alliances.

  81. I think the Soviets had progressively important motivation to be involved in light of the fact that the Americans have molded an alliance (NATO) to give military security towards the Soviets to spare larger component governs framework, Americans furthermore have remarkable weapons, as atomic bombs that is tended to in Stalin's talk.

  82. I feel as if the Americans should be more concerned. This being the fact that democracy parties in America would be in danger of their political rights taken. In the instance where communist did take over their freedom of speech and along with the free elections. Americans other alarming moment is that Russians had figured the making of the atomic bomb. Russians had also installed puppet communist governments. Russians backed communist revolutionaries in a country's like Greece and Cuba. Another reason Americans where on the edge was because Russian spies had been stealing the formula to the atomic bomb. And Russias large build up in military especially in developing long range missels.

  83. I think the soviets has a better chance because they had a stronger monologue and also they had advanced technology. America was probably worried because they were really trying to avoid war.

  84. I feel that the Soviets should be more concerned about the activities of the other side. I say this because the Soviets had taken a grand amount of casualties and they were low on resources. Due to that they were very weak. As a result, they were deemed as an easy target for other countries.

  85. I think the soviets had more important stuff to be worried about, the Americans already had more advanced weapons than them. The soviets were already low on resources.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. I think soviets cause was more important because they had been through a lot more which also caused for more experience. they also had a higher death rate and they never were really stable

  88. I think the Soviets had more of a reason to be worried because in other wars before they had way more deaths and less stable soldiers. The Americans also had alot more weapons that were a lot more destructive and could cause a lot more damage than what the Soviets had. Americans had a stronger military and government than the Soviets did.

  89. I think that the Soviet Union had more to worry about because 1) The Russians lost a huge population of people in BOTH wars.
    2) After World War 2, the US had the strongest Navy and Airforce in the world. Plus, they had atomic bombs that could destroy cities (showcased in Nagasaki and Hiroshima) and the Russians did not.
    3) The land that the Russians controlled was giant, and it was very difficult to defend all corners of it, especially with a spread-out population. This was part of the reason that the Russians kept getting invaded during WW1 and WW2.

  90. I think the Soviet Union had more to be afraid of because of America’s international power and it’s alliance with NATO. They could also be affected by American nuclear weapons that had hurt the Japanese. Their government and military were also very unstable.
